1 Post – 154 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


the fuck

I feel like I got a free glimpse into your life and it’s great


Enshittification on another whole level

Avast? Bruh

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The only thing still preventing mayhem along with California

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I want a search engine addon that allows blacklists, specifically ones that block every site that pumps out AI generated stories, preferably crowd-sourced. CNET would be the first one.
I’m sick of the internet at its current state, and it’s visibly getting worse day to day. I don’t even know how to search for shit and recommendations when planning to buy something.

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Hijacking the comment to say: Fork the shit out of this repo immediately. Fuck Haier.

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And not a single photo? The thing in the main photo aint it

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fuck ccp, stupid cunts

AM, which operates at a lower frequency, has radio waves with larger wavelengths, meaning they travel farther but struggle to penetrate solid objects like buildings.

Aren’t low frequencies better at penetrating materials?

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I never understood what the fuck was up with that. Most older dumb phones had that feature and even if they deemed it unnecessary, the sheer amount of flashlight apps would prove them wrong

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I’m sorry Dave, I can’t let you not cum

nothing much, you?

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Wouldn’t this require the phones in the box to be charged above some percentage? Also if they can turn it on wirelessly I can only assume it’s using BLE and I hope the feature is off once the user sets the phone up.

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Here’s the link without tracking:

What are you aiming it? If it’s a false alarm, just unlock your phone again.

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It’s AI gen

tf happened

Yeah, the style and execution is jaw dropping, it’s a shame

what the hell

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Reminds of the “This isn’t well done, this is congratulations” meme

I’ve heard of it but I don’t like the idea of having search queries associated with my credit card, even though they say they don’t do that.

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Betteridge’s law of headlines still applies: When the headline is a question, the answer is no.

It’s been 2 hours, come back to this.

*fuck CCP

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Not in this case, no

Fuck nvidia and israel as well

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Zero details bullshit article. How would it reduce the cost by 50% considering you’d need a smart relay board with connectivity and then wire all the light fixtures to them OR have separate wireless relay boards at every light fixture OR have smart bulbs and a gateway.

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Yeah, but you’d pretty much need to target the person so these blanket hacks where a bunch of cameras are exposed aren’t really possible

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No it isn’t, it’s perfectly normal to have the rearview mirror on the side window

Cars suck but I’ve been spending too much time in them and now I’m too stupid to explain why

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Completely beyond fucked up.
China really seems to be a breeding/testing ground for all things human-rights-violations.
I understand Hikvision and Dahua have some good tech but I never bought any of their products specifically because of previous reports. There are many great manufacturers from US/EU.

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And they say wind turbines are ugly and ruin the scenery… I think they’re amazing even without taking the green energy part into account. There’s something so magnificent about these large human made objects slowly spinning amidst beautiful nature and providing us with power with each rotation.

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The more efficient the machines, the less efficient the code, such is the way od life

That's because Microsoft has patented window snapping. Third party apps are still there because they aren't worth chasing.

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Bitwarden’s interface hasn’t changed a bit and it’s a pity

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Pretty sure that's incorrect. They do, however, shift pixels from time to time to prevent burn in, but that's while they're on.

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top tier

How do you even encrypt a server so that it doesn’t require human intervention every time it goes down/restarts?

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