
79 Post – 457 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

She/they. Greek-American. Trying something new.

And that's a big part of why, despite everything Biden is doing, I am 100% voting for him. Because if Biden wins, there will be a 2028 election where we can hopefully find someone better, and I'm not convinced that there will be under Trump.

Four years of Trump came really close to turning this country into a kakistocratic dictatorship. I really don't want to give him another chance.

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Where the hell did the idea of tipping your landlord come from, anyway? I've heard a few people in recent years bring it up as if it was an actual thing, and I'm just like WTF?

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But they were all of them deceived, por un otra leche was made.

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100% agree with this. All of it.

I'm deeply dissatisfied with Biden. I'm angry with him for not pressuring Israel, and I was already angry at him even before that. And I will likely end up voting against him in the primary because of it. But realistically:

(1) He will be the Democratic nominee for President

(2) He is an infinitely better choice than the fascist who already attempted a coup once

(3) Either he or Trump will be the next president

There really is only one way to go in the general. Especially if you're here on Blahaj, which means you're either LGBTQ+ or at least friendly to us.

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Yeah, I feel nothing for these people. They knew he was a snake when they took him in.

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It's called "don't be evil".

There used to be another prominent tech company that has that as their credo. Wonder what happened to them.

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In other words, this.

Some stores in the US do this, most notably Aldi. It's kind of a pain in the ass, especially in an increasingly cashless society.

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The version I always heard when I was young was, "If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative at 40, you have no brain."

Here I am in my mid 40s, and I'm pretty sure the conservatives are the ones with no brains.

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Is it wrong that I kinda like "theydy" as a word for a classy nonbinary presenting femme?

Seems to fill a niche, similar to thembo.

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Yes, I know Aldi started in Europe.

My point was, they have stores in the US, and their stores in the US also do this. Which is unusual for US stores. Trader Joe's, for example (which is also owned by one of the Aldi companies) just has regular carts without the coin chain things.

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I remember renting that game back in the day and not getting very far, so I have no idea if that's an actual screenshot or not. But it should be.

Also that game was most non-triumphant, but this is a most excellent message.

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That. It's funny, but I get in a lot of disagreements online, and very rarely does someone call me Hitler or a Nazi or what not.

As the saying goes, if five people call you an ass, buy a saddle.

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Who said Bee Movie was OK?

Because that shit was very not OK.

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I do remember a recent thing where a woman skater went full-ass TERF after having placed lower than a trans woman in a competition and making the right wing noise cycle, conveniently leaving out that they placed something like fifth and sixth behind a child. Google is being extremely unhelpful right now in finding it, though, instead showing me article after article about a separate story where a trans woman won a skating competition, which frame it in the most horrible way possible by making repeated reference to the fact that a 13 year old got second place. Lots of mentions of her "beating a 13 year old" and not being apologetic about it.

I've seen that sticker in person, multiple times.

Also seen a few Teslas that were completely debranded.

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Oh, just as much can go wrong with the Apple car. You just don't have the tools to fix it when it does.

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So when Trump pulls another January 6, but succeeds this time and declares himself president for life, do you think that will make the situation better or worse?

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They spent six figures on a truck that looks like ass, drives like ass, can't actually do truck things, falls apart in the rain and is the brainchild of the world's biggest douchebag.

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I'm not into guys, but that dude is sorely tempting.

The other 696 are running on wheels to power the engine.

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For people who ask stupid questions about their gender.

AVGN is Angry Video Game Nerd. He's a youtuber that has been reviewing shitty old video games for almost 20 years at this point; he's basically the originator of the "anti-nostalgia reviewer" genre of youtuber. In one episode (I forget which one, but it's a very old one), he said he'd rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in his ear and eat the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk than play the game that was the subject of that episode. And yeah, that ended up being one of his most famous lines.

Time to show it who's boss.

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I mean, EA has sucked for a very long time. They bought a bunch of game studios back in the day, gutted them, and shut them down, including Origin, the studio responsible for the Ultima series, whose name EA then used for their Steam wannabe. And they ended the era of competing sports franchises by convincing multiple leagues to give them exclusive licenses.

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And that's the truth about ACAB. The system makes them bastards, whether they go in that way or not.

I don't like the idea of increasing enforcement against moldy posts, just because I'm not super plugged in to things and I don't always know if something is moldy when I post it. Over enforcement of those kind of subjective rules tends to make it difficult for newbies to post.

Completely on board with a no AI art rule though. Fuck AI.

Firefox is pretty much the last major browser that is not derived from Webkit. If they go, then browsers are a monoculture, and that's a problem.

"Saying grace" means saying a prayer before a meal thanking God for the food in a lot of Christian churches. The joke is that they didn't say the prayer, so the food belongs to Satan now.

Plus, no monthly fees for online play on PC.

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I mean, for me, it means both. I'm a big believer in FDR's concept of four freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.

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Texas figured it out?


Yeah, this is a real low point. This one hurts.

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Not to worry, the other one found it

You know, if I'm going to spend my entire adult life in a cyberpunk dystopia, I should at least be able to get Kid Stealth legs.

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True. The really poor people buy the off brand Malt-O-Meal cereals.

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Yeah, that is an excellent point. The time to actually prepare rice and beans comes at a premium when you're working multiple jobs to make ends meet.

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That's how I realized I was getting old, when I saw my peers saying the same things about the kids today that our elders said about us.

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They're conquering Rome. I'd be happy too

Wow, that is awesome

Edit: just looked up some of her modeling photos, she's gorgeous! I should be so lucky.