Freedom rule to – 1099 points –

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I mean, for me, it means both. I'm a big believer in FDR's concept of four freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.

Freedom of worship shouldn’t really be a thing.

Replace it with Freedom of Expression. It’ll cover that and so much more.

Personally, I kinda roll Freedom of Expression into Freedom of Speech. Because any form of expression is essentially speech, even if it doesn't use words to speak.

That’s where I’d roll religion.

But to me expression is so much more than speech, it’s how you dress, how you present, how you think, how you act, etc.

Religion is long term something we as a species should be moving away from. The other freedoms aren’t.

I would disagree. How you dress, how you present, how you act, these are all things that speak without words. I would call those speech.

Truthfully, though, if I were coining the phrase, I would have said "freedom of expression" and "freedom of thought" instead of "freedom of speech" and "freedom of worship". Both of those are broader categories that encapsulate the concepts FDR articulated. After all, what is worship but conceptualizing the deep thoughts about where the universe came from, and finding a community of like minded folks?

Those two work for me, expression/thought.

Worship is however simply repeating the propaganda you were fed as a child or a vulnerable adult. Hardly deep thought involved. I’d classify it more as a mental health issue, believing in something for zero actual reason, imagining things exist that aren’t real, etc.

any form of expression is essentially speech, even if it doesn't use words to speak.

That's exactly the rationale behind the citizens united ruling

Needs some freedom FROM worship to complete the set, but otherwise spot on!

Freedom to throw 200,000 Japanese Americans into concentration camps. Fuck FDR.

Yeah, most people in history say amazing things and then turn out to be fucking monsters. Especially in American history.

But just because they're awful fucking hypocrites doesn't mean what they said has no value.

But just because they're awful fucking hypocrites doesn't mean what they said has no value.

Fair enough.i also think it's fair to mention what a dickbag he was every time his name comes up.