Perspective rule to – 644 points –

Aren't those eagles, who are also predators?

I thought they were Seagulls and was confused.

If you've ever heard the call of an eagle it sounds a hell of a lot like a seagull

The fact that in a lot of media eagles are dubbed over because they don't sound "cool" enough makes me giggle every time I hear it

Seagulls are also predators. Not quite apex, but fairly high in the chain.

Wouldn't that make more sense? Eagles wouldn't talk to mice, they'd eat them.

I think a songbird would have made sense since they share bird feeders with the mice lol

Let's reframe this a moment -

Wealthy person 1 "you ever go hungry?"

Wealthy person 2 "no, not at all"

Wealthy person 1 "I have no idea what that poor person was complaining about."

Interesting interpretation, Nathan Pyle doesn't usually do political comics though. I think this one is just supposed to be fun.

Nathan Pyle doesn't usually do political comics

For good reason lol. But still, not sure how someone could make this and not see something more in it.

What a great visualization. Sometimes it can be hard to relate to the issues others encounter, but that doesn't mean those things aren't problems just because you don't run into them.