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I'm really torn on this because his debate performance really was shocking to me. But the incumbency is a point in his favor which is lost if he's replaced. I'm going to stick with him but if something disruptive happens like a legitimate border crisis or the economy suddenly tanks - THAT'S when it would be imperative that he be replaced. If one or two of his other favorables disappear then the incumbency will start to become a noose.

It was a good(?) run

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Are the eBay buttons as buttony as these tho

Eh I'm sorry but I still don't buy it. Making it a game about ambiance and story makes it a different game, doesn't it? Every game has a target audience right? Why does it seem like it's just games like this that get this sort of outrage thrown at it? FPS games have a similar level of entry yet no one is out there demanding they make Counter Strike less twitchy.

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Honestly how is this gatekeeping? That word gets slinged around a lot and it using it here seems like it diminishes the real situations where the word is useful. So they're limiting access to the game from people who what? It's hard for everyone, they're not being selective about the difficulty somehow.

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I should say that I appreciate the candid discussion, nice to have a civilized chat on the internet. Also - in the end it wouldn't really bother me if Fromsoft did implement a simple difficulty slider. I think it'd be a bit more difficult than you are assuming however since it is also a multiplayer game. I guess they could limit the difficulty options to offline players only.

But as a very long time fan, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that they have actually gone a long way to addressing the difficulty complaints of their games. ER is their most accessible game and there are a lot of in-game opportunities to customize the amount of difficulty one faces. I could go on and on about it but I'll leave it at that for now.

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Trump and the fed jumped at every last opportunity to juice the economy from 2016-2020 and they'll do it again if he gets elected again. He was really damn lucky he inherited a decent economy to do that with, and was followed up by a responsible administration to keep things in check. I could go on and on about this but in the end I'm really just hoping we come to our senses and elect leaders who are interested in keeping the ship steady instead of this chaotic feast/famine cycle we've been living through these past few decades.

And none of them want to leave DC and go back to the bumfuck shittown they got elected from.

Yeah I see where you're coming from. I know as a creator it's really hard to strike a balance between achieving an artistic vision and separating their pride in that from real accessibiliy concerns.

And like I said in my other comment, I cherish the way Fromsoft uses difficulty to direct players and tell stories and I hesitate to want to do anything to water that down. Too many games take the route of making that game for everyone and Fromsoft games are for me that gaming oasis I can escape to.

Oh yeah I 100% agree with you! I always try to make sure to point out all the other options available to people if they're frustrated with difficulty. I think people don't understand that a lot of the 'options' in Fromsoft games are not in menus - they're baked into the gameplay itself with in-world/lore reasons for doing them. Like how co-op uses a sign instead of a multiplayer interface 'room' like most other games.

It is the best thing about Fromsoft games IMO, that everything is a vessel to help tell the story and create more immersion, and a difficulty slider is game-y and creates less immersion (as well as what you said - would ruin the opportunities the difficulty affords in directing pleayers).

All that being said, if they added a slider that would only affect others, the only way it affects me is that I'd be bummed that they didn't get the great experience that I love about the game. I mean the other person mentioned Celeste which I also really enjoyed and I wasn't even aware that it had difficulty sliders. So that's how much they'd affect my enjoyment of the game.

Does it really matter what internal effort there is to battle hate when the celebrity owner is publically boosting it himself?

Sorry Kev, but no, the problem is not the crazy right, it's endemic. You spend the last several decades assembling the most craven, ignornant, zealous voter base and now you're acting all surprised that the loonies are running the asylum. Even your most moderate members know they can't be seen working with Democrats or they face retribution from Trump and The Base.

I've been saying this for a long time, the only thing that will ever get the GOP back on a small-d democratic path again is a long, long walk in the wilderness. They need a decades-long time out to think about all the harm they've done to this country under the guise of 'patriotism' and 'christianity'.

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You say that very confidently and are pretty well upvoted but I found several in a quick search:

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They should honestly stop screwing around and break up this obvious monopoly. That's the reason they get away with all of the stuff they get away with. Should have been clear at the merger it was an anticompetitive move and never should have been allowed to get to where it is in the first place.

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They're completely lost at this point I think. The 'skip ad' button is brilliant from a marketing perspective, if you ask me. One can get pretty used to tuning out ads but having that skip button keeps you actively interacting. So even if you didn't see the whole ad, if the advertiser is smart you heard their name before you skipped. Plus the user gets to feel like the ad isn't shoved down their throat, they have control.

If I were running things I'd quit this dumb battle with the users they've declared and make ads extremely easy to skip - I feel like you'd have a lot fewer refugess from the site and a lot more people less motivated to install an ad blocker in the first place.

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I hate everything about this: the lack of transparency, the lack of communication, the chaotic back and forth. We don’t know now if the company is now in a better position or worse.

I know it leaves me feeling pretty sick and untrusting about it considering the importance and potential disruptiveness (perhaps extreme) of AI in the coming years.

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Yeah even to expand on that - they don't understand that everything they don't like about Biden, they'll like about Trump less. I mean I have real serious gripes about Biden but it is insultingly stupid to pretend that Trump would be any kind of a solution to those problems.

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I always say this when this comes up because I really believe it's the right solution - any generative AI built with unlicensed and/or public works should then be free for the public to use.

If they want to charge for access that's fine but they should have to go about securing legal rights first. If that's impossible, they should worry about profits some other way like maybe add-ons such as internet connected AI and so forth.

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How come it's Biden and not Turnip who has the 'too old and senile' tag in the media?

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If Google wasn't so shady with their practices including playing extremely fast and loose with our data and trust, I MIGHT have the goodwill to sit through 50% of the commercials they inject suddenly with no respect for the place they're added in the content. 100% though? I'm honestly shocked anyone can sit through it.

I'd love to think maybe being on the receiving end of the GQP/MAGA cult will wake them up but it's hard to imagine them growing a spine even for this

Step 1: defeat Trump Step 2: help reshape Democratic party

Because the fact is, if we don't do step 1 first, we'll have our work cut out for us the next four or more years just being back in 'The Resistance'. Which you know isn't going to make the Dems more liberal, it's going to pull them to the right as more dissatisfied Trump voters finally peel off.

On the other hand, the more resounding of a defeat we can dish out to the GQP and MAGA, the easier it will be to send them into the wilderness to regroup politically so we can focus all of our energies on the Democratic party.

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Someday, maybe, someday they'll learn that leading often includes making the tough decision. Which includes compromise and gasp dealing with Democrats!

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They really don't have any responsibility. As you say - the GOP has the majority, and started his ouster in a situation he himself created. That alone should say it all.

But also realize that Kev did zero to try to get Dems on board supporting him, which is how this is all SUPPOSED to work. Compromise is how they built the system. Instead he actively pushed them away, promising never to work with them, offensively blaming them for the disarray, and pulling undemocratic stunts like starting an impeachment investigation with no evidence or even a vote.

This reminds me of how when COVID was starting to hit the news I wasn't at all nervous about it until he got on and said we had no reason to be nervous about it

I still use it for some of the niche communities I can't get here but I'm more than happy to drop it if these new ads somehow manage to get past uBlock

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In a freaking obnoxious USA blazer to boot

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I think this is probably great for specific forensic work and similar but the problem with deepfakes isn't that people can't determine their veracity. The problem is that people see a picture online and don't bother to even check. We have news sources that care about being accurate and trustworthy yet people just choose to ignore them and believe what they want.

Me either, and at least in my experience with Windows these things have a way of 'accidentally' turning themselves on after a random update or something

This, absolutely. We need to realize that it’s always the rich vs. the rest of us. Anything else that draws lines to separate people only serves the rich. They win without fighting when we blame anyone but them for the mess we are in.

I think I'd actually welcome that tactic from the Trump campaign. The base aren't going to change their mind no matter what they hear but I'd be willing to bet a good portion of swing voters will hear about Trump losing his tower and realize that hey, maybe he's actually not a great businessman. It makes him look weak when the only tactic that really works for him is the strongman one.

All this plus I think it's important to say to first: be EXTREMELY careful if you feel the need to critique or criticize someone who is being helpful. Really think about if it's worth it. If what they're doing really isn't helping anything then maybe it's worth it!

BUT if you just think they could do it better or if they aren't doing it how you would do it, then think again. You might end up simply discouraging a helpful attitude that would have figured things out on their own if you had just given them a bit of vague encouragement and time.

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It's a proven pattern as well - the braindead followers see him tweet the words 'REPORT' and 'EXONERATION' and they assume it's a a done deal and don't bother to follow up to verify the actual evidence.

If it was Putin I'd say it's probably an intentional strategy, but with Trump it's probably more lizard brain instinct gained from his years of grifting.

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I mean, everyone deserves due process, but the constitution does seem to provide for executing traitors.

And photographers when Photoshop was invented

Yeah they have been playing fast and loose with their 'premium' plan for a while. I cancelled and switched when they started serving ads to podcasts (not the baked-in ones from the podcast - dynamic ads inserted by Spotify).

It's insulting that they would pull this crap and embarrassing that we all put up with it.

I mean at the very least if corporations are people then they should be eligible for the death penalty too

"What's really behind this movement is part of the agenda to make driving as miserable and as difficult as possible so people don't drive so much," Beeber said.

This is an unbelievably idiotic statement, as if cars haven't been, and don't continue to be nearly the sole consideration for transportation in almost all American cities.

I assume ending this comment on a comma was intentional but even if it wasn't it's perfect

I feel like I saw somewhere that men message dozens of times more women than vice versa. I get their non-nuanced temptation but you can hardly call a system that encourages one gender to incessantly spam the other 'engagement'.

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