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Joined 1 years ago

Man that was a great subreddit.

This generation in Western Europe is totally against Russia. It is necessary to uproot them in their entirety.

Why do you think this happened? This guy has no idea.

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That guy must feel so included. Very wholesome.

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I don't get this. How is this democratic? I think it's already ridiculous you have to go through all that trouble just to be able to vote on a random work day, and now they remove people who are already eligible to vote? The fuck.

In my country (Europe) when you reach 18 years of age you receive a letter that you're obligated to vote whenever the next election rolls around. Elections are always on Sundays and it's very easy to give permission to someone else to vote for you in case you have to work. Voting also never takes more than half an hour.

How do you pretend to be a democratic republic and make it so discouraging to vote?

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The transcript shows a combative Trump, who was named as a defendant in the case alongside his company and three of his children, at times barely allowing lawyers to get a word in. The former president frequently seems personally offended by the idea that his net worth is being questioned.

I LOL'd big time. Trump can't phantom fathom the idea of someone finding out he's not as well off as he tries to convey to the masses.

Tiny little baby. Awww.

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Some of those that work forces...

Yes, that's the point I believe. (:

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This is what you get when the political system favours lies above truth

The more these people lie and get away with it, the more it will become the culture. China levels of big brother oppression are only a decade or so away if this keeps on going.

I know there are also conspiracy theories around pasteurization. Supposedly it doesn't work and you don't need it. Oh and viruses are a hoax. Or at least that's what my very self educated husband of my cousin believes.

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I'm OOTL. I live someplace where women's rights aren't returning to the middle ages. You Americans sure know how to get things jingled up. First a copper mistakes an acorn for an assault on his thin blue life, now some poor bloke has to pay child support for a stone he's not the biological father off? (That's what I make of this anyway)

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Luck was on his side. I guarantee you that there were 50 or more people with the same idea at the same time, maybe even with a bigger wad of cash to throw at their company. But luck defines so much in our life throughout our whole career. It's the same, probably more so, with artists. Has a lot to do with who you know.

I also know Bezos worked a lot for this, it wasn't just presented for him on a silver platter, but still. The amount of wealth he's gathered is so shamelessly enormous, there's bound to be victims because of it. And he takes zero responsibility for that.

So that means Taiwan will become whole again?

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I remember getting the DS because my parents didn't let me get a dog and the dog game was a sort of compromise. So many years later I got a real dog Pepito.

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Non rebellious printer

Baby wristlet with heartbeat sensor (this one will make you go proper crazy)

Car that breaks down as soon as you buy it

'cause fuck cars.

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Love a great movie, but the hardest itch is best scratched with a mini series. By that I mean a series that is a finished story in one season. Sometimes they add another season, but it's almost never as good as the stand alone first season.

It's the perfect medium I think. Long enough to tell a full story and not leave too many details out (like in movies) but also to the point and finite, not like a series where you're already watching season 8 because you feel like you have to, just to see the ending of a story that might never come.

Examples are: Band of brothers, Chernobyl

TL;DR: Mini series is the best of both worlds IMHO.

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Definitely, but there are a lot of other beautiful countries that you can go to where you won't support a murderous regime.

Now is that really that hard of a choice to make?

Here's a free cyber implant for you comrade. ⚙️

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What a fucking shit site to boot. I tried reporting the article so they could change it, not one link for giving feedback. AP sends out the message that they don't care about facts, dus just clicks.

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Man that's some quality cringe.

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I'm sorry that happened to you, you're a survivor and no one should endure what you experienced. I hope you got the help that you deserve.

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Nothing about any war is 'fair'

Not judging you on your milk drinking, but drinking too much milk can have serious side effects. Humans weren't biologically made to drink milk their whole lives.

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Just yell out his nickname, Gilly-Willy.

A true hero in his time.

Fuck Tesla.


Hot take: Europe seeks vengeance for Brexit.

Maar nein, enfin. En België müssen vous gewoon wählen entre een kiek oder un matou griffant. Keine autre vlaggen.

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I did it. I read it in his voice. And now I want to join the Crunch lab club or whatever.

I don't know if I would be over the top with excitement to meet President Barry or if I would be scared shitless because of the implication of his visit. He doesn't look happy.

Ah oops, oh no... Oh well. Guess I just stumbled over the ole' type and submit key. Darn.

This works in their favour actually. Now they can keep saying: "Look these Muslims are all Hamas, they had no reason to attack us, we didn't provoke." Like shit you didn't provoke. They're literally the Gestapo holy shit man.

I know, but dude come on, cut him some slack!

This is some quality Shitposting.

As a nurse who worked 10 years on the vascular surgery ward: very recognizable. I've seen people, mostly males, go from small toe infection to complete rotting foot and still not being therapy loyal.

Surgeons somethimes refered to it as the salami technique because once you start to amputate the toe in most cases a couple of months later it would be a front foot amputation, followed by an lower leg amputation (most times because of infection or because the patient didn't follow the post-op instructions) and even sometimes an upper leg amputation. Very sad to see.

I'm not native English, so I don't know the correct terms for the amputations.

Seems like the pigs break the law themselves all the time by just going to work. Oink oink.

Ok fair enough my German is not good enough to understand if you're running with the joke or actually don't understand what I typed. It's too funny.

I'm Belgian, there used to be a Reddit community and we'd write our comments or posts written in the official languages of our country, Belgium. Since not too many other populations know a little bit of all three (Dutch/Flemish, French/Walloon and German) languages, it had become sort of a code language. (An easy one to crack at that)

So if you just translate every word you don't recognize to either french, German or Dutch (except for 'Kiek' it's dialect for Chicken and I was referring to the rooster that's on the Walloon Flag.) you should come up with the whole thing.

As long as it's not deep fried. Some of those are completely unintelligible. But I suppose that's the point.

That's brainwashing for you.

Hot dogs are tacos and not sandwiches?!?!

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