WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]

@WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]@reddthat.com
0 Post – 109 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Github is blocked in Texas?

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If you are owning houses just to use them as AIRBNBs, yes. Profiting off of artificial scarcity and already having money is bad. Being wealthy doesn't mean you deserve to be more wealthy.

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Just checking an art degree guide: https://catalog.mit.edu/degree-charts/architecture-course-4-b/

One of the classes that can be chosen is: 6.4400 Computer Graphics, which has a programming 101a/b class as a prereq (granted, it uses python instead of C++, but pretty sure they used C++ as their language-of-choice for the programming 101 language until recently).

Given the variety of digital art (video games, VTube avatars/VR avatars, more traditional-style digital art, etc), having the tools to make those kinds of things can be useful for making responsive/interactive digital art.

Competition is unfair to monopolies, so this law prevents competition. /j

Not the first TAS-approved level that people have beaten either. Bombs5 also uploaded thanks to tool-assist and also was cleared a year ago. GG to Sanyx for TtH and Fast for Bombs5. Trials of Death is another feat to be cleared at all, which was cleared RTA by its creator and about a month ago by jcthechampfogz .

SMW kaizo hacks also exist and not all creators clear their own hacks and lots of older hacks were intended to be cleared with savestates (but people choose to take the challenge of doing them without). Fruit dealer clear (first clear was by kezcade I believe, followed by lungfish, boothebun, and tjb0607; the last of which did all practice without savestates and defeated it 8 times in a row - a boss intended as TAS-only). There's also Hacker's Dream's last level, but I think its creator may have RTA beaten it themselves at least and intended it to be at the upper edge of human-viable.

Laser death rays are probably effective at preventing them from voting, but also may lead to the laser death ray user to not being able to vote either. So probably not worth it.

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Probably things like homophobia.

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Does this just make trans people not trans and make cis people trans and give them dysphoria? Only changing the mind, not the body? If so, then what does this do to NBies? Would more agender NBies become poly gender, gender fluid enbies become gender solid, and multi gender enbies become a gender?

Was the tradeoff meant to be specifically difficult for ace trans people?

Horror story for genies.

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Metadata Some cursors cannot become SVGs, and that's fine. Some cursors are used for more than one shape, and that's fine. Some cursors are animated, and that's fine! All of a shape's properties are described in a small meta.hl file alongside them.

Seems like it should support it?

Motorola generally supports unlocking bootloaders, unless you buy a specifically locked one from vendors (like AT&T, Verizon, Amazon Prime + Ads versions). Given it hasn't even launched yet, its probably not support yet though?

Due low voter turnout, it should probably be at least 6 just to be safe if you're in the US or UK (95% confidence interval wouldn't include 0 or 1 voter, assuming 60% turnout)

They hopefully would plan on continuing as normal even if they expect the company to tank. Otherwise it would be an obvious insider trading violation I think. Of course CEO is a bit of a fanboy of Musk, who regularly committed securities-related crimes and is always under SEC investigation for the crimes he repeatedly commits, but probably still makes more money off the crimes than the penalties...

Definitely something that many mention experiencing and different people attribute to various things. I think sometimes though changes are almost sort of a placebo effect, where HRT acts as a justification to express emotions that have been suppressed when masking. Also anger that exists as a result of the masking has no reason to exist without the masking, so if you start see yourself a bit more like your true self, the self-frustation may go.

Personally I saw some effects people sometimes attribute to HRT (not really the emotions you mention) simply as a result realizing I'm not actually technical cis long before starting. I haven't been on HRT long enough (only 3 days) to say how it might effect me, but even if it just helps with dissociation, it would likely have that affect of making emotions feel more vibrant just simply because they're feel like they're my emotions. But time will tell.

Like, I’m the sperm donor, not the one who carried them for nine months.

Neither of my moms birthed us and that doesn't make them any less of moms. And we don't even talk to the person who birthed us (we probably have talked to our formally anonymous sperm donor more recently and are on better terms with him). You shouldn't let irrelevant things make you feel like you are less of a mom. If its a compromise for your children, that seems like a good enough reason to accept "dad", but you shouldn't feel like you would be an imposter (or you should at least realize those feelings aren't rational).

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Great seeing exploration to be encouraged. Fear of being "ammunition" for transphobes has definitely been something that's held me back. I don't know have any solid gender identity and don't think I want one. Finally decided to try out HRT and I'm grateful for the existence of informed consent. Still not sure what my goals are or if its a good decision, but I think I'd rather find out by giving it a try and think it will be a valuable experiment regardless of the outcome. I intended to come out to a few more people before starting HRT, but was never sure what I'd be coming out as and didn't want to get put into narrower boxes based on whatever that was. Guess now I can come out as someone taking HRT?

Wish we could be at the point where things HRT and other surgeries currently labeled "gender-affirming care" were considered more like getting a tattoo or other cosmetic surgeries respectively such it was more normalized and more people, cis or trans, could have access to them if they want. Why should someone have to figure out something as nebulas as gender to know what sort of body they want?

Generally, I'd say that's true. But given multiple people have told I'm underweight when I was borderline obese (and I don't do any weight lifting or do manual labor as a job) does make me question how many people know they're overweight. Obese people generally know they're overweight.

The solution isn't calling out individuals about their weight though or collectively shaming people for being overweight. If you want people do have better diets and exercise more, changing the environment to be more conducive for that will do much more. But making sure healthyweight and overweight people aren't pressured into eating more by people who insist they are underweight is probably a good thing.

always spits out excuses why buying a house isn’t “feasible” or would “lock them down too much”, etc etc.

Like not being a POS?

Essentially, the paragraph states that for suicide, those who did not receive gender affirming care saw a 3x higher suicide rate than controls - and this is with overcontrolling for psychological treatment visits. Those who did receive care had no significant difference in suicide rates from controls. Dr. Meyerowitz-Katz, epidemiologist, stated of these findings, “The authors in their discussion focus on the fact that this difference was not statistically significant (presumably the p-value was 0.051-0.054), but that's not a useful distinction. There's a lot of uncertainty here, but the increased risk is still remarkable!”

Notably, this is the only section where the researchers withhold the model that doesn't include visits to psychological specialists. It's likely that the correlation between receiving gender-affirming care and a decreased suicide risk would be even more pronounced in a model free from the issue of overcontrolling. If the researchers had presented such a finding, it would fundamentally challenge the basis of their paper... that gender-affirming care indeed saves lives. Even in attempts to dilute this relationship with confounding variables, the signal around gender affirming care remains strong!

Main problem with the student explained in that quote. The overcorrection problem refers to the fact that suicide correlates with psychiatric visits because suicidal people are more likely to seek help and therefore would be like saying visit to cancer doctors causes death from cancer.

Additionally, the median age for referral to the gender clinic was 19, so the results can't really be applied to minors.

Don't think I could start HRT without at least coming out to a couple more people (not like I literally can't, but I feel it important for me). With my brother, I came out to him basically as soon as I started questioning my gender and updated him whenever I got a chance. My cousin also knows. Brother was helpfully skeptical, but excited. My cousin didn't have much reaction. Mostly just a "Walrus gonna do what Walrus gonna do"

My parents, sister, and friend have seen me dress in varying degrees of gender non-conformity (including my sister seeing me cosplaying as a female character), enough so that two of them have explicitly asked if I'm a woman (which I just said no because I consider myself an enby). Not exactly trying to hide it, but also kinda uncomfortable talking about it.

I grew up with SNES and N64 era, so maybe I'm old enough?

PC. Consoles are too much to deal with. Cartridges are probably better than discs, but either having to change games in either is probably gonna make me choose to just not play instead. With PC, everything is just a few clicks away.

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Badeline isn't evil I thought.

I've just started doing dressing in ways more non-conforming for my AGAB, but I didn't realize my interest until after I moved out from my parents*. First just like hair clips here, leggings there. With my sister (and her boyfriend and her best friend), I just showed up in cosplay as a female character once for Ren Fest. No warning. No explanations.

*technically I was caught back when I was in middle school, but I had no clue back then...

That was a fairly annoying thread to read through. A lot of cis people who totally lack the context of in-jokes and trans experiences using gender abolition as a weapon against trans people.

Like, I don't necessary even disagree with the basic principles espoused by them. I'm not really a fan of gender. Would be better if we didn't have it IMO. I personally don't care about "signs" that are just doing things that are stereotypically associated with girls or boys like dolls or trucks. The things I think of as "haha, lol, I was an egg" moments are things like when I said like "I don't like being considered a guy, but I'm not a woman so I guess I'm technically cis." I do think some trans people takes those types of "signs" too seriously, and either try to label GNC people trans by calling them eggs or are in self-denial longer because they don't think they had those signs. But at least in the communities these kinds of memes are shared, the former often get called out and the latter is something that's commonly addressed.

Essentially accusing trans people of doing those things or reinforcing traditional gender for talking about how their personal experiences relate to their own gender is a bit ironic. Can't tell if they're concern trolling and just want an excuse to harass trans people or if they're actually just trying to promote their version of gender abolition in the most ineffective way possible.

Cis and trans* at the same time!


DST means you also have things like CST vs CET and given some places start DST earlier or later than others and some ignore it all together, we probably have at least 50 time zones.

Always fun trying to schedule international regular meetings when suddenly there's a week when half the people's times changed and the other half's times haven't yet, so you try to figure out which time would exclude the fewest essential people.

Jesus maybe? At church during the Christmas service. Accidentally dropped it. No clue how much it was worth, but I don't remember breaking particularly expensive things.

Even if its on by default, first thing you should do when installing or first using it is adjust the settings imo. How often is still a matter of personal choice. And other settings are as well. Granted, I get I'm probably far from the average given how much I like to tinker with settings and customizing toolbars, etc. Still agree it should be on by default along with some basic version history to undo unwanted autosaves.

My favorite reposts were the ones that were only like 6 months later, so they're talking about christmas or r/place as if its that time of year when its the total opposite.

But if gas prices go down under a Dem, they're killing jorbs and that's bad. /j

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Changing icons to color helps me find which ones I'm looking for. Seems weird it defaults to it looking like they're greyed out because they won't work on the current selection.

Doubt. In 1890*, if you made it to 20, it was a 50/50 chance of making it to 65 and about a 1 in 3 chance of making it to 75. 1 in 3 is hardly exceptional. Just slightly better than average. You need to go to 85 to the top 10% and mid-90s to get top 1%, which is what I'd start to think of as exceptional. Most of the difference between 1780 and 1890 was liking decrease in mortality in the 0-25 yo range, so I wouldn't expect there to be much difference for 1780 data starting with 20yos.

*https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/lifetables/life1890-1910.pdf using the table on page 127

Poor animals? They get to have a great time with Bigbryce. If they wanted to leave, there's a million of them. They could easily kill Bryce or just leave if they wanted. Nothing in the wish would prevent those. Honestly, I'd worry more than Bryce.... even if they thought that's what they wanted at first, after a couple times they might regret what they brought upon themselves.

Bring able to save a significant portion of your income more than the US poverty line for 30 years without some black swan life event happening to drain it also partly depends on being lucky or/and not having children. The median US household makes plenty to become millionaires for maintainkng a reasonable QoL if there aren't any such black swan events or children involved.

For my mom, it was a custody battle for children that initially wiped her life savings. She since has often worked 100 hours weeks at a job that pays above average for a blue collar job to make enough to back up to retire (plus happens to have worked at the same company long enough to get a pension, something they phased out for anyone less senior than her), but that's not something anyone should be expected to do be able to retire, so I'm not quick to judge people for not having accumulated money.

But a lot of people waste money on convenience in ways that definitely add up cumulatively over the decades. $5/day adds up to $150k after adjusting for inflation over 30 years. A $10/month subscription is $10k over 30 years. Reducing costs like that in a few places can cumulatively get you to at least theoretically being on track to be a millionaire.

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Hanlon's razor tells us we should just assume stupid vampires :D

Gotta wonder if this type of thing is partly an attempt to undermine public schools to shovel more money towards for-profit schools. Or if it really just is culture-war BS to try to appeal to his base...

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Thought that was green

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Has it reached 25+ years for me yet? Somewhere around there.

Why not at the pro level?

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