
0 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You pay a consultant to take liability. Sure, you could do this in house, but wouldn't you rather have someone outside of the organization use their liability insurance?

I think the former, based on my limited knowledge of the water treatment industry. There aren't many manufacturers of low margin commodity chemicals, most people are in specialty chemicals with higher margins.

This was predicted on the post about Beeper

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Plus one for Allman gang

Howl's Moving RV

Off by a couple orders of magnitude there, Alex. Setting for $55M per year for the next 30 years would work.

The tabaxi pushes their drink off the counter then walks away.

Feels like something Pratchett's DEATH would do, just to piss off the auditors

I think I'm out of the loop on this

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Going from nothing to boobs could be overwhelming, better to start with moob exposure and work your way up to boob.

Clothes should not be disposable

I joined beehaw during the rexodus because it seemed like a good community and a good part of the fediverse. I started contributing monthly to keep the instance going.

I tend to browse All more than Local. If beehaw does defederate, I would likely find a new instance and contribute there instead. I don't mean this to sound threatening, but I'm not going to give money to something I don't use.

Take my ex... Please!

Isn't it typically close to the same price as buying it?

That's what she said

One $15 hooker bot, or fifteen $1 hooker bots?

Think of it in terms of inputs and outputs. This is drastically simplified with rounded numbers, but gets the point across.

I can take 1 acre of land, add seed, and 500,000 gallons of water. These are my inputs. From that, I get an output of 2000 pounds of grain. I could take that output and eat it myself. Or I could decide I want to grow meat.

If I grow meat, I need another 1 acre of land, another 100,000 gallons of water, and at least half of that 2000 pounds of grain from my first acre. Now I can grow a cow.

It is more efficient in terms of resource utilization to go directly from plant to human, instead of going from plant to animal to human.

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In medical abbreviations, Fx is fracture

If the website doesn't work in lynx, it's not worth visiting

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I want to know how much the price of a car would come down if I didn't need to visit a salesperson working on commission. I want to go to Costco, test drive it to make sure I like it, and check out.

You must ask for consent before plundering my booty

Yay! I'm happy for you internet stranger.

Some of my friends are c-words, so I can use it

Malnutrition leads to developmental delays. Poor academic performance in early years means they're less likely to go to college, and ma not even finish high school. This helps create the next generation of wage slaves that are required for capitalism to survive.

In other words, working as designed.

If anything, I would say a percentage should go back to ActivityPub development.

ETA: I say this as a (small) monthly contributor, but I can only speak for myself.

And sometimes "boink"

It's in their licensing, and how MS-DOS became the de facto operating system of early PCs. If you want to license Windows, you have to pay for every unit you sell - not just units with Windows pre-installed, but every unit.

we might be able to simulate a reality that follows 90% of our physical laws

Dwarf Fortress Version 0.8 release

They already made a pill that will help them do that

What does consent have to do with pushing everything off counters? Or walking up to the dog and smacking it on the snout? This is what I always think of when people mention that cats are assholes.

Only a dad can truly fill the hole.

In your heart.

After five pouches of cheese, I'm not sure it's coming out

If everyone who's not using reddit was already using a 3P ad free app, it's possible they're saving money on bandwidth while still serving the same number of ads to the remainder who are still getting on

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Smash it on my forehead. The egg goop runs down my face into my mouth. I eat the egg raw, shell and all. Then I do a primal yell and bust out another set of 20 reps. #legday

High and ausitm

You know you'd bottom for a marmalade sandwich

Designed for Windows 3.1

Upgrade if'n you dare

It has a strong flavor and a low smoke point. For frying, you usually want a neutral flavor and high smoke point.

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Can mods vote out the CEO?