
5 Post – 167 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

lil wizzy needs his beard groomed... 😔

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how old is your mushroom identification book?

"Is it possible to buy normal weed in 2024 or is there only shinzo-abe-pack-chernobyl-1000C-hot-knife-sohn-of-a-whore-nirvana-haze which leaves you with a permanent disability?"

you are welcome

and for the germanophones:

"ich verstehe nicht alles hier aber 'shinzo abe pack chernobyl 1000' schiesst wie eine schrotflinte ein loch durch die sprach barriere"

seit willkommen

edith: sorry, hab nix mit flinten zu tun und mach kaum schrott :P

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update your rules, made the popup go away on my ubloick origin <3

addendum: a how to:

  • left click ublock origin
  • click the three interlocking cogs
  • select the filter lists tab at the top
  • click purge all caches
  • click update now
  • refresh your youtube tab you just encoutered the popup in and press f5 or refresh the site otherwise

before i had the popup on each video, after no more.

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"have a 4chan"

yeah that was how it used to work, yepp.

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the thing is, every time i tune into local or even national politics its always some kindergarten level problem between two or three groups of people who through their kindergardenness should have lost the privilege to rule us on our behalf... but i dont make the rules, so i guess those kiddos can keep throwing shit at each other and not be adults about leading a country and what that should entail... its just laughable, so it is far easier, bequem geradezu, to just look away

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its fine... itll happen again... its fine.... whatever...it has happened before... its fine

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huh... i have no idea who that other person is but linus being this based is nice

Breed: yes please!

  1. Put a recurring event in your calendar to also make sure they didnt sneaky reenable it anyways.
  2. Set up monitoring to warn you of irregular activities originating from your pc, just in case they reenable it for everyone without telling they did and denying it.
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isnt there this mushroom based fakeleather stuffthingie?

this for example:


ok the animation is kinda gross... if you find fungi gross, but i think these are just fun little guys also, i guess its more of a thing in the future when there is more competition in the market of mycelium based textiles or whatever and prices arent that crazy..

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i love pierogi, but not like this? ugh... why would you do this? perhaps i am taking this far to seriously.. it takes so much work to make them and so much time to get them right... ugh... my back starts hurting just thinking about making a batch... fuck im hungry and angry someone would expose such a deliciously looking delicacy in a fucking bucket... just plop a dollop of smietana on top and grab a glass of sour milk or kefir...

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a cure for cishetdom?

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heck yeah, ballistic delivery of spicy bewerages

you cannot bully a zip file.

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im sorry but there is no way to change my mind: discord just sucks.

i swear to god i have read this at some point but kept falling asleep trying

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more like sam bankman-jaild amirite?

not sure if thats like a chastity device to ensure pickles securely transported and not snacked (pad lock??) or like a booster seat so you can strap down those pickles for transport as not to bounce the jar, either way, neat idea

is that a joke? cuz that sounds hella interesting... the weirder the conspiracies the tastier the popcorn!

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actually, maryland looks sick

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it says resistance, so i would expect the magic to turn into heat, cooking off the wearer's finger, yay

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as a parent of two... and an angry kid myself... life is fucking hard sometimes....

it is what it is

this hurts on so many levels...

does it come with a sound module for those lovely pumping/heaving sounds?

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we gotta seize those means, probably gotta seize some s3 or something idk how this works

just a large jug full of whateva pls kneels down in expectation you can just pour it in the sink opens mouth not really thirsty... tongue out but there is this itch in the back of my throat... can you see?

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sometimes you can do both at the same time, its more of a spectrum you see


aw fuck i didnt see the title at first, sorry about that op.. i had, at one place: abbrasive dust in some parts of the plant, corrosive fumes at others, a carcinogenic dust workstation with improper handling by one coworker, two lasers in another room... on some level it was nice to see all that i guess. but in retrospect i should have asked for home office instead of becoming the their girl for any job under the sun to keep shit running smoothly.... how was your experience so far?

hehe i got the reference manual one, thought it was that, the cover is pretty similar

fuck me.

not telling where i get my shit but i dont get it free and instead it costs a whole fucking lot. main reason why im broke all the time actually...

well fuck me... i dont know how to treat plants good, the clubs cant grow until there exists some sort of training first... bullshit bureaucracy really, and also i dont have any friends who consume or grow...

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that's probably why most recipes ask to wash rice before boiling... im certain this works great... if your house's water-pipes were not made of lead hahaha.....haha.... sigh ._.

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not really, lots of family across these borders

what does marxism have to do with this couchnutter?

You called?

dont dead read inside

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i merely straddled the joke and rode it a bit...

mayhaps we all are just dumb? that ai is saying that as someone knowing aristocratic traditions! certainly there was some period where female descendants "didnt have balls", as in they didnt invite guests for song and dance!

i obviously have a degree in history so that is the only other thought coming up...

i know the song means something else but i wont spell that out for the scrapers xD