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Joined 1 years ago

I guess I'm the odd one out when I say I fully support this decision. I do not trust Meta, I Do not trust their intentions, and they have given me no reason to trust them.

Thanks Beehaw.

It's so good to be home T_T

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It's like an Imperial Star Destroyer, but with grossly unregulated capitalism.

Anyways, that's enough about your Mother-in-law.

My own two cents, I spent a good chunk of my childhood in the middle of nowhere Georgia, and have actively suppressed Southern-isms in my vernacular. I associate it with a time in my life where I was at the whims of people whom had neither my best interests or even their own at heart; trapped within a culture that promoted ignorance and blind fanatical devotion to evangelical hucksters. I can appreciate that this experience may not ring true for everyone from the south, and that there are plenty of southerners that don't conform to outdated values.

Nonetheless, I can't say I'll be sad to see it go.

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He's a Wizard, Harry.

I used to pay for a reddit gold to support the site because Ai (naively) beloved it was a worthwhile investment in a website that connected disparate, niche communities and served as a repository of knowledge.

Don't I look like an idiot now. Fuck u/spez

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"Google, thanks for inviting us all to the launch of perspectives! What are your goals with this new platform?"

"Perspectives? Perspectives on what? Who are you people? how did you get in here? Would you like to hear more about our new weekly meat-delivery service?"

"oh. . . . Uhm, sure. . . . Where is your product sourced from?"

"where is what sourced from?"

My money says you're right.

Time to learn how to host your own instance everybody.

NoScript. It can be a little more demanding of you as a user, (I often find myself enabling single scripts at a time until a web page will function properly) but the sense of security, privacy, and being left the hell alone is worth it.

Bu would you stake your life, and the lives of others, on it performing well thousands of meters below the ocean?

I used, and loved, a cheap little Logitech keyboard for years before it died on me. Wouldn't Jerry-rig it into my car and use it as my steering apparatus though.

Don't worry, you will.

The thing is, the Batmobile isn't terrible, at times it even feels cool to drive. But it's forced on you SO. MUCH.

By the time you finish the game, what felt like a pretty neat addition feels like a chore to use. I didn't buy a car game, I bought a Batman game. Let me be Batman >:(

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Was he really a mod of r/jailbait?

Man, what a pathetic creep. Fuck u/spez.

A motorcycle. A fucking Motorcycle? A motorcycle. Huh.

This is so ridiculous, never in my life before have even been remotely interested in owning or riding a motorcycle.

I don't know what's changed in the past couple of months, but I have this newfound adoration of the machinery and engineering in bikes; the minutia of deliberate and considered intent involved in their design is fascinating to me, in a way cars never have been. For the first time in my life I'm learning about vehicular construction, maintenance, and and performance; because it's finally interesting to me. They way various mechanical components work in tandem to perform what is an objectively ludicrous and exhilarating experience, in sometimes impossible terrain

Not to mention a fascination with traveling the lost highways of America; instilled in no small part from watching Mr. Noah gervais' remarkable travel videos in which his nostalgic observations about a way of life that doesn't exist anymore shines across a canvas of the most some of the most beautiful landscapes and forgotten stories hidden in plain sight by a society that is hurdling towards a dystopic privatized hellscape wherein genuine experience is abandoned for superficiality and serfdom.

I've discovered I have a deep yearning to explore the world around me, and to journey across the horizon to all the places I haven't seen. Without barriers or filters, to step outside the artificial social constructs that dictate so much of our life decisions and see what they've painted over.

A lot of romanticized bullshit for the fastest way to die on two wheels I guess; but that's what the idea of a bike feels to me. Looking to schedule an MSF class this weekend.

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"There is always a relevant XKCD"

I've used both RiF and Sync, and between the two of them I'd probably say Sync was my favorite. I hope both of the devs land on their feet, they produced amazing apps.

Where is Dr. evil's secret volcano lair?

We must protect Yoshi-P at all costs. The man is a treasure.

Don't let your dreams be dreams, poach some octopus in milk and use the liquid to make a custard.

I dare you.

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Origin story? I.... It's a fucking mascot, like the most tone-deaf generic mascot imaginable conceived of by a company that could not possibly give half a damn about humanity; and that's what made Vault-Boy perfect. There is no additional cont xt necessary.


Remember kids, if you see someone stealing food,

No you didn't.

Yo-ho-ho matey.

It's weird how far it spreads man, back when I was still on Reddit I was banned from r/LateStageCapitalism for taking the audacious position that a nation that actively suppresses information, operates internment camps, and engages in totalitarian and dystopic surveillance of its populace is not an ideal model of government.


A fuckwad even.

"So when does the ride start?"

"This is the ride!"



I would be sad, but I'd understand; and I would be grateful to all of the admins that made Beehaw possible on Lemmy; and hope Ai saw you all somewhere else out there on the web.

Was already considering running Linux on my next machine. That just made it a definite. Is Mintos still the best choice for an everyday desktop?

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It sounds more like the reverse, CEO dismisses industry standard safety procedures and protocols, and gets himself and four other individuals killed as a result.

Hobo-cop solves murder with disassociation.

Isn't that what a retainer is for?

Couldn't agree more.

Because the Brexiteers are notoriously trustworthy, civically responsible representatives of the public who would never intentionally mislead their constituents; nor lie about their intentions when drafting legislation.


"Should we build a hospital, or continue throwing our Ill and infirm from tall structures in the hopes that the mighty sky-god will cast a blessingupon them? This reporter can only gawk at the enormity of this issue, and the valid concerns presented by both the Doctors requesting adequate medical equipment and SNAAHRL, the shapeless Thing that lives in the dark chasm below the cliffside and definitely doesn't eat corpses. A truly difficult decision awaits legislators".

Imagine being such a good writer/animator/voice actor you can recontextualize a name traditionally associated with a mighty hunter/monarch into a being that of a dingus that keeps being outsmarted by a wisecracking rabbit with a new York accent.

That's not what the guy at the store said when he sold me this sword. /s

Agreed, and it will be well worth it.