
10 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Trans ball pit me and who?

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The Snoot Boopers

Got it. Thanks.

I’m curious, is saying “nice tits” in this context wholesome or creepy?

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I love how the cat joins in to play with the mice

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Pretty badass to be fair


It Dozen Even Matter

Here is a less moldy copy of this meme

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I had a heart attack

reddit bad 🎉 ribbit good 🐸

Dishwasher lore expansion dropped

EMMC is basically the shittiest cheapest flash module imaginable, comparable to a cheap sd card. Here’s a pic:


And you’re meme shows ballin SSDs

Literally unlaughable

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Me when I find a strange cylinder in a snowy forest (the cylinder provides warmth and comfort):

Or librewolf! It comes with a free fully featured (🪢) fur suit! Don’t ask me how I know.

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I thought op meant literally hacking into someone’s servers and was like: yep 👍 this checks out … wait why does the catgirl need linoleum to hack?

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Pics or didn’t happen


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Average day in Ohio

Nuked one just 4 u 💖

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Heck yeah! Jellyfin FTW!!!

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Why are them cheeks sandy tho?

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Is there a girlkisser version?

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So we’re just going to ignore the name of the subribbit

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Keep Yourself Safe ☺️

Next time send them this:

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They got the order wrong: it’s hunt down, humiliate, jack off, humiliate, jack off, jack off, jack off…

angle coffee pi

So anyway that’s why BTRFS is better than NTFS and even ext4.

Hello! Human Resources?

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Ight imma write a script to repost this until I become fox

Be the change you want to see in the world!

Dump several tubes of pringles into the blahaj pit at your local IKEA!


Pics or didn’t happen.

(I’m a visual learner)
