
5 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm currently on debian. I wrote this comment as a response to the Debian slander in the meme.

I just want a Debian-based distro with KDE that's not poisoned by Canonical's nonsense

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It's Ubuntu based

Say what you want about Musk, but bankrupting TWO multibillion dollar companies at the same time is impressive.

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They offer something?

Personally, I would love to see the little mermaid played by a big, burly man.

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Tritron obviously will be a femboy

I remember him saying that computers would make people work less by being more productive, but in the end the difference was pocketed by the rich. I don't think it's just a technology problem...

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Aside from the 1 to √2 ratio, the area of A0 paper is exactly 1m². People behind ISO 216 thought of everyting.

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The closest america will ever get to having working public transport.

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Their business strategy will be releasing another rendered picture every six months to bring in new investors and inevitably after few years they will ethier go bankrupt or become another yacht company that will call itself "yacht market disruptor" or "the most innovative yacht company".

The middle one got that magneto haircut

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At this point media illiteracy is a requirement to be a Republican.

Democrats should start promoting basic safety/health measures like don't look into the gun's barrel, take your heart medicine, don't insert forks into a socket, etc. so that Conservatives can kill off their voter base more efficiently by being contrarian.

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The crazy thing about speculative economy is that by releasing this article, businessinsider might scare some of the investors and so create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Furry, is in fact, YIFF/Furry, or as I've recently taken to calling it, YIFF plus Furry...

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Reforms are easier to pass in autocracy, but those are not the kind of reforms one would want.

To be fair, those punch cards programs had a lot of bugs that we only found years later because our tools made it easier to catch them.

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The checkerboard pattern in a png should be transparent, but it's a fake png (jpeg probably) so the pattern was printed too.


Another proof that people running big companies are sociopaths. Seriously no one looked at that and thought it was distasteful?

Sounds very submissive.

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People often don't understand that math is pretty much in all fields of STEM. For example students at my university start chemistry thinking they will be at most balancing chemical reactions or calculating concetrations, but then differential equations and linear algebra starts. During my first year about half of the students failed the introductory physics course.

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Yeah, PFAS comes to mind. It took decades to confirm it's harmful to humans but at this point it is everywhere and hard to get rid of. Worst part is they try to use other chemicals to replace PFAS, but again how harmful they are we don't know and we will learn that decades later too because companies don't want to make long term research before releasing the product. Enviroment shouldn't be a billionaire's testing ground.

You should thank Louis DeJoy for that. He was appointed postmaster by Trump and gutted USPS while possessing an equity stake in XPO, a subcontractor for USPS.

I think he means Gondor. He wants them to light the beacons to call Rohirrim for aid.

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Be carefull with that title. There's a lot of linux users here.

Can't he write it in a less "I wear human flesh to hide my reptilian scales" kind of way.

So he divorced Desiree in 2018 and started dating Deziree in 2023. According to the trend, he's going to dump Deziree and in 2028 will start dating Dexiree who at that time will be a baby.

Author doesn't claim it's Venn Diagram, and I think, for a meme, it's a smart way of presenting information.

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Interactable objects in games:

Say goodbye to glucose worries with this suprisingly simple sugar solution

If it's just a fructose sulution then they're evil, but also technically correct.

Fuck youtube. You watch one wrong video and half of your recomendations are fucked. And why in 2024 there's no proper tag system yet? I guest keeping things opaque makes them more money.

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I don't disagree with you, but I think what you wrote only applies to fascism in a vacuum or a very late stage of fascism where all the outsiders were eliminated. Basicaly, if we're at the point where fascists started devouring themself it's already game over, because everything else is destroyed. And I don't like the sentence "Fascism will exterminate itself" because it implies all we need to do is wait (even though I don't think you mean that). Fascism needs a helping hand to achieve it's end goal (exterminating itself; please, don't ban me mods lol).

provide an empirical evidence

post it in r/lies

All that AI can't pay for itself, I guess.

They take the man’s entire life away because he revealed us terrible things our non-elected leaders are doing to us.

And for possessing child porn...

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Weighted blanket😍