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Joined 12 months ago

Just throwing it out there?

The Moskovites are on an influence campaign again I guess.

Hey Ruby debs, lookup Elixir. It's supposedly similar syntax but run on the Erlang VM instead. Lots of cool companies use it, and a great community. 🤗

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A better question would be how could you write to a cd multiple times without first sandpaper down the microscopic holes to make THE CDs smooth again. I mean, HOW?!

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Fun fact, LaTeX is actually NPturing-complete so you can program whatever in it AND make it beautiful

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As a private person, check you energy contract, I found a cheaper company producing only green energy. Just a tip and gentle reminder that you (all) can do the same and put pressure on the energy providers

Podman, dockerd is a single point of failure

So what does Israel stopping the bombing actually achieve?

Less years of terror inflicted upon the people of Gaza from Israel.

IMO Israel should also stop targeting journalists

Anki is the best language app I've yet encountered including non-foss alternatives, but I needed to watch their tutorial video to understand the ui. Also it is only a flip-card app, so you might want to complement it with something else.

Finally you can do CTRL-ALT-DEL with one hand

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Probably because this conflict is good for Russia to get the west focusing on something else. I bet they are tunneling money/weapons to Hamas, and probably using their troll army to keep it relevant.

Other big conflicts and humanitarian catastrophes are not covered by the media strangely.

Fuck war, fuck authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, fuck people wanting to hurt other people.

One Swedish company for another. Joke aside, isn't the whole problem with royalties in the music scene still the issue that the record labels taking 90% of profits?


Congrats, what's the tactics?

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Unfiltered tap water is great, but we've got real fine tap water in Europe. When hiking I've drunken water directly from springs, no need to filter it.

I watched münecats video on the topic. Very good and explanatory

I can't imagine it would be equally distributed? Probably normal distribution applies over the span, most of the kernels would probably pop within say 20s of each other, and none in the beginning.

dangerous ~their~ religion is.

Edit: not sure how to do strikethrough, but you get the gist

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What? Not everyone dissolves the eggshell in citric acid? /s

grep -r print .

I.e. Grep on print recursively from . (current directory)

Or for more advance search find . -name "*.sh" -exec grep -H print {} \;

I.e find all files with sh extension and run grep on it ({} become the filename). -H to include filename in output.

Ah I didn't realise that. That is good. So similar to Denmark and Greenland?

Sweden has uranium reserves and produced it's own uranium in the 60-s. Though I think laws currently prevent mining.

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On the sugar note: Meat you buy in the store (for instance bacon) often have sugar additives. Better to visit the butcher.

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Impressive, thanks

Hearing that makes me sad. Must be better alternatives, right? Work from home 4 times a week, take public transportation, or worst case move/find new job. Maybe not options for everyone but I personally would never bear to sit in a car that much.

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Wait wait, why are you spending that much time in a car?

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Hehe that is true

There it is, the racism. Please present some facts with sources on this statement.

Glazed sliced ham? No I'm talking a bout a big piece of meat without glace. I'm not in the states though so might be different there.

Ah didn't know that, thank you. I've just started to read the ingredients list on most of the products I buy from the store and realised I can't even buy ham or many other kinds of meat, because of the sugar additives that they syringe into it.

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I see, thanks for the explanation. Hope both you and him some day find jobs which allows you to free up your time.

Edit: or you know, whatever you value

Yes sorry ofc

Wow at that distance I would take the train, bus or other public transportation, because then I could read a book, or even better work and write those 3h off and get some of the time back.

I doubt Sweden, Norway, Finland or Denmark will be invaded due to being in the Nato club, but I do wonder who will protect Ã…land if Putler decides to take back his summer house? As far as I understand it is a very strategic position.

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