Mister Neon

@Mister Neon@lemmy.world
1 Post – 201 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

A broken man, obsessed with 500 year old Mexican culture.

I hate this timeline.

I hope the nightmare fuel is enough to get Megaman built before 2040.

As an American I'm waiting for Republicans to start randomly saying anti-Finnish opinions. My bet is in about a week.

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As a dude that uses Figma this makes my day!

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Hate to break it to you, but the old bags will be replaced by new younger douchebags.

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I'm tired of every election being the most important election. I want politics to be boring again, less evil too if possible.

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I'm CIS white male and I don't want to be a girl; I want to be a robot. I don't want pretty dresses or thigh high socks. I want a single glass visor for eyes and a rust proof exoskeleton.

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I was born in Texas and spent my first 35 years there. It's not like the movies, because life isn't like the movies. I was completely miserable and honestly regret being born due to my life in Texas. Very little help from the government, my schooling was inadequate, and I was exploited by employers multiple times without repercussions. Bad places do make for good people so my dearest friends looked out for me and I them. I'm very glad I moved up North to the Eastern seaboard where there is infrastructure and the average person is a bit less on edge.

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Haha sucks for you carnivores, my hippie ass...

and tofu


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Wait, Google still conducts business in Russia?

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I'm from Texas, this isn't feasible. If you need to get from anywhere to any place else you're driving there. Depending on where you are busses may be hit or miss & may not even be an option. Pretty happy to live in a place now where I haven't needed to drive for years.

Blank VHS covers are always artistically fantastic.

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It's hard to socialize when you're a single older adult that doesn't want to involve drinking. That didn't used to be an issue when I was younger, but now if I want to spend time with my peers it always ends in a hangover for me.

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I'm legitimately confused, is he trying to hire a Nordic version of an American lobbyist?

Design software, think Photoshop/Illustrator but it's more focused on website/app design.

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Any garbage man that picks up my trash. Any sanitation engineer that cleans my sewage.

As a CIS male this is a lie. We want robot bodies with glowy bits where our eyes should be.

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I no longer presume that Republican politicians will act in either a legal or coherent manner. Their justification could be as simple as eye for an eye.

As a front end developer this makes me want to drink.

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Like hell I'm going to spend money to look rich.

Mongolian throat singing.

Not sure you can say the same thing about maize. That plant is a mutant freak considering what we did to it.

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This is going to end in a war.

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10-second walk down my hallway to my computer.

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Technically I would say the harnessing and utilization of fire. It arguably changed our evolution requiring less energy to digest food.

We already gave up animals, maybe we should give up on plants and just eat the plastic directly.

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As a former Texan this breaks my heart. Alot of innocent and less well off people will suffer due to entrenched corruption.

I moved away because of this exact kind of shit.

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We both know it's the project manager that drives us to the bottle.

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Black Eyed Peas, I feel like that band was forced on me for like a decade.

Color blindness test

It's not stronger but more versatile. I'm not sure you call something that can't reproduce without human intervention stronger. The stalk is definitely stronger than the original teosinte plant, that trait was selected over time for bean support.

Watch them blame Democrats.

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Cold turkey. You make the time to quit "now" and not a later that never comes. It worked for cigarettes and fast food. From that point you live with yourself.

Warning though for my advice. I care little for my own happiness, quiting those were not a pleasant experience. I did not strengthen my resolve to overcome weaknesses, in bouts of depression I discarded things that made me happy for my health.

I'm CIS white dude who is rapidly approaching 40, the show is not made for me. When the pilot came out I watched it and I was rooting for the production crew; even watching some of the animatics the production crew made while podcasting.

The contents of what I've seen from watching the pilot and a little bit of the full series isn't intended for me. The struggles the characters are going through are hard for me to relate to. I'm also never a fan of Abrahamic religious framing, I find it banal. I wish the production crew the best, but I have no intention of watching more than what I've seen.

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Setting the TV to channel 3 to play a video game.

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So I wonder if Republican run states will use this as an excuse to throw Biden off the ballot.

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Oh fuck, I'm going there in April.

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15 years ago I was a young man in his early 20's. I was struggling with poverty and an inability to form intimate relationships.

I'm now an old man that is desperately trying to ensure a retirement after living a disappointing existence. This year the last connection I had to a family unit dissolved. I am alone.

I don't look fondly on my past, it was constant suffering from neglect of a world that saw no use for me. At least in the present I'm unaware of the horrors that await me.

I'm living a mostly printer free lifestyle thanks to this kind of malarkey.

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Boost got blocked on Reddit during the API shutdown, the creator then made the app for Lemmy. I came here with the rest of the Reddit Refugees.