0 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Happy birthday and get well soon. Your Photoshop is spot on and the American healthcare system is a joke. All the best from evil socialist Europe. 🖖

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grabs popcorn

thank mr skeltal

I couldn't care less about Superman.

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Unexpected Slim Shady deserves instant upvotes.

100% all GTA Games.

Oh, I'm that aunt. My family sucks. But my niece contacted me yesterday since I'm moving to where I grew up. I know my fam is a bunch of asshats and she asked me if I could take her to a concert. My idiot sister would not allow her to go. I asked my niece which bands she would you like to see and immediately booked 4 tickets for those and another 2 for Moon Hooch. Fuck people who don't allow you listening to music.

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Please stop promoting hateful idiots' contents. Thx.

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I'd book that lad any time as long as he can adapt to hollering "hell yeah sister".

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No, I'm not. Like, totally. :(

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I consider this to be a hate crime against my people.

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Bajoran workers, your attention please. Your attempt to seize control of this facility is going to fail. You are valuable workers, and we wish you no harm. However, if you do not return control of this unit to your Cardassian supervisors, we will be forced to take action. You have eight minutes to make your decision.

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Timber, his arms open.

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Does getting knocked out by walking into a glass door count? Broke my nose, btw.

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Did that can of coke receive the new coat of paint landlord edition treatment?

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Not as powerful as the glass door, though.

Dear NotSpez, I'm in the rollercoaster on the right lane and I don't like it a lot.

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It shouldn't be. Cutting the credit is not a cool move.

It's not cool of you posting pictures of me online.

In the beginning the universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

-Douglas Adams

Due to past shopping behaviour, Amazon keeps recommending me tons of knee high socks, cat ears, an ungodly amount of lan cables and ramen. All I did was purchasing one dorky blåhaj and one lan cable...

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Ah, yes. The great flamingo plague of 1971.

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I shared this with my best friend from Italy and he snorted his coffee through his nose. : D

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Why do you make cat art of me? :(

Batman the animates series.

New username checks out

Full Irish breakfast. Every single day until a heart attack gets me.

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Holy hell! I deeply hope you punch that gobshite in the nose at some point. Seriously, wtf?

So, Ram-Man, Fisto and He-Man walk into a bar...

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There's a sign on the wall of my favourite pub in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It reads:

No topless bathing. Ulster has suffered enough.

Feel free to image search "sunflower pub belfast".

So long and thanks for all the fish

So sad that it should come to this

We tried to warn you all but oh dear?

You may not share our intellect

Which might explain your disrespect

For all the natural wonders that

grow around you

So long, so long and thanks for all the fish

The world's about to be destroyed

There's no point getting all annoyed

Lie back and let the planet dissolve

Despite those nets of tuna fleets

We thought that most of you were sweet

Especially tiny tots and your

pregnant women

So long, so long, so long, so long, so long

So long, so long, so long, so long, so long

So long, so long and thanks for all the fish


So long and thanks for all the fish

So sad that it should come to this

We tried to warn you all but oh dear?

(oh dear)

Despite those nets of tuna fleets

We thought that most of you were sweet

Especially tiny tots and your

pregnant women

So long, so long, so long, so long, so long

So long, so long, so long, so long, so long

So long, so long and thanks for all the fish

Lol, I actually had to google what an eight ball was, but I was already sold at whiskey. So, clearly not a narc. Also not Spez. ^^

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Why don't they use an active volcano for a more dramatic effect?

That's Jackie Wells from Cyberpunk 2077. The best choom ever. He's in the major league now...


In my case, it's a defo a cult. I walked out of there when I was 15 years old, never looked back, and became a musician.

I, for one, welcome our new goose overlord.

Looks like rain

May I ask where this is from?

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