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Joined 12 months ago

I can't image HR getting a complaint that you aren't making small talk, and saying "That's outrageous! We'll demand his medical records right now!"

HR exists to keep the company from getting sued, and I think there's a lot less risk for them to tell one employee "He doesn't want to talk to you, deal with it." vs demanding medical records for a non-work-role related issue.

I vote starvation. I think a big percent of the world will starve, with a few countries holding out. A bit later I think all those people will starve too, with only like 20 billionaires surviving. And then when THEY run out of food a few years later, I dunno, they'll OD on drugs?

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You said you were out sick for 4 weeks? Do they know why? Maybe you could spin that, say "sorry, I got some scarring in my throat and talking can make it worse, so I really need to only talk about work or I'll be up all night in pain". Or something like that.

Or you could try "sorry, I like working with you, and I know I've talked in the past, but I need to admit that I have Asperger's/autism, and trying to make small talk is very stressful for me, so I hope you're not offended but I feel like I'm going to burn out unless I make some changes like sticking to only work-oriented discussions from now on. Thank you for your understanding."

Bonus points if you type that up and hand it to people, like you can't even tell it to then directly.

I know both my answers are "lie in a way that makes you look abnormal" which you may feel like isn't something you should have to do. Which is true. But you want to minimize them thinking you're judging them, and they KNOW you are able to talk, so the best way I see is to make them think it's a problem you have, not about them.

🤷‍♂️ Good luck!

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We know. Twitter had every right to perform this dick move. They did nothing technically wrong, in acting shitty to one of their users.

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You did something due to peer pressure at an age when kids are obsessed with fitting in. In the course of doing so, you realized it was wrong and you stopped. Even now, presumably years later, you still feel bad about it. I'd say you're good, every single one of us has done things (often involving inappropriate actions) we look back on and regret. You're fine.

followed soon after with "Hi, need answers fast this time, what are some clever ways you could hide from the cops?"

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I'd go with "Hey, it's God. I actually AM real, but I'm heading out. You guys are on your own from now on, no more afterlife or anything. So be good to each other! Alright, I'm out. (oh, and just some advice? you might want to get ahead of this climate change thing)"

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I wonder what their defense will be. "You said it would process in milliseconds, but it took hours to complete!!"

"Sure, it took hours...but it still happened in milliseconds, too..."

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It's on you for hiring catgirls and thinking they would clean. Obviously all they're going to do is knock your shit off your desk. You should have hired a...I dunno...bower birdgirl.

Hi, I was straight before I read this comic, but obviously it turned me gay. Can someone direct me to a straightening comic strip please? I need to undo this before my wife gets home in a couple hours.

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Orange Charger bills landlords based on energy usage instead of the number of outlets installed. So far, the company has installed about 2,000 units nationwide.

“You have no downside to install 50 outlets day one,” Johnson said. “We only charge when the device is used.”

But it also says the chargers cost $600 or $750, plus more for installation. Do they charge for both? Either way, I guess it's the apartment owner's choice, but god damn I am sick of everyone trying to get a subscription or on-going payment out of me.

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Hating someone your whole life is great in movies and video games, where the hater uses their drive, intelligence, resources and lack of concern about any consequences to pull off some really amazing revenge. But in the real world, I think most of us aren't willing to go to the lengths needed to properly pay our hated back to someone. So if we can't act on our hated to the level we feel they deserve, then the only person who would suffer from that hated is the person caryring it around, day after day. Of course, never forget what they did, you don't want it to happen to you again, but forgiving isn't about letting them off the hook, it's about allowing yourself to start feeling good again.

That being said, feel however you want to feel, I ain't the feelings police. But that's how I see it.

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I also like her other, similar comic which is about a dog.

(And she has a lot of other great comics too!

(I'm going to assume you just misremembered some details, but it's possible this joke was recycled a few times. This is the only version I know about.)

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"The importance of URLs to articles."

They're like "we should address the fact that this product sounds exactly like a bleak dystopian future"

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Do they also notify users that they are the largest score manipulator by far of their data? And that they do so to bully small businesses to pay up or they will ruin them?

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But it loses the word play...

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Great story, but why wouldn't she disclose where they find the tomato!?

Yeah but why don't Lemmy instances use "" as their URL? We may never figure this stuff out 😞

I'll try to do this, but man it'd be great if there was an AI program that could auto caption/describe pictures as I post them. Or maybe just one that could interpret and describe everything on the screen, for a visually impared user.

Lol, some of them don't have a lot of money because he owes them money he'll never pay them.

Wow, the federalist society has turned on him? Maybe that's not new, but it sure is crazy how much conservatives with power regret using him.

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steezson UNMAKES REALITY over hyperbolic headlines!!! (your kids aren't safe from steezson!)

"You'd better stop intimidating witnesses by the time we count to three! One! Two! Two-and-a-haaaalf! Two-and-three-quaaarters..... Two-and-seven-eiiiighths....."

Yeah, but that book's soundtrack absolutely rips

Imagine an AI llm combined with an OS file search. Like "two years ago I was playing Skyrim and I installed a lot of mods, and I think one of them turned all the dragons into Kirby. Where was the installer for that mod?"

And then your computer is like "I gotcha bro, here's the installer right here."

That'd be pretty cool. But then again it'd probably also go "I'll go ahead and install it for you. And hey, while I'm at it I know you're gonna love this ad tracking program that paid M$ a few million dollars for your info, so Imma install that too. If you'd rather not install it, feel free to find your files and run the installer yourself"

I think the Dems often want to minimize the hurt put on the American people. If they caved and helped establish a new speaker, they could do things like avoid another government shutdown. But while I know it would hurt Americans and I don't want that to happen, I think it might be for the best in the long term if the Dems refuse to help out, and let the Repubs flounder for as long as it takes them to get on the same team, to show America that the GOP is fucking broken.

Open the door, then light it on fire

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"and all your income from these calls will go to zoom"

The tent looks reversed, but I believe all the rest. Crazy stuff.

Man, it sure is nice that Texas doesn't have any other issues it needs to deal with, like it's power grid or anything. Suuuuure must be nice to be elected and get to spend all your time doing zany bullshit that helps no one.

It's friends with, like, eight people.

Look at that top left one, winking at us. oh THAT one knows....

Ahhh, excellent news. I already feel less hungry!

Oooh God, there's a fire!!!!

(Sorry for quoting arrested development during a tragedy)

You would probably say "ow, my belly"

Not sure about the lethality or pain level, tho.

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The bill says the use of force is "justifiable" if a defendant believes that criminal trespass, robbery, or "unlawful camping" is occurring on their property.

Great, so not only does it let them shoot homeless people, it lets them do it even if they "believe" it's happening. So you can just shoot someone on your property for no reason at all, and say "well, I though they were performing a robbery".

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No, you got it right. The right is trying to say that democrats are all baby murderers, and they're using the "post-birth abortion" phrase to act like "Look, this is what they call it, to pretend to themselves it's not actually murder. But we right-thinking republicans all know it's really murder" and the viewers goes "Wow, those baby-murdering democrats can even convince themselves they're not committing murder!" instead what they should REALLY be thinking which is "wait, are they really all murdering babies? Like really?"

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