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Joined 1 years ago

Hello fellow lemmies! Any recommendations for new must have indie games?

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If you're looking for bed time stories for adults (non-sexual haha) then I highly recommend the podcast "nothing much happens" by Kathryn Nicolai. She has an amazingly soothing voice perfect for bedtime and she writes her own stories! I normally knock out in less than 10 mins when I pop her on my podcasts now.

Honestly, most people are followers. If you have a few high profile celebrities publicly announce they are switching over, I'm sure their fan base will do the same. Once the fans go over, then the friends of fans follow and so on.

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It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life. -Jean-Luc Picard - Star Trek - The Next Generation

I feel like we're actually the prequel to WALL-E

Man, I dunno. Probably something crazy like allow myself to be vulnerable and express my true emotions.

Netflix is like that kid you knew in elementary school who always told lies. Saying stuff like "Yeah, my dad is a billionaire with a rocket car and he invented toothpaste!"

Why are we believing anything that Netflix has to say? They are most likely using some obscure way to calculate that number in order to try to retain the customers they have left.

From all the social media posts, I'm pretty sure they lost a good chunk of customers. Don't let them win with their slowly deteriorating content and rising prices. Instead, sail the high seas like the internet of old time!

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It Who Must Not Be Named, You-Know-Who, The Dark Site

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Would you be able to close your eyes to not see anything/ads? I don't know much about the tech, but I would assume a light is being emitted from the contact lenses and since that's behind your eye lids...

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I'm on the same page as you, dude! My first thought was that I could take naps ANYWHERE at ANY TIME. It'd be a dream to never feel tired and always refreshed. Also to have absolutely no pressure from time commitments. I'd just be a happy guy most of the time.

HELL YEAH! I hope they have a simultaneous release on all platforms too. I prefer a mobile version now a days. I bought the original for PC, switch, PS4 and mobile! Such an amazing game!

First off, I totally love your site. I've ordered a bunch of stuff from you haha.

I didn't realize different temps have different effects as well. Do you have a chart or description of what effects the different temps have? Thanks!

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I had really low expectations for this show, but after watching it, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Yeah, sure they changed up everything and the "story", but their adaptation was an entertaining and fun ride.

(Side note: I thought the plant lady was going to be Grasshopper haha)

I thought that was just me! I feel like the overall quality of Google home has been going down. I have to tell Google to turn off my lights like 3 times before it works now a days

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A short hike is such a lovely game!

I agree with you. Currently on Infinity for lemmy and I love it! Def switching to a 3rd party app changes the experience completely. I'm normally a Boost user, but Infinity is amazing and the owner is smashing bugs pretty quickly. And FOSS! (That was the main reason I tossed Sync out the window)

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Hey man, you gonna finish that Tesla Brand Free Speech Chocolate with the Crunchy Butthole center?

Yup, that name just rolls off the tongue haha

I say give "Icarus" a shot. I think it's on Netflix rn. It starts off as bike race and then grows into something much more crazier. I think it win some awards? Highly recommend!

Honestly, since I've switched to a dry herb vape, I've been using much less.

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I never knew about this app, thanks for the recommendation!

Like a bandaid, rip it off.

This is the way.

This is probably too conspiracy theory-ish, but I feel like he made some shady side deal or bet that he could destroy the company in record time. You know, bored rich people stuff. I personally can't fathom how someone can be THAT incompetent and still run so many successful companies. He televises himself as a fool in the public scene, but we don't know him personally, so we really can't know. Maybe it's all for show to highly underestimate him so he can swoop in at pivotal moments... Or he is genuinely a loser rich kid. Haha

I have two that are forever up in the ranks. First is probably Street Fighter II for NES. Yeah, there was Mario and other classics, but SF2 was probably the first video game where I wanted to strive my damned hardest to get better. After getting wrecked over and over by older kids, I was determined to be good at this game and it was a ton of fun in the process. Thus began my lifelong love of video games.

Second is TMNT: turtles in time for SNES. It was probably the first time I enjoyed an activity with my father. He wasn't around much but on the rare occasion he was, we would play the crap out of this game. He used to play with me until his thumbs cramped up. It's always been a loving core memory of my father for my entire life.

I used to play a boatload of Street Fighter 2010. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_Fighter_2010:_The_Final_Fight)

That game was and still is incredibly hard, but regardless I used to play it for hours at a time as a kid.

I thought they were those mini Hong Kong pancakes at first

Moonreader is amazing!

And if you have a folding phone, it splits in half like a book! Totally awesome

Whoa! How do you generate enough play credits to pay for some subscriptions? Please share the wealth of knowledge 🙏

Not my cup of tea... But it's technically edible haha

I loved General Chaos! This and gunstar heroes were top tier for me. If there was a way to play online with you right now, I totally would dude!

It's actually Goku gathering energy for a spirit bomb

Omg I totally forgot about vigilante 8! Loved the music too haha

Dunno if it's candy or a cookie.... But those new chocolate filled ice cream cones from trader Joe's. Not the ice cream ones, the chocolate filled cones. Omg, I ate 2 boxes when they first became available

Anyone can change, but the first and hardest step is believing you can change.

What do you use nowadays that's on the safer side? I don't know much outside of the big players like Google. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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Lol I love your username

The show was pretty damn entertaining too! I had low expectations but I ended up really enjoying it haha

I agree with you. One thing that keeps me with Samsung though is Dex. Everything else is replaceable with a time adjustment, but Dex is pretty big for me and other phones don't have it... Yet.

Yeah, I don't think it's you. It's most likely the rig you have. If you want a great cheap starter rig, I highly recommend the Fury Edge SE. (https://www.healthyrips.com/store/c10/FURY_EDGE.html)

Get that with a 3D flow stem or water piece adapter and you'll notice a difference. This thing also goes on sale fairly often on various websites.

The high feels different with vaping for me. I guess it feels cleaner, but better? Im not sure how to describe it haha. But it's def a lot less material to get me where I want to be.

If you wanna spend the big bucks, then there are a lot of options. You can private message me and I'll throw you some recommendations if you're interested. Haha but have fun dude!

I've never tried that one. Can you share a safe link please? Thanks!

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