Google Assistant is now powered by Gemini -- sort of to – 52 points –
Google Assistant is now powered by Gemini -- sort of | TechCrunch

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I thought that was just me! I feel like the overall quality of Google home has been going down. I have to tell Google to turn off my lights like 3 times before it works now a days

I've been degoogling and de-nesting for the last year, especially since the door sensors are going to stop working, just so they can try to sell ADT stuff.

I can no longer trust Google not to kill everything it touches.

What do you use nowadays that's on the safer side? I don't know much outside of the big players like Google. Any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

NewPipe for YouTube, ProtonVPN to help hide my activity from trackers, Firefox with Privacy Badger and uBlock, Tidal as a replacement for YT Music, I've found Moon FM to work for me as a replacement for Google Podcasts.

I'll be hosting a NAS with Immich to replace Google Photos and have other file storage some time this year.

I use an android, so there's only so much I can do (and I don't want to fiddle with GrapheneOS or iPhones). But I find things more enjoyable without constant ads everywhere and without new "features" that only serve to try to keep all your attention on an app all the time.