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Joined 1 years ago

Development Automation, Self-Hosted Enthusiast from Kyiv, Ukraine

I wish Lemmy would grow to the point when these Reddit moments of "I'm a dermatologist, and actually...” happen as usual as they happen on Reddit.

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fish farts

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Poland is not almighty, it cannot send us weapons infinitely. This is their choice.

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spoiled all the fun :)

Prowlarr instead of Jackett. It's simplier and more convenient.

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I am an unmarried Ukrainian and I need names!

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especially the orange ones

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The full-scale invasion was loud and unpredictable for mere citizens of Kyiv. The enemy was stopped right at the border of the city and a few squads were even taken out within the city. So there were citizens who saw ground fights right from their windows. This cannot pass without fear.

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24 February 2022.

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why the downvotes though? he could have stayed home.

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Day 0 - Get Your Own Server -


Words of a person who hasn't been involved in any software development whatsoever.

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Ukrainian here. Try United24

is it balanced? no is it perfect? yes

Well, it's not a lie, you don't have to admit it. This is how things work. You cannot count the uncountable, divide undividable into the equal parts, estimate the inestimable, and display the remaining time for the unknown.

you tracked your acronym. good for you!

You think Ukrainian Борщ (written stupidly in English as "Borscht") is hard to pronounce, but actually, you all know how to pronounce this щ letter, if you pronounce "question" like "kwesh-chun", this "sh-ch" is exactly as we Ukrainians pronounce the letter "щ". So how could anyone write "Borscht" with "shch" sound? It's Borshch!

To borscht or not to borshch, that is the borstion!

why print scary diseases on a pack of smokes? to scare off

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I don't know about russia, but here in Ukraine I didn't know any name or naming that was used for a "Karen". There was no such concept before The Karen appeared as a meme. So here in Kyiv we call them Karen. At least I am not aware of any other naming.

lbs = elbows? 2 thousand human elbows?!

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For a regular US citizen, there may be nothing to see here, but in Ukraine, it's very rare for the police to use weapons on the street. I haven't heard a single occasion in all my 37 years of life here in Kyiv.

As far as I notice, puns are an important aspect of English-speaking culture, so I understand that and I'm ok with that. At least for me this "actually..." moment is always worth the scrolling effort :)

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saber interactive is a russian company. 4A Games is Kyiv-based studio. this cannot be a rescue.

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does it matter?

don't click on the notification. expand it by dragging it a bit down, it will reveal "accept" and "deny" buttons

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Oh, my first Lemmy user ban. Nice.

Yes, I am from Kyiv, Ukraine.

The article title is misleading. "Quite nice" is misspelled as "Bad".

I hope noone judges you by your looks.

This is the first time I would like to be anonymous on Lemmy, as I am an employee at Wargaming Kyiv :) So no comments from me :) Слава Україні!

A big thank you to everyone for your donations to Ukraine from a Ukrainian citizen.

Oh my god, I laughed so loudly that I had to explain this comic to my wife. She thought I'm dying already.

why would you measure temperature in Fucks?

There's a script already in development by an enthusiast

"the war continues. donate"

I'm just a Ukrainian living in Kyiv. If I were living in Eastern Ukraine, I would have wished them all dead.

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These two facts coexist: many people in Ukraine have nowhere to return to, and there are people in Ukraine, who are exploiting their refugee status.