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Joined 4 months ago

Mate, if you don't actually know then don't just make stuff up. Virtually everything you wrote is wrong. (Except if you live in a 3rd world country like america). Massive levels of recycling in Europe. The process is also about reducing waste going to landfill, as well as reducing the need for raw materials.

12 year old article, here's newsweeks factcheck from a few years ago.

It's simply, propaganda. The issue with its audience is they are too young to realise they are being sold the next gen of weapons and it's being promoted in a positive light. If you don't understand why that is wrong then do a quick moral check in yourself.

15 more...

These dogs are tortured and killed, they are bred to be tortured and killed.

I mean, I was all, ok juicy work drama, juicy work drama. Then I got to the last sentence, I think that goes beyond work drama.

20 more...

It's stopping it getting worse for a start. Bloody negative Nancy.

Someone snitching out here yo!

Scrum?... soccer?.... Man, times have changed.

I mean there's relevant and then there's relevant. This is both of those.

I've just poured myself a coconut milk and honey to prove it's a load of bol

Just so you know, that name is new and made up for purely tourist reasons.

And this is how they will push everyone into driverless. Through insurance costs. Who would insure 1 human driver vs 100 bots, (once the systems have a few billion miles on them)

9 more...

There's no holster in the picture. Clearly.

Ok agree, my bad, that does make it worse.

Also can we talk about this

Donald Trump did not expressly direct him to reverse engineer financial statements, he ordered him to do so indirectly, in his 'mob voice.'"

"Dancing, throwing money around meme"

What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?

Battery-powered silent leaf blowers. We really are in the future.

Ok that's 1, anyone else still here?

1 more...

Why? Do you feel like you are team Microsoft and anyone suggesting you could have a better experience on another operating system is the enemy?

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The username, the grumpy desire for vegan cheese. Perfect.

Is this case not more similar to Black Mirror S02E01 Be Right Back?

She joins an app that takes the digital history of a dead partner and it responds to her the way he would.

It then takes it a step further and respawns him but the first part is spot on.

That hot-headed old guy in the leather jacket is the reason.

That's not what a pratfall means though?

Its two word put together, prat and fall. It means to PURPOSEFULLY trip up but make it look like you are clumsy.

It's a "stage" thing and done by clowns and actors generally.

26000L is transported at time so thousands.

They also had power users who dominated post and drove the control of conversation. (MrBabyMan?)

That front wheel!

I forget which case it was but politicians were accepting 10k amounts for votes. A quick whip round could get that money.

I mean, I'd just get on with creating my own filter system these days, how many thousands do I need?

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Narwhal tusk laddie, do you have no style?

OK I'll go back and have a look.

And with batteries and wired it has power redundancy

Think rogue would be a better descriptor.

I'll admit it's done the opposite to me. Gonna make the switch any day now.

Also "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind"

Is that the best you can come up with? There maybe traces of animals in your food so ner? Mate, there maybe traces of vegetables in your food so your arteries might stand a chance!

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It's actually Sizzler Eel, it's my pet fish.

Its not just that, it's measuring their speed and distance and if they cut in and start braking it can send the lorry into an auto hard breaking moment where the hazards come on. Give lorries space.

I'll agree with that.

I'm covered in Bees