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Joined 1 years ago

An aging Geodude..lemmy not gather much moss

Well, most westerners over 50 are on drugs for all sorts of things getting high blood pressure, to diabetes, to cholesterol lowering meds. Not to mention caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and meth.

It's both!

Triassic: Giant Lizards --> Cretaceous: Giant Birds

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*over 100s of Millions, but what's an extra zero amongst Internet friends

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Charge your phone

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Dude seems like a foreign asset

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The first casualty of war is Truth. Remember to be scheduled off all information pumped from any side during war time

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Probably still won't work unless there is serious overpressure in the area from some dynamic loading in the mantle. First off, no part of the mantle is naturally fluid at depth. The closest is the asthenosphere, at around 200 to 400 kn depth. This is still solid, but more like a soft wax. That too, the material is made of peroxides and has a density of between 5 to 15 percent higher than the granitic crust at depth and limestone that makes up the shallower crust of Indiana. Thus, it would be analogous to a whole in a wooden plank floating on a sea of dense soft wax...the wax won't likely push through.

However, if you add water to the system while maintaining the heat, you can start to fluidize the gooey rock, and eventually it will reduce density enough to start creeping upwards. If you mix it deep enough and we'll enough, you can start creating small steam bubbles within that will continue to grow as the rock ascends, further increasing the pressure (like a bubbly bottle of champagne). This will drive further upward pressures allowing for a surface eruption and formation of a volcano.

Source: am geophysicist and play(work) on volcanoes...just not in Indiana

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72 characters per line/card.

*Attorneys General

I don't understand the sales argument. It's my understanding that there is still a huge waiting list for these vehicles. It's not like they're sitting on lots.. or are they?

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I am quite sure he's dead, and they're responsible. There would be no value in not telling the truth here. If he were to pop up after such an announcement, it would destroy what little credibility they have.

That summary was quite the random walk.. I leave this article knowing less than when I came in.

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That and a business model that essentially ran every mom and pop shop out of business

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Just to be clear, he's been doing this type of thing (small lump payouts) for several years instead of actual percentage based cost of living increases. State employees are still mostly poorer now then when he came into office 5 years ago.

Not 1970?

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Just an FYI, both sides including conscripted soldiers. Russia is 18 - 30, Ukraine is now 25 - 60.

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This title makes it sound like a bad thing. Keep in mind that before the past century, most didn't live much past 60, and when older, you had a lot more health problems.

Some long term drugs are quite useful and shouldn't be considered at all as unnecessary or detrimental. This includes things like insulin or blood pressure medicine.

Pricing of some meds is a whole other story...

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There is so much that is unfortunate about this. First off, another person dead because of guns. Second, there is so much news and uproar because she was a young white woman. This is undeniable. Third, in looking for statistics on stray bullet incidences, I found that there is no official tracking in the US.

I found a study of 2008 stray bullet incidents, including deaths from combining news reports. In the year, they found 284 of 501 unique reports of different incidences that met criteria injuring 317 ppl (almost one a day). Of these, about 20% died, and most injured were at home, not aware of any gun violence. Suffice to say, each statistic is a person just like her, and their deaths are all needless tragedies brought on by gun culture.


Only about 15% of PBS and 1% of NPR come from federal funding. The vast majority of both come directly from community, non-profit, and corporate support. The Voice of America is the only state funded media.

There is a separate discussion about whether or not that is actually good for a society, or just adds a path for state-influenced propaganda.

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To be clear, the vaccines that are more protective against the dominant variant at the moment isn't it yet, but prior shots should reduce symptoms and potentially viral load.

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Two utes?

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Thanks. I was just reading about the flicker of different LEDs this morning due to my similar distaste for the lack of warmth with current Christmas lights.

Oh, and direct link to article here.

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No. He's crazy rich because of selling books online. He's confoundedly rich beyond believe and responsibility because of AWS. It took the former to be able to develop the latter.

Your argument before made it seem as though conscription was one sided. I'm not arguing with a stranger on the Internet... that'd be silly

The American heritage dictionary definition 1: ^ An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.

Seems that both fall squarely within the definition of greed.

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That is an extremely difficult task without a mountain of evidence of wrongdoing and a Republican house which is the one with the power of impeachment.

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Stupider Watergate

Back in my ancient college days, compilers (C, FORTRAN) would take like 5 minutes or more, so it was really important to code carefully.

Don't expect anything legally just from this hack of a judge that was appointed to the federal court by Trump without any prior experience. Src:

Ask those parents in the Michigan case


What a crap, gotcha headline. There's dust from construction...much like there's dust following harvest or when planting. There's land that is leased too, but that does not preclude future crop growth on the region

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Great, because it repeats three times before even clicking the article...these bots are killing these forums

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I first read Beyonce, and I was both confused and impressed by her troublemaking and net worth

There are many, okay dozens, of us that buy what best suits our needs. Mac laptop for work management and interface, Android phone for self, Windows PC for son, and a few linux boxes for number crunching.

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Yeah, formatting is never a pain in latex :/

Those had better be encrypted

Actions matter.. looks less so.