Hold liberals accountable or else you will be negotiating on who dies first with fascists

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 309 points –

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Limitations of action from either side are entirely due to a lack of a strong majority in Congress. Without it, no matter the goals, the capabilities are limited. There are times I do really appreciate some of the checks congress has over the executive.

this meme plays out like the government is controlled by one party at a time

It really really isn't when there are no consequences for filibustering and only one party does it. They can chokehold any decision indefinitely. I'm not even American and yet I know this, must be nice being that gullible and naive.

must be nice being that gullible and naive

I appreciate the personal attack

Oh btw, I appreciate the childish whining "but mom he said it in a mean way!!". Keep crying, still doesn't make you right lmfao.

Clowns who focus on form instead of content really make me laugh.