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Joined 1 years ago

I don't like Joe. I'm still voting for him because he's not Donald Trump

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I don't think most truly understand that corporations don't follow a moral compass when it comes to respecting boundaries

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Colloquially yeah it makes a lot of sense to say Hamas is antisemitic, the word means hatred for Jews regardless of the etymology of 'semite'. Take it up with marriam-webster, not the people correctly using the modern definition of the word

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people don't commit these crimes with the expectation that they're going to be caught. I don't know how serious you are but I find it a little disturbing to condone torture

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you do make fun of peoples looks you just don't want to feel bad about it

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Anything but giving governments the power to torture people.

Do you have evidence?

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I can packet inspect and watch them sell data? No lol they collect telemetry but you can use a derivative that doesn't because it's open source. That's not the point though, the point is they don't sell data. You can look at the finances yourself

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yeah they really showed those thousands of dead children who was boss

there's a lot of Linux memes... don't get me wrong I've had a chuckle at a couple Linux memes before but tbh most of the time it's just a reference to Linux and they forget to include a joke.

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or... some people just prefer iPhone? Disliking android os doesn't make me tech illiterate

e: for relevance, I don't like google analytics and in its current state I consider apple a lesser of two evils (marked up hardware vs advertising company). I don't want to spend time configuring an android phone to my tolerance levels when I can just use the same tech I've been using for years with hardly any issue.

Have you ASKED artists to draw these things they're supposedly incapable of?

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Mozilla literally doesn't do that. If you're concerned about them lying about it you can compile the browser yourself.

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AP reported what happened to the extent of their knowledge, giving you enough information to come to that conclusion as a reader. There's plenty of other sources to find sensationalized headlines.

if you choose to believe that Hamas is not antisemitic that's your prerogative. I only note that so long as there is a hatred of Jews the word is being used correctly.

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disgusting that people defend this because "Israel bad." get a grip, Hamas would do the same to you if you were in their path.

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Is it USB 2.0

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The suite itself. Being able to drop photoshop files into after effects and after effects files into premiere timelines while being able to go back and edit any piece is huge for efficiency.

Because she transitioned? Do you misunderstand what trans girl means?

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Its NOT his big selling point.

Bernie Sanders puts it pretty well

HP is terrible at every level. Dell and Lenovo enterprise machines are fine

I can say that I hate that guy and I also hate it when people resort to playground insults. That's my piece

Would you prefer a Trump win over Biden?

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I think you have a point in that it's very possible government sources are exaggerating about this - I'm not too invested in what the invaders have to say about it though.

Hamas doesn't want to be part of Israeli society. These are not two groups that can co-exist peacefully.

Vanilla arch would be pacman -S python 🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸

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They didn't disable it, you can roll back to csgo in the steam options

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That only applies to the ones you consciously think about. No one is immune to advertising.

Yes, and in my opinion you may want to consider learning more about the subject before attributing a murdered girl's identity to 'TikTok brain rot'

Debian 12 itself isn't bad

I've gotten both a quest and index working on Linux, running Windows games using proton. Works well.


I'd personally look into Dell and Lenovo enterprise workstation laptops; same tech, but designed to be used instead of just looking flashy on a shelf.

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My point is it's really not a difficult principle to adhere to and you simply don't do it. That's your right but you're coping about it

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Shooting rockets indiscriminately is definitely an avoidable action. They don't have to do it. Unfortunately people do need to defend themselves from Israel but the rockets are just to inflict suffering.

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Where have you heard Jews live in Gaza?

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some of us care

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Don't physically zoom the lens, that changes the focus