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It's funny to see both Jon Stewart and Dave Chappelle take two very distinct paths into old age. Actually true of most people in that movie, lol

I was a little confused too (plus it doesn't help that the joke itself isn't very clear) but I'll boil down my own thinking:

  • The Dunning Kruger effect is just that people bias towards thinking themselves more knowledgeable than they are when they lack expertise.
  • The brain is probably human, and maybe healthy, if Google image search is to be believed. I've had anatomy classes with very dead brains to look at and brains certainly look like that (?) but plenty of primate brains look that way, too.
  • I think OPs joke is that the second brain is the same, only measured differently because of said bias.
  • It's likely everyone in the comments have limited expertise and thus may be demonstrating said effect by correcting one another.

I'm still not getting the joke but I think it's funny enough that us commenters of commenters are questioning things and might be the only ones not experiencing the Dunning Kruger effect. Lol

Everyday angry is usually due to stupid and/or entitled people, but as a teen I experienced blind rage before and that's a lot harder to explain. You kind of blank out and go after someone, fast heart rate, high blood pressure, truly beast mode. That was usually from bullying or dealing with my alcoholic father, though.

Now a days anger is probably closer to irritation than anything. Which is kind of a shame, I used to use anger to get things done. I once was so angry at a teacher for an unfair C in an art class that I channeled that into the most haunted self portrait I think he ever saw for the final. I ultimately got an A. Does spite count as it's own emotion? Lol

Felt a bit heavy handed in writing, but once I got to the asshole "sell a cow and buy a bull" I laughed because I've actually seen that idiotic meme before. Gets a pass from me!

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Yeah that sounds like standard Bob's Furniture. My dad often ordered from them, and still does since he never seems to learn and low prices hijack his common sense.

Ate the nonion, as it were.

Seems like a good thing?

I was wondering if it was related to anything passed recently, because another service had to change privacy rules to opt in over a rule change in Cali. I just assume if it sounds like a good thing for consumers, it probably wasn't their choice, lol, but I guess in this case it's just a cost cutting measure.

I at least appreciate them being pretty clear about what's different now.

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Pleeeease, don't threaten us with a good time.

Seriously, we don't need a extra layer of inaction on top of a government already designed to move slowly. That's the whole point of having three branches of government, you already have to compromise even without the filibuster unless you sweep (and at this point a sweep is well deserved!).

Although I guess I'm ok with the talking version. It'd be fun to watch those old assholes suffer an all nighter speaking non stop. Wouldn't ever pull it off.

Yeah no, that's just a cranky old guy thought. Just today I was watching fairly average looking people promoting music on late shows. You're probably getting a very thin slice of pop music and ignoring everything else (and hell, even pop breaks that rule sometimes).

Plus, physical beauty and music are both subjective. I try to not get all "old man yells at cloud" about how music "used to be better".

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Reminds me of my kids slinky she messed up. That building will never be the same after the giant toddler played with it...

First mayor to be criminally charged, so far. NY sure knows how to pick em.

I needed a reference picture to give remote tech support to my octogenarian grandma. Circles were my addition.

Having been sued by copyright vultures, I definitely get the difficulty with court. The minimum just to have a lawyer retainer was 2500. The vultures told us to essentially give them 2400 and the problem would go away (a strongly worded email managed to get them off my back, but mostly because they clearly used bots).

I can see it weed out small cases less than that. I guess it'd help if I knew what people were sueing over.

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I think it's funny they'll probably paint this as him being a bigger target because Chaaaaina wants Harris to win. But we know it's probably because his people are inept and Harris (and probably DNC, and Dems in general) probably receive more attention and just don't open malicious emails as often.

Not that DNC isn't inept... Just uh... Less inept.

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That was technically my thinking too, haha. If you're ever targeted by this (and it can be as simple as having a Google image placeholder in an unindexed page) you just need to be stubborn and spiteful. It's not worth their time with so many other patsies, haha.

Oh man, my independent station is wild sometimes. It swaps between a lot of genres, from punk to classical. They played an Earthbound video game cover once, even. My npr station is relatively fine too.

Corpos 100% ruin radio, though, and that's been true for a long time. Stations often get incentives to pay the same songs and that's only gotten worse with time. True across all popular genres, too.

I feel like this version of Boomhauer just speaks with a thick, almost incomprehensible Scottish accent.

Statisticay they are less likely to rape someone, including statutory rape, but it's always stupid to deal in absolutes. Same is true of mass shootings, domestic violence, etc., it can happen but it's less likely.

That said, it's important to believe rape victims, including those who were raped by women. It's not just the media in that regard, though, and especially when men are the victim-- it's especially hard for them to speak out. How many viewers who hear of 16 year old boy being raped by their female teacher and go "nice"? It's certainly a double standard.

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I had to update my LG recently and it had to get approval for all sorts of weird shit. Oddly enough, it let me continue using just about everything even after I denied all the very invasive checkboxes. I guess even they can't deny use of your own tv if you reject the agreement lol

The breast cancer part is interesting because it's a similar problem. Men aren't usually targeted by early detection campaigns, and are less likely to seek help so they are more likely to die from it.

Mine actually started crashing when I opened it, so yeah. Luckily I live in a grid so it's not really hard to figure it out myself.

O - Ordinary and tired plotlines.
H - Hardly any variety in vocabulary.
I - Isn't your best effort .
O - Offensive to anyone with any sense of taste.

It's very true. We've been brainwashed into a year long campaign mostly because it generates a lot of money for various parties but prior elections have proven it's mostly what happens in the last month that makes a difference.

Y'all are lucky you can make coalitions, though. This is more akin to your election if you only had centrists and far right running. Two party system and all that.

I feel like when Harris said that Putin would be sitting in Kyiv, Trump didn't understand. "Why would he be in Kyiv, Putin would be at home, happier of course" because he's taking it literally like a fucking idiot.

And yes, Trump, of course Putin would be happier with you in charge when he invaded. The Biden administration gave crucial Intel in the months leading up to the invasion and military support. Harris 100% deserves props for being involved in that.

Stay classy, Trump Campaign.

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You know, given someone was shot dead at his rally, I'm not sure how much I care if he was shot in the ear or not. I know there might be some mouth breathers who think he's cooler for getting grazed in the ear but like... It was still an assassination attempt regardless, right? Or is the conspiracy that someone really hated that ex-firefighter?

Point is, miss by an inch or miss by a mile, a shot was shot. I hate the guy but debating the state of this assholes ear seems like a waste when we could be talking about Harris, lol

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Oh no. They really want me swapping to Linux full time with this shit, ugh.

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Y'all burying the lead here: Kyle blew on a birthday cake and made a wish but he spoke it out loud! Now it'll never come true. :(

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I think maybe they mean... Like, not washed out by the other 90 minutes of crazy shit he was saying.

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I watched it, and I usually skip debates because the summaries are more meaningful (it's usually just used for fluffy sound bites). This one just felt... Different? She baited the fuck out of him. There will be so many memes.

And yeah the moment he said the great Orban I fucking lost it, more at than the dog eating migrants and the post birth abortions. Like, Harris can't necessarily call that "ally" an asshole fascist but like, those of us in the know, know.

Man, is it something about kblin that makes people think everything is a conspiracy? These comments are something else, It's such a benign post lol

Keep posting, jeffw, someone has to keep news feeds going one way or another. I appreciate it at least!

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When I think "AI will end humanity" I was thinking a sort of Skynet type deal, not... this. Sigh.

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Feels like an insult to guys in photos just living their best life with rubber ducks.

I mean, I want one but that's still unaffordable for me and like, a vast majority of people. Beautiful car, though.

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I will be looking deeper later myself when less busy, haha.

I'm also annoyed by it. I get why it exists, as I've met people with zero clue about drive space, but Windows really shouldn't permanently attach training wheels to the bike.

I'd love a Windows hard mode button, but I guess that's just Linux now. If only work didn't need me to have Windows.

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You know, even before COVID-19, there would be flu, rsv, etc. outbreaks and there would barely be a blerb about it. People would send kids to school sick, literally everyone would catch it, and it sucked. Maybe less lethal, but it still sucked. And I always caught whatever was going around cause we just didn't have the culture here.

At least now there's more recognition, some people might wear masks, and there's a fighting chance I don't catch the thing everyone gets that season (at least in California where it's still ok to wear a mask without ridicule).

Except my sister gave me COVID two months ago since I let her stay here to avoid homelessness. Can't fix bad habit family members, and getting a false negative on a test gave her confidence to get me and my baby sick. Ugh, bad times.

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I'm not going to believe Florida flips, but man, stranger things have happened. Imagine what happens if that happens? Or somehow Texas or something. GOP would fucking lose it.

(But yes, let's not get crazy, she's not exactly winning every poll. I just like to wonder.)

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I trust AOCs judgement, although it might just be both options are equal as long as the party can commit to one. The worst possible outcome is non-commitment, as it's the worst of both worlds.

Stick with Biden, you rally 100% with a flawed candidate and highlight all the good he's done with a flawed Congress (a majority in name only on progressive issues). Can win if you don't repeat 2016 mistakes, which at this point I don't think we'll be taking the rust belt for granted.

Abandon Biden 100%, you quickly side with an obvious choice and build a campaign. Time isn't on your side but you aren't dealing with a much baggage. Can win if the big tent party can agree on things and rally behind the choice even if it's not their first choice. Kamala is boring but probably would be the pick with least resistance.

The problem is neither is happening, so you get Biden with sub-100% support and buying into the age narrative rather than pivoting to his strengths, which is very much a losing strategy. Those resigned to losing probably know this is our trajectory unless something big happens (e.g. Biden sheds the age narrative somehow or drops out leading to a clear successor.)

My hope? We get a 2016 surprise in our favor: polls say Trump wins 99% odds yet Biden pulls off an upset. Wouldn't that be sweet irony...

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