1 Post – 316 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Just changing the voting system by itself won't get rid of the two party system

Not immediately, but it is a necessary condition. A third party really can't exist without ranked choice voting. If allows for a third party candidate to run without pissing everybody off.

But we're already past the primary period... Are we suggesting having a quick primary anyway? Who should we put in his place? I haven't heard a single suggestion for who else to elect. Are we saying Harris should step in? Who should she run with?

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Well, half of those were people who ran against Biden, so that makes sense.

I remember being impressed with Klobuchar, and incredibly impressed with Buttigieg (though sadly he'd lose a lot of the religious vote, sigh). I wish I liked Booker more... But yeah there are some acceptable options there, that's a relief.

So yeah, lightning primary?

So what's the battery chemistry? Also, do they actually have an aircraft design, or is this just battery news?

Yeah, that's a surprisingly clear red flag...

But hey, maybe she'll be successful, the GoP is pretty into crazy these days.

Grid scale storage has come a long way. There are saltwater batteries and flow batteries in use now, those technologies are here, they're just still being iterated on and improved. And as the renewables get increasingly affordable, the demand for storage will rise with it. Now we're still mostly deploying expensive lithium batteries, but as more of that gets installed, the demand for cheaper storage will skyrocket. And production generally follows demand.

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Well if there's not enough sun, wind could be a better option. I don't know much about the climate in slovenia, so either could make more sense.

As for these new kinds of batteries, I don't have the hard numbers on hand, but I know the current installed capacity is really small. So as a product, they're still really new.

Yeah, I've got one of those too. Plex is great.

28 more...

I totally agree. I know a teacher who who likes to say:

"I believe there really is no such thing as a dumb question. As long as it's an honest question (not rhetorical or sarcastic), then it's a genuine request for more information. So even if it's coming from a place of extreme ignorance, asking a question is an attempt to learn something, and the effort should be applauded."

Not really. Galaxies are pretty stable, stars orbit around the central black hole in the galaxy. You can absolutely travel between stars in the same galaxy, even if it takes a thousand years.

I don't think there is a great filter. I think there's an easy solution to the fermi paradox that doesn't require great filters, we're just the first intelligence in this galaxy.

Here's my reasoning: intelligent species that manage to develop space travel probably do tend to expand out into their galaxy. When they achieve this level of technology they can settle most of all of their galaxy in a matter of 10,000 years or so. That time period is very brief on an evolutionary scale. It's estimated that life began on earth 3.7 billion years ago. That means it took about 3.7 billion years for earth to produce intelligent life, and then from that point it would take a mere 10,000 years to reach modern day, and 10,000 more years to settle the whole galaxy. That expansion happens so quickly compared to how long it took the planet to develop intelligent life, that the chance of two civilizations rising at the same time becomes very small.

It all boils down to this: there are no intelligent aliens out there in our galaxy, because we are the first intelligent species in our galaxy. We know we're the first because if we were second, then aliens would already have settled this star system.

Probably there are lots of alien civilizations out there in the universe, but they're in different galaxies.

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Or synthetic life. (Robots)

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The whole ship either has to have enough energy to last potentially 100000 years.

Well, that depends on how far you're going. If you pick a nice close target, let's say 3 light years away, you can potentially get there pretty quickly. With fusion propulsion systems you could make the trip is something like 70 years, coasting most of the way. I'd need to check the math to get exact numbers, but I recall fusion allowing for pretty reasonable trip times.

But if you can survive for hundreds or thousands of years, then solar sails become an option. Then it becomes a materials science problem of how thin can you make a sail that will still hold together. The greater the sail to payload ratio, the faster you go.

Yeah, it totally could be.

That's a bonkers take. It's the largest and most powerful rocket in history and it's already made orbit. The raptor engines are the first full flow staged combustion engines to ever be put into a production rocket (This is a holy grail of rocketry). All estimates suggest that it's also probably much cheaper to build than any of the other heavy lift rockets. And that was accomplished while also building full reusability into the design...

The work they've done is nothing short of astounding. Which makes your take come off as either insane, blind, or biased.

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Yeah, apparently we do...

The problem with Sonic booms isn't that you notice them, it's fine to notice the sound of a vehicle traveling overhead. The problem is that the sound from previous supersonic jets has shattered windows all along the flight path, ruptured eardrums and caused moderate hearing loss.That is a problem...

If this instead sounds like a car door closing, I'd call that significantly quieter.

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This doesn't matter because everyone should be using signal.

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"Buying" media with drm is a mistake.

I buy books from audible sometimes, but I immediately rip the drm out. Use Plex to store your movies and TV shows, it does music ok too now.

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I use the headphone jack every single day, both with my headphones and with an audio-in cable for my car.

I'd be lost without it.

Also, I've tried Bluetooth headsets and they've all died on me for various reasons. I want relatively high quality headphones, and whether they're wired or wireless, good sound tends to cost more. But I don't want to spend more on something that will die quickly, so it's wired headphones for me.

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Cops are among the easiest people to spook. They're like bunny rabbits, but with guns.

Other triggers include

  • removing something from a pocket especially when asked
  • being brown
  • running, for any reason
  • Owning a dog
  • not being white

The thumbnail image isn't even a satellite...

The dragon capsule isn't going to suddenly fall out of orbit somewhere unexpected...

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I'll tell you a secret, it has always felt like the end of the world is coming. It's been a constant throughout history. People will always look around and say "well this whole thing is all going to hell". This will never change and it has more to do with individual human psychology than the state of society.

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It can't happen though. Community service is an act that requires cooperation. He would need to buy in, which he won't. He'd wear the orange jumpsuit and continue to campaign from the side of the highway. He'd never pick up a single bit of trash, he'd smile for cameras.

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Why would you think that?

When I fire up the grill, I don't do calculations on how much weight in CO2 I'm putting into the air and then extrapolate that to find the total mass of CO2 that grills generate globally. I usually just make burgers.

That space engineer made sure that they were on the right side of the rocket equation and they made it to orbit (which is hard on its own).

I agree that thorough environmental studies really ought to be happening, but I'm not surprised that aspects got missed.

Well, photovoltaic panels are already only good at converting a specific range of wavelengths of light into energy. If you want to build more efficient panels (for normal uses), you often need to layer them, with different layers able to use different ranges of the spectrum.

Lasers (and LEDs for that matter) only produce a single wavelength of light, so there is some potential for using it to transmit energy. You just need to tune your laser and your panel to be on the same wavelength. So there's some tuning that needs to happen, but it's basically traditional photovoltaics we're talking about.

Although even then, I'm not sure what the theoretical maximum efficiency of these panels would be, there would probably still be a lot of energy loss. AND ALSO, I have some serious concerns with giving the military giant space based lasers strong enough to power a military base, that's generally called a death ray.

Somehow, I'm actually more comfortable with the military having small nuclear reactors...

No, it was a test stand at the McGregor rocket testing facility, it wasn't even at Boca chica (the place where all the finished rockets are launched from). This is not a big deal and won't affect their schedule at all.

Humans are great computers, we're just not digital. Our brains are definitely analogue computers, where closer neurons or stronger synapse connections can mean higher voltage signals from one cell to another. This is a very powerful and nuanced form of computing. It's not great for exact calculation of numbers, but it is great for interpreting data, even extremely large data sets. Human brains (many animal brains really) are also really fantastic at image processing in particular.

If it's worthwhile to have a dedicated video card in your pc, then likewise, it would probably be worthwhile to have human brains in your evil robot hivemind. It would make some kids of processing much more efficient.

I should die due to my own negligence, playing fast and loose with custom firmware for my cyber heart at the age of 300.

it makes it sounds like he's saying they aren't white men because they're from another planet and that planet doesn't have black people on it.

Does it? It sounds to me like he's saying that most of the people aren't human at all. In fact that's definitely what he's saying... Like they don't look like white men or black men, because they don't look like men. He's suggesting that viewers may be forgetting that a great many of the characters in the movies are in extreme costumes where ethnicity isn't apparent whatsoever.

Let's take the main cast for example, the skywalkers (Luke Leia Vader) are all family, so that makes some sense to be the same race. There Han and ObiWan, as well, so that makes 5 white. But then there's chewy, Yoda, c-3p0 and R2, so 4 that fall into "other"and finally Lando an actual poc. Yes, the cast is half white, but half the cast is really not bad, especially for the 70's & 80's.

And then there's the Empire, they're British (apparently). Make of that what you will

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If you want a real engineer, watch "stuff made here" perhaps the most competent engineer on YouTube.

If you want to watch top quality unbiased science content, there's "smarter every day", "veritasium" and "3blue1brown". They're all great, I highly recommend them all.

If you want a good combo of engineering and science, and probably the smartest person on YouTube, "the thought emporium" will blow your mind. The projects they come up with... I never knew any of that was possible.

Honestly, pretty much, yes. Their home printers have basically always been this bad. But then inkjets are universally bad anyway.

HP's Business class printers for offices and schools are actually pretty good, they make a decent laser printer and they make a decent copier. But their $50 home models have always been garbage.

As someone who ran a computer lab for years, my advice is this: Always always always buy a laser printer. And personally I've had only mixed success with all the major manufacturers HP/Lexmark/Canon. I always recommend Brother because they mostly market to offices and corporations, and nobody wants to upset corporate partners, so they're incentivized to actually make a good product.

Ok, just so we're clear... The entire "scheme" was to get jobs working remotely in the US. And then doing those jobs adequately, and collecting a paycheck?

Truly deprived... I hope they catch every one of these monsters.

That sounds awfully legit.

I hate to think that the government is doing exactly what they've said they'd do in a sensible timeframe. What is this nation coming to?

That doesn't really mean much to Americans. Christianity is a death cult.

It probably got into the planes with rivets, cause titanium is hard to weld.

Waaahhh Waaaahh!

Somebody get that little guy a binky.

And like that, you've dashed my dreams if a brighter future...

Actually I suppose that would be pretty easy...

To justices that think it's ok for presidents to order the assassination of rivals, Biden can say:

"You should retire. If you do not retire, I have the power to get rid of you permanently. Your choice. "

That's probably a good thing. I generally put different information into every service. If you keep track of who you told what, you can use that information later. If you receive spam from somewhere random, but they use the name you gave Sony, you can say "oh so Sony sold my data to you..."

Wait, you're saying I can resell my old adp to dvi connectors for up to $250?

Someone's about to make an easy grand...

Hey, what'll ya give me for some FireWire cables? Ooh, I got an old pre USB keyboard and mouse too!