You can ask one question from a person from the year 3024. What are you asking? to Ask – 64 points –

What would you tell someone in 2024 to completely change their life for the better?

Probably the best answer in this thread, still a bit if a gamble. I certainly would have a hard time answering that for a person from 1024.

"wash your hands"

Don't forget to specify with soap and to do it after bathroom visits and before meals, otherwise they'll just wash their hands once per month and use dirt to wash with.

And specifically before they try any "surgery"

did they have soap back then?

According to Wikipedia

Humans have used soap for millennia; evidence exists for the production of soap-like materials in ancient Babylon around 2800 BC.

So I think they did.

Don't let anyone explore overseas to the west (if talking to a white person).

Don't trust white people (if talking to just about anyone else).

Telling them how a steam engine works. That would start the industrial revolution earlier and it would end up speeding us up to a more advanced and better future... or to an early extinction by global warming... hmmmm

Maybe explaining an electricity generator would be a better gamble, but it may be very hard to make one back then...

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The answer would probably be something sensible, within our ability and something we would be capable of.

We already know how to do this .... we as a collective global civilization just actively refuse to do any of it unless we were forced to, either by war or by the realization that it will mean our extinction.

It's not that we are a thousand years dumber than our descendants .... we are just as intelligent and insightful as our ancestors a thousand years ago ... it's just that our short sightedness and greed gets the best of us.

In many ways we are still a lot like our prehistoric ancestors from 100,000 years ago who believed that our family should control all the unlimited amount of bananas in the jungle.

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The fact there is a human person to ask anything to is answer enough for me.

Who said the person was human?

Then I guess I do have a question : To your knowledge, how many sapient beings currently exist ?

A researcher in animal cognition said at a lecture I saw once: every time we look closer, we see more and more evidence of intelligent behavior in tinier and tinier creatures, behaviors we once assumed were limited to humans. He studied insects: bacteria have been shown to display “learning” behaviors.

How many beings are sapient? Wouldn’t be shocked if Future Being told me it was all of them

I hope the being from the future answers with a number, because “all of them” could mean “one” and that’s the actual thing I’m worried about 😆

To my knowledge, the sapient population is the human population of Earth.

However, there are numerous sentient species that could conceivably be "uplifted" in the next thousand years. Plus, I consider it more likely than not that extraterrestrials do exist and that there's likely another sapient species out there, though they are unlikely to be in our general volume of space

Can u give me a offline copy of the current state of wikepedia.

Sure! Here's a 100PB thumb drive.

*isolinear data crystal.

Hopefully the usb standard hasn't updated too much.

USB-C PDcl2-𝕪ℙⓔʞɔɒds̷̬͑̉́̍̇̀̑̈́̇͊̄̊̑p̵̛̭̗̓̓̽̈́̿͋̂́̈́̎̔̔̋̓͑͜ä̸͚̥̼̼́͑̊̾̅̈́̌̈̎͡͝͡c̸͈͍͈͖̾͌̂̊̀͒͂̀̍́͝ḛ̵̪͔̭͖͔̯̑̔̓͗͜͝ͅ

In a thousand years from now, I honestly think 100PB is small for a thumb drive. I've seen such drastic increase in storage density in my lifetime that, while I don't expect it, I wouldn't be surprised if I see 100PB in single storage devices at some point in my lifetime.

I'm already dealing with PB-sized storage clusters at work, so the need for that k8nd of storage is already there, and necessity drives innovation.

Specifically all the medical stuff, like all the generic formulas that extend my life

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What would you tell a direct ancestor of yourself, living in the year 2024?

This is it. You don't always know what you need to to know.

How long did it take to overthrow humanity, dear robot overlord?

I was thinking about this yesterday... the kinda already have.

I mean bots online have humans so addled we can't decide whether to have a vaccination, or whether to elect a dictator.

I don't think we're in fit shape to read Facebook and order from Amazon, and we're going to have a real actual shooting war with robots?

What dangerous substances were unknowingly used by people in the past millennium?

(Like radium, lead, asbestos, etc. seems for us now)



Most plastic that we use shows evidence of endocrine disruption activity and it isnt just BPA as a byproduct of the manufacture of certain plastics. We know it is bad for the environment too. Microplastics are pervasive and also known to have negative health and environmental consequences.

I agree with all of that, but as a society, I would not say we "know" it until we remove it from our food supply in a significant way. Today, still in most countries much of our food is stored, sold, and prepared in substantial plastics. We rightfully "know" better with lead and asbestos, but societally were still ignorant of the real concerns of plastics.

We knew Lead was poisonous back in roman times. That didnt stop us from using its derivatives in paint, gasoline, solders (still used today), bullets and other common products. The disaster in Flint for example, was the result of the use of Lead and its alloys in the water pipes used there combined with poor decisions made in the name of cost cutting. Dont assume that people individually or as a society do dumb things only because they dont know any better. People do dumb things they know full well they shouldnt be doing all the time.

Will half life 3 be worth the wait?

Actually in 2999 Gabe Newell's consciousness uploaded to the Steam Cloud decreed that 3s were now illegal. The year is legally 2999 Episode 24.

Do we survive our current nonsense, or does it just get worse from here?

Your question might be more useful if you added a "how" to the beginning of it, "How do we survive our current nonsense?"

Send noods plz?

okay but honestly it would be super interesting to see how humans have changed over those thousand years

1000 years is too little for big evolutionary changes in a species that reproduces as slowly as us. So unless they went full cyborg or generic engineering the changes won't be very big.

I mean not even from evolution, but like style and what not. 500 years ago things like tattoos as a fashion thing would be unheard of outside like tribal stuff (I think at least I'm no expert). would be interesting to see what they come up with

video tattoos, split tongues, robotic sidekicks

I recall reading our evolutionary trend is headed towards making toes obsolete, so they might be down to only three or four by then.

1000 years is long enough for us to get a lot more comfortable with things like eugenics, cloning, or other genetic fuckery.

How many thousands, or millions, survived the 21st century's Great Filter?

( I'd want to know the proper expectations )

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How do you exist, considering the current state of our world?

How do we stop climate change for real? Or, how do we reverse the plastic pollution problem?

Tell me, in detail, about Trump's death and how MAGA disintegrated.

Greetings! I am from the year 1024, can you tell me, in detail, about the death of Basil II Porphyrogenitus and how the Fatimid Caliphate will rise again?

Plot twist: he's frozen alongside Walt Disney, and now he is the Messiah of a new religion. It's followers knock on people's door to convert them. If you don't open the door they'll leave a Confederate flag and a maga hat, which is how they curse you for 3 generations.

I'd want to know what their favorite meal is. 1000 years would likely have a lot of culinary, agriculture, and food production changes. Maybe everyone eats cubes of flavored yeast.

Whats the btc price?

How is the price of BTC in 3024 relevant to you, you won't live to see 3024 and reap the potential rewards.

It would show me the direction. Also, how can you question whats relevant to me? I would just be curious...believe it or not..

No, you can't just be curious. That's not allowed!

Also, the BTC price then is: "what's bitcoin? Not that you'd know the value of the currency I say anyway."

Maybe, but I know what a Roman denarius is, and that was used 2000 years ago in a region I've never lived in.

If even a single full node was still running and a single service was willing to exchange it, you could in fact look up the price. And if digital currencies continue to be a thing (seems likely to me), then exchanging between them may not even require a third party, it will likely be possible to do within the protocols.

Personally I think it's not an unreasonable question. A bit boring, but I see the appeal.

This is like a viking asking what the value of a silver pennigar is in 2024. Which you probably wouldnt understand because they dont speak modern English. And even if the conversation were mutually intelligible, most people wouldnt know or care what a silver pennigar is to be able to give an answer and the ones that do would point out that because that particular coin hasnt been used at scale in commerce in hundreds of years, it doesnt really have a modern answer aside from "this is a collector's item not a form of recognized currency." And even if it did, its likely not going to be easy to explain what that value is in a way that they understand. i.e dollars wouldnt mean anything to them and the value of most things has changed dramatically since that time.

Even if crypto does become the next big thing, I doubt bitcoin specifically would still be around. Surely there's much better tech by then. If you're lucky they know about it as the precursor to their current system. And even if for some reason it did stick around that long, the value would be meaningless since you have no idea what inflation is like.

That's also assuming they would still be able to express the price in another currency that we recognize now

Well, wouldnt you want to know what will have happened until then?

What precise instructions should I follow to be able to time-travel like you?

What should I do about my car's extended warranty?

What are the best means of energy collection, storage, and transmission?

Even if the person I asked had knowledge enough in the field to answer this, I'm not sure I could understand it enough to retain any of it. I don't even understand todays batteries.

Imagine if someone from the 1920s asked you such a question. What would you explain? What frame of reference could they have to understand the answer?

I could certainly explain enough for them to invest in the right stocks.

What is the best recipe for nachos in the future you guys have got to have figured this out by now

How make proper fire with stone?

Oh sure. Here is an early video of the primitive technology guy. This was way way before he reached immortality through genetic engineering in episode 1456.

What's the most effective way to build all parts of a nuclear fusion power plant? Please, be specific.

What will be the lottery numbers for the next year?

Imagine some dude just blink in to your room and asks what the Viking lottery numbers are for 1025. Why would anyone know this? Lmao

Probably something timeless and philosophical, since it's not like she'll be able to answer.