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Joined 11 months ago

I've been waiting for this day for so long, seeing this wannabe dictator commit crime after crime with no consequences and hearing so many people saying this would never happen, but here we are. Cheers my American neighbors! This is a good day for democracy!

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Dave "I fire people that have sex out of wedlock" Ramsey? Who cares what that religious nut have to say?

Access to abortions, I hope, sh!t is getting long.

Anything with pepe the frog or anime in the thumbnails or anybody that says "based" is not worth it in my opinion.

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Thats how a lot of people, including me, ended up here on Lemmy, so I'm still glad it happened. Here I feel like im in the early days of the internet again and its great.

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I would recommend you a wireless keyboard with an integrated touchpad, it makes it easier to control everything from the couch.

yeah I remember that guy, I stopped watching his linux channel during the pandemic as soon as he called it "plandemic". It looks like it just got worst from there.

aaawwww... (closes wallet)

Every post on linkedin. Bunch of fake ass people kissing corporate asses.

nice try boss

Right? They are also losing the opportunity to hire top talent from remote locations. I guess we found something that is more important to them than profits: their ego.

Even after being president for 4 years, he still doesn't understand what a president can and cannot do.

Tired employees that feel treated as pawns are not more productive? What if we poke them each morning at the door with a stick? That may work. /s

If you are sad because you lost your cat, that means you loved it. So yes, you live, you suffer but you also love. Im sure you made your little friend very happy as it made you and Im sure you gave it a great life that few creatures in this planet can have. If you made such a difference on a living creature, you can do it again. Maybe that is the point of all this.

jfc we made office jobs work during the pandemic remotely during 2 years, why these f-ing dinosaurs insist in burning the planet so they can smell each other coffee breath?

they will end up drinking the koolaid, dont they?

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I watched too many people bitch and moan about vaccines and masks during a pandemic... I dont think I'm smart, the bar is just too low.

What I find very disconcerting is that some companies don't own real state, they rent it. A commercial space in NY size of a garage costs like 70K per month! So these companies had the golden opportunity to pocket this money, to make their employees happy, help the environment, improve the traffic in the city and get talent from anywhere in the country, but said "nah thanks, I prefer to spend my time micromanaging my employees".

What is wrong with these people? Our generation needs to create better, smarter companies and make these dinosaurs irrelevant.

The fairphone still beats that with 10 years of support. If only you could buy them in Canada...

"thats why you are going to eat it all you little sh" huh maybe im parent material after all

What do I need to do from now, until the day I die, to be the happiest possible?

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I'm skeptical too, it sounds very hard to do with the sound alone, but lets assume that part works.

The keylogger part could be done with a malicious website that activates the microphone and asks the user to input whatever. The site would know what you typed and how it sounded. Then that information could be used against you even when you are not in the malicious website.

I would still disagree with him on everything, but at least I could respect him. Sadly republicans not only showed they lack policy, but also that they lack integrity and courage by still aligning with mr small hands dictator.

Its still surreal that the "family values", "christian", "freedom" crowd supports a person that doesnt practice any of those principles. Didn't their holy book warn them against golden idols?

edit: misspells

"I support face eating leopards and would run from one"

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I dont do it but I can see the appeal of photographing a wild animal. Its like hunting, but instead of shooting a gun and killing the animal, you shoot a picture and you get a nice souvenir without hurting anything.

My problem with it's poor quality sources and/or content. For example: yellow journalism. I want to be informed and have good discussions, not being outraged or click baited.

not at all, on the contrary, they are pretty impressive and I love how they look.

Would you share your internet history and text messages with your boss and co workers? With all your family? With us in this thread?

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because otherwise it would be like a peck from a bird and yes, that would be weird

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Back 4 blood. They added so much nonsense to it, I just want to slash my way through waves of zombies with fun weapons, not to manage a card deck and play in a very specific way to be able to advance in the campaign.

Losing 3 hours of your life per day stuck in traffic, polluting the planet, spending money you dont have in gas and downtown lunches so your colleague can tell you all about the weather and you can assist to the same meetings on video calls with people that are in another country... yay...


I have to, otherwise I wouldnt listen to music at all...

are you saying that a cellphone accelerometer can be used as a microphone? That sounds... interesting. Do you have a source?

A neck pillow and noise cancelling headphones makes the trick for me.

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It's like rain on your wedding day, It's a RICO case when your hair dye wont dry 🎵

I'm curious, why that feature was so important for you?

around three fiddy

Downtowns can become very nice neighborhoods once all those offices and car space are transformed in housing, parks and walkable spaces.

my dude... of course I would, thats why I dont support gun rights... thats my point...

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