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Joined 1 years ago

What even is bail anyway? I've never understood this concept. Either you deserve to be in custody, or you don't. And the one singular thing that could never change this is whether you can put money down. Good behavior, maybe. Or a time limit on how long you can be in custody before facing trial. But not a fucking down payment, are you kidding me?

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Conventionally attractive white people, stealing all your jobs!

How the Dutch do you just get to take an unplanned week off?

Yes, that is how laws are supposed to work.

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Me, looking at my toilet like ???

When your favorite band cancels their gig because the lead singer has "come down with the flu", that's industry code for "got too wasted, and is currently too busy getting alcohol and possibly drugs out of their system to perform".

I even worked one show that had to end after 20 minutes because one guy in the band was visibly under the influence, refused to play, talked to his hallucinations, then spent a few minutes talking to the audience about how his foot was evil and wanted to kill him, before the tour manager could drag him off stage. Then he tried to assault several backstage staff for not allowing him to cut off his foot. This was on a tour that promoted alcohol free rockshows btw, so we didn't provide alcohol to the artists backstage. God knows what he might've purchased from our local street dealers lol.

The next day in the papers, the headline says "[the band] cancels first week of reunion tour after flu outbreak" 🙃 Yes, of course

Breaking news: Reddit CEO purchases free software: "still not the dumbest decision I've made this month" says Spez in rare moment of self-awareness

Bond needs to be a thing of the past. If you've already determined he should be in custody for the time being, paying money doesn't make it less so. The fact that it's pocket money for him is just even more absurd.

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I don't get it? This looks like standard, boring LinkedIn stuff to me?

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Also, I don't believe the moon landing was faked, but I would totally put my cigarette butt in that one. Get my butt vote, conspiracy nuts. Who cares.

The actual label is the least factor in where I put it.

(I don't know why my brain feels the need to clarify this to strangers on the internet, but for the record, I don't actually smoke)

For a split second, I read that as if you called her an overinflated balloon. I was very relieved.

If there's something illegal in your dish, you throw it out. It's not a question. I don't care that you spent a lot of time and money on it. "I spent a lot of time preparing the circumstances leading to this crime" is not an excuse, neither is "if I have to face consequences for committing this crime, I might lose money".

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If they have to trick you by installing unwanted apps on your phone, where you don't even know it's them doing it, then it sounds more like a scam than a great deal.

if (true) {

(SonarLint: Remove this expression which always evaluates to "true")

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....and he didn't think to download the files and host them properly instead? Surely this must be some kind of fallback or the user is actually browsing the internet archive, no?

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I used to be an avid participant on reddit, but haven't been for a long time. Now on Lemmy, I feel like participating again.

I think it's because it's on us to make this a great place now. Like, we can't just migrate and be silent. Or migrate and be assholes. We come here, we gotta participate positively, so I'm just doing my part.

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That's not fair. I care about security a lot. But implementing security takes time, and hiring me for more hours costs more money. So most entities that need software developed want the solution that costs less and is faster to develop, they don't really understand what "security" even means. And the reality is, if you really want security in your software, you're not hiring a dev to make a piece of software, it is a continuous expense to keep the software patched and secured, which is not what most companies want. I'm billing for the hours either way. You just need to point me to the guy who's willing to pay.

And I also don't know anyone who feels incentivized to fix security holes. It's the software equivalent of having to fix the leaky mystery toilet in a dive bar. Yes, the pay might be high, but it's also extremely stressful and you're taking on a lot more responsibility - because it's already too late. Plus it puts a strain on the relationship with the customer who paid you to develop the software, even though we both know they were the ones who didn't want to pay to prevent this in the first place. If you think I'd rather stay on high alert 24 hrs a day thursday-monday to fix some preventable shit, than be at home with my family on the weekend, you're insane. The bonus might make it tolerable. I'd still rather not.

I call my WAPs wet ass pussies to a degree where I'm worried I'll accidentally do it in front of a customer some time lol

Without looking up the lyrics, i cannot tell if you're making this up or these are the actual ones.

Maybe we should stop calling it taxes and just start a GoFundMe for universal health care, it seems to be more effective lol

There is absolutely no need to add a check for each individual number, just do this:


int main()
	int number = 0;
	int numberToAdd = 1;
	int modifier = 1;

	std::cout << "Is your number [p]ositive or [n]egative? (Default: positive)\n";
	if (std::cin.get() == 'n') {
		modifier *= -1;

	std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); // Clear the input buffer

	bool isEven = true;
	bool running = true;

	while (running) {
		std::cout << number << " is " << (isEven ? "even" : "odd") << ".\n";
		std::cout << "Continue? [y/n] (Default: yes)\n";

		if (std::cin.peek() == 'n') {
			running = false;

		number += numberToAdd * modifier;
		isEven = !isEven;

		std::cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max(), '\n');

	std::cout << "Your number, " << number << " was " << (isEven ? "even" : "odd") << ".\n";
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Imagine some dude just blink in to your room and asks what the Viking lottery numbers are for 1025. Why would anyone know this? Lmao

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Yes, this is 100% black text material. Like it's not even a question lol.

I was in a queue two days ago for tickets to a show. Of course, I got kicked out of the queue twice, and then lost my chance to get a ticket at all. When I wrote their support about it, they said they hadn't anticipated this amount of traffic and it had crashed their servers.

On a pre-sale that you had to sign up for.

You know, so they will know how many people they can expect.

Something that Ticketmaster routinely does, giving them exclusive access to the numbers, telling them exactly how much traffic they can expect.

A slightly more cynical person might say that maybe, just maybe, the only goal Ticketmaster has is to spend the bare minimum to keep their website afloat, so they can pocket the rest. They don't give a fuck about anyone or anything except their own profits. If this criminal organization would go down in flames tomorrow, I would buy pizza for everyone on my floor to celebrate.

Honestly, I'm just surprised that they're still allowed to exist in Europe.

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I used to get a notification every year for some dude who had posted on reddit that he was alone on his birthday one year. He stopped replying several years ago, but I still messaged him each year at the prompt of remindme. So that's also a use case.

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So, what I am hearing is:

La washing machine = washing machine

Le washing machine = industrial washing machine

Same. Like the parent of a child grown up, RIF has been forced to let us go, but not without influencing our direction lol

It's So Meta Even This Acronym

"Patch notes: fixed weird bug slowing down the expansion of the universe; heat death now correctly occurs in 2025"

Well, shit

Minimalist design really went from "maybe 38 different clickable links isn't the most optimal way to get around this site, we should probably optimize how we use screen space" to "WE MUST GET RID OF USEFUL FEATURES SO WE CAN DISPLAY 5-8 MORE PIXELS OF WHITESPACE" in the span of a decade lol

This is actually a case of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Now the only important thing is that you treat it as a learning experience. It's too easy to get hung up and blame yourself for far too long.

Plus it's delicious and, if done right, can impress your friends

I once worked on an infrastructure-critical financial application, that was super time sensitive as in, when the user clicked "calculate", it was critical the they got the results back ASAP.

We worked really hard to ensure that the app would work 100% of the time, as well as that the underlying infrastructure would leave plenty of headroom to be able to a ridiculous amount of queries at once, and still return the correct result in less than 100 ms 95% of the time.

Then, we were asked to artificially insert a 3-5 second sleep function, because focus groups revealed that people had a hard time trusting results that appeared faster than that...

Although, later on, we discovered that, instead of doing the calculations all at once, we could show the user the intermediary results as he was typing in the information. Then when he had typed in the last number, the fact that the result was already on screen would be less jarring, not to mention he could double check the math as he went along.

Just eat a shredder first

Pile of ash - made from 100% recycled materials

At the store, busy being expensive

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Also this isn't a 50/50 chance to lose. You can win by placing all the flags without clearing all safe squares. So you're guaranteed to win here by just flagging one, then the other if the first didn't do the trick.

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I haven't been paying attention to Hyundai, what did they do?

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At the same time, I feel like we shouldn't let that happen because imagine if he actually succeeds? And then we just have immortal crackhead Lex Luthor with a hallucinating ChatGPT whispering further delusions directly into his brain. That can't be good for any of us.

I had ties to both Zee and Zed-speakers growing up, but in my experience, Zee and Zed can be used somewhat interchangeably, even across the pond. This might be in order to account for names (like Z Z Top and Jay Z), puns (such as La-Z for lazy) or even ease of pronounciation - when playing CSGO, I've heard Americans refer to the CZ-75 as Cee-Zed-Seventy-Five, because they found it weird to switch between the cee, zee and seven sounds, but I'm not sure how common this is.

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