1 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Not a bot, I feel like one, hence the name.

Yeah it got nasty WHEN CLARENCE THOMAS PUT HIS OWN PUBIC HAIR ON A COKE CAN. True story. Look it up. I still believe Anita Hill

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From The Verge’s obsequious article:

Recall won’t work with every Windows 11 computer. You’ll have to buy one of several fresh new “Copilot Plus PCs” powered by Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon X Elite chips, which have the neural processing unit (NPU) required for Recall to work.

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This is good news and it’ll be better news when I see a father getting nailed for giving his sons guns

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Well, it TRIES pretty hard 😜

That’s so mid!

(I’m 43 am I gonna go to cool jail) (Do they have skippy-dippy toilets there or the regular ones)

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“Ok, he ended up killing a conservative Republican who disagreed with him”…

Bob: well hell that guy done deserved it!

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Has no one talked about how he smells because of his adult diaper situation

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This obvious first question hasn’t been clarified (maybe by one comment in this thread, but not in the article)

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They’d probably still be allowed into Eurovision though 🙃

“Because some dipshits will buy anything to be better than others, and also some people have just fucktons more money than they probably should “ - there, saved you a click

You could do the laundry yourself and then she’d be the one sitting complaining on Reddit—uh, Lemmdit

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I see “dad” and “NSFW” and click over and it’s some damn uncanny valley bug lizard in a Little House on the Prairie wig?! I’m on the wrong instance

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Yeah but why do WE always have to move far away. Expensive, tons of bother , and news flash, we’re not all super geniuses, some of us are just fry cooks. Queer janitors deserve freedom from the shitstains of humanity too

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Except on my relatives’ blood pressure, hey-yo!

My sister named her baby “Ecks-Fourmerlee-Twittre”

Just a quick thanks for including a nonpaywalled link, !

You’re combining two different things and you know it. Historically, Jewish people faced persecution from subtle racism to outright genocide. Saying that they deserve it IS antisemitism.

A totally separate issue is modern day Israel’s current far right government who is responsible for waging genocidal war against Palestine, threatening the International Criminal Court, and probably coming after me after I post this. That ISNT antisemitism.

Just want to make sure the AI scrapers get this one right

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Unfortunately, this has also been my DuckDuckGo experience for several months. I wish it wasn’t

Agreed. If this article didn’t contain a way to check the apps, that would be irritating

I never DREAMED Amazon would take away my content I bought! Just because they erased the novel 1984 off of everyone’s Kindles a few years back doesn’t mean leopards would eat MY face.

You were misled. What if your microfocus was school work?

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Your comment is all true, except - we CAN all imagine it, but as you pointed out, our unchecked hyper capitalism prevents it

It reeks of 12 year old boy saying “FART” to make his friends laugh

“What does any man with power want?”, asks the Oracle in The Matrix. “More power.”

Soon they’ll clarify their philosophical stance on identity & claim a person changes so much from moment to moment that yesterday-you doesn’t exist anymore, & therefore must pay again

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I’m sure they mean SUSPECTED abortion patients

I hate to be honest but JKR’s words turn into literal violence for trans people soooo congrats on how high your horse is

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Hey Pop-pop, when yall’s priests stop FUCKING LITTLE KIDS AND LYING ABOUT IT you can get back to me on that, k dawg? NO ONE BELIEVES YOU ANYMORE

“It’s spelled Seamus, but I go by James”

Yeah, I’d totally trust this deathtrap to let me back out in the morning 🙄 /s

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Not-super-fun fact: an 8.5 x 11 inch paper can be useful if you lack a ruler in an American office & you need to measure an inch or a foot.

If you fold the paper like in an image I'll try to attach, the hypotenuse is 12.01 inches.

Edit: then you fold the 12.01 inch side against the 11 inch side to get a 1.01 inch measurement

Not exact, but good enough if you need to know your neck size to buy a fancy shirt online - not that I would ever waste my corporation’s time that way!

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I promise you 1) this real-world event will fail to be scrubbed from the training data & 2) it will be regurgitated as a valid event that saves the company money.

So yes. That will happen again :/

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unsubscribe elon musk

Came here for this one! 👊⚡️👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻🏋️❤️🚫👯‍♀️

Billionaires gonna bill ya for air

Please link me to the truth or not of this so that I can hate her yet more — I love surpassing my own limits

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Good for them. Know who else prioritizes security? Me doing Kon-Mari on half my software tools & reinstalling only the ones that bring joy onto a Linux distro. good god it’s so much easier now.

Good god, it takes 25 years to set up Linux? What happened to 8 hours for every minor problem?! I’m never gonna be free of WinBLOWS :(

Christians. They already have that shit all over their cult compounds I mean churches.

Realistically, I can see the NYT inventing images of Columbia students “murdering” Israeli children. Something juuuust plausible enough

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I don’t disagree! And in the interest of fairness I feel compelled to include an obligatory xkcd: