Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you to – 847 points –
Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die

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Soon they’ll clarify their philosophical stance on identity & claim a person changes so much from moment to moment that yesterday-you doesn’t exist anymore, & therefore must pay again

Somewhere there is a hyper capitalist parallel Universum where buddhism is the mainstream western religion and this stance is enforced rigorously.

At some point, Gabe is going to sell the company and/or die. The company will be transferred to a hedge fund. And then you'll see a bunch of evil IT bros come up with increasingly sadistic means of cannibalizing the user base for profit.

Drink the Mountain Dew Verification Can to continue, etc, etc.

I just started Talos Principle the other day and this reads like something that computer that keeps arguing with me about personhood would say