0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


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Yes we are and that's okay we're not against headphone jacks, it's just that this post right here is about wireless earbuds

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Nvm replaceable batteries, I keep buying 2-3 pairs of ear buds a year because I keep forgetting them in my pants when I wash them, or I give them a pat down and don't feel them inside of them.

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Vinyls are great, but I can't copy them to my phone so I still have to buy a CD with it.

40 more...

Sure I'll catch you at that place at that time, how about that?

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With Wiz bulbs,

  • wake up mode when I wake up for work before sunrise, (starts dwith dim blue light that grafually brightens over 30 minutes),
  • 3600k during normal daylight hours,
  • then either fireplace (rotating red, orange, yellow)
  • or sunset mode (yellow, orange, red, pink, and purple) after, well, sunset


Spread those astronaut squirrels, I'm about to cum buckets?


I wish I were a loser, but I have to drive to work, use tools, and make my back sore carrying a ladder around.

Not US, but Canada. I don't work a desk job, but but drive around doing work out of a van full of tools, with ladders on top.

Most days I can do 6-2, 7-3, 8-4, 9-5, how ever I want.. After 8 hrs I get over time. After 12 hrs is double time.

Lunch is paid.

Usually I set an alarm, either get up, or snooze a bit, and find myself on the job site sometime between 7 and 8 put in 8 hrs of work that day, and go home unless we get busy and something comes up, and the over time is there if I want it. I take it more often than not. It pays off come Christmas time as a pay bonus

Look at non stick pans, you still have to butter them before cracking the egg lol

Thank you

Wait, it's like this is some sort of joke or circle jerk because two people made the exact same "who tf is..." comment, just with different names.

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And using three periods instead of one comma

Well, fucking shit man.

I'll show you a brown ring

Or next thing ya know, it turns out the brick has bluetooth too and is required to connect to the phone in order to charge it during normal use, so OP'd have to pair it with the phone as well in order to power the headphones, further reinforcing the locals.

It's not true that I cannot copy my vinyls to my computer? Okay how do I do that then? It just has the red and white left and right cables going to an amp, and then my receiver. Kinda new to vinyls over here

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This is why I love Patches for shining light on unknown artists

I think you have too uhhhh... Download the drivers from the internet

I just started Talos Principle the other day and this reads like something that computer that keeps arguing with me about personhood would say

I would love to see the looks on their poor faces when they witness this.

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TIL, thanks for pointing out the thing about quality. The table I've currently got sounds pretty nice (for never really having used anything else), so maybe I'll check out ones with USB and at least keep it around for copying!

Sweet, thanks for the info! I'll check it out

Haha nice, that's an area of music collection as a hobby that I've never explored., and I can really appreciate that level of dedicstion. Thanks for letting me know, I'll see if I can even find my type of metal on there

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Shiiiiit, okay I like that setup. My computer is connected to my tv which has ARC to th receiver, so I could totally do that too

Pancakes, eggs, bacon, OJ, milk. Everywhere I go out for breakfast, I to look for the closest thing on the menu to this.

Ahh, I see. Setting sail to get something I've legitimately paid for IS an option. I'd still rather do it myself now that I'm finding out it's an option with the right equipment

This is the best

I see, the four flavours on your plate each get paired up with another.

I, a 170lb 6'2" dude , have to choose one carb over the other because I can't stomach both, but I notice it's common for menu items to have toast on the side of another type of grain, so I figured it must be for a reason

Sorry I spelled hashbrowns wrong.

Let me rephrase; why do you like both toast AND hashbrowns?

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I love you

Just curious about why you need toast AND pancakes, not just one or the other?

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Yeah, and with the style of the few albums I do have on vinyl, the vinyl rexord sound kinda goes with the sound of their subgenre so I do enjoy the vinyl listening experience there, and they do sound different than on Spotify.

But when I own my own copy of an album, I want to remove it from Spotify and have my own copy of it on my own device. So if I'm just doing it to be able to listen to music that I paid for on vinyl on my phone when I'm not home in front of the turntable, then that's good enough.

I notice now, some new vinyls on Bandcamp come with digital download, which is cool, but not if I bought it at a show.

Oh , mine doesn't . I'm new to vinyl, and have less than 10 in my collection. My turntable was given to me by a friend.

So yours can copy to a computer via USB?

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I did not think people would perceive it like that, and didn't realize the jack was phased out before bluetooth ear buds were a thing, as I myself had a phone with a headphone jack until at least a couple years later, and by the time I got a phone without a headphone jack, I didn't need it anymore.

I for one have been very happy with wireless headphones because with my job, the wires would get caught on stuff too easily, or I had to run the wires through my shirt, and they barely had enough slack for me to turn my head while my phone was in my pocket. (and btw the job I have is that's unsupervised where I can have an ear bud in while working)

I turn screws as part of my job and can't eait to try this

Just gonna play devils advocate and say they both involve entering without permission...

Insulated down to -9.4db

Imperonomes lol