8 Post – 199 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

main: @milkytoast

here until ernest fixes kbin

really? we've had ours for 21 years or so, and it still works well. admittedly we use the dyson almost exclusively now

I take melatonin so I can sleep instead of lying awake with my thoughts

throw on some music to keep my mind occupied until I start falling asleep

I was gonna watch the whole thing but like 30 minutes in I realized it was justvoje lying bastard and a guy who didnt know what he was saying

The Federated Learning of Cohorts and now the Topics API are part of a plan to pitch an "alternative" tracking platform, and Google argues that there has to be a tracking alternative—you can't just not be spied on.

lmao what the fuck kind of dystopia are we living in

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conversations that definetly happened

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lots of them dont, but the kids still definetly do

I could have gone my whole life not seekng that

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lmao I love when they say "we care about your privacy" then they go on to say exactly how much data they're gonna collect and process

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yea haven't seen that in a fat minute. I'd lean towards uBO figured it out not YouTube gave up

come on, google? giving up profits? not in this world

recommending a mechanical hard drive in 2024 is crazy

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I was pretty happy, until I saw 13 mil. that's just the cost of business to them

fine those fuckers into the ground. a whole quarters worth of income

though I'm sure they'd find a way to cut THW employees pay and pay the CEO even more

oh so theres not even an attempt to hide behind some "protect the children" bullshit this time? just a clear and direct "fuck you" to lgbtq people? what a state...

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who the hell needs an app store on PC?

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nah torx and hex are great

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Nintendo has too much money anyways

when the people shall have nothing to eat, they will eat the rich

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hasn't the mcrib been around longer than the confederacy?

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I'm dry, and this offends me

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ill pass on the disease, thanks

lmao that is a group of the goofiest looking people I have ever seen

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I don't think I read a single coherent sentence in there

Donnie is not doing well lol

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you think either of those companies pays attention to robots.txt? its not legally binding or anythjng

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comatose comb over đź’€

I swear every time I see him hes somehow even uglier

in some pics, he looks like a wax figure made by a 6 year old with a dead raccoon sat on top, others he looks like shitty 90s CG of someone's face melting off

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can't analyze my data if I dont let you connect to the internet

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ai file explorer? I can fi d my own files thanks

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ublock origin on Firefox, VPN that blocks ads, plus most apps I install without network permission

weird way to spell america

for me , privacy. no google services run in my phone, and none od my data gets shared with anyone

searxng is my first, ddg second

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excuse me but what the fuck is the nazi bat problem

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would be neat to somehow have a standard color coding. kinda how USB 3 is (usually) blue, maybe there could be thin bands of color on the connector?

better yet, maybe some raised bumps so visually impaired people could feel what type it was. for example one dot is USB 2, two could be USB 3, etc

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think that sums up politics pretty nicely

mandatory penis inspection

wonder why they're so obsessed with peoples genitals tho 🤨

whos jake and wheres he off to

you say that as you make the most beautiful post I've ever seen

the two sides of the tism

no but it'll start doing that now

you dont. you force yourself to do just 15 minutes of solid effort. chances are you'll just keep going. the first step is the hardest. cookies dont work for me because like, I can just go get the cookie now if you get what I mean here

49? bit low there