4 Post – 399 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

1mm^3 is a couple terabytes in jyst connections rhe largets ai models as of present are nowhere even near that.

Hmm seems ur craving somthing different. And u said previously u got money so there is always travel throw a dart at a world map till it lands on land that isnt a warzone.

Damn seems like u got most things covered great to hear. How about contributing to a foss project if u can handle doing that in ur work break.

Just cos he is wrong about some things doeant mean he's wrong about all. I mean even Hitler had some good points (everyone deserves a job land and a family thats the dream he sold the people.

When the existence of your countries sovereignty is threatened.

Statistically u be poor af. The blood donation places that pay u in the states are in all the poor areas. Ita a wonder example of why they are thw worlds greatest 3rd would country.

Ask your mother about my cock?

Time is the one true currency why do you want to waste it? Learn to program or run linux but donr have the goal of i gotta learn this have the goal of i wanna learn this so so i do xyz fun thing with it. I mean u could always get a mindless job and u would be earning money that why ur productively wasting time. Learn to cook good food. Go touch grass and walk hell just go have a shower and go stand in the sun. Work out doesnt need to be much. Let yourself get bored let yourself reflect and think escapism leads to hate leads to suffering leads to alcoholism leads to the dark side.

Make urself a checklist of thing to do every day. Not goals to achieve but things to do that will slowly work u towards those goals. Then aim to do more than yesterday dont stress it if u fail as long as u did soenthing.

As Jordan Peterson would say go clean up ur room and make your bed.

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How much brain tho? There is significant evidance that mycelium in large forests is significant simmillar to a brain to exhibit some intelligence. What if we grow artificial neuron in a petri dish and teach it to play doom? What if we map and simulate a cubic mm of human brain is stopping that simulation akin to killing it? What about if its a full brain simulation? What if its an artificial intellgence indistinguishable from a human intellgence? Wait gpt4o is already smarter than a large amount of kids and is arguably an indistinguishable intellgence so should be give rights to ai or say its ok to kill dumb kids?

Have u tried tiny 11. And Chris Titus debloater can kill a lot of crap with those as it removes most of the shit.

Have u considered running windows in a vm or using

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Something's a little fishy with all the hate i recon.

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Probably cos google keeps breqkibb things for it. Ive also found a lot of things work fine if u spoof user agent so i recon real people real issues fake cause.

What can Amazon do tho what laws have been broken?

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Where's the source video

Tiny11 disables non security updates except if u build the development version which has no updates iirc.

The solution is post tagging ive seen some discussion on implementation but i dont believe it federates with mastodon tags.

Exactly my thinking they can ban the account then what hope they dont create another one.

From my understanding of this it means client side signing of actions would be supported?

It seems that accounts (actor objects) can now just be a static file hosted anywhere which lowers the bar for entry of self hosting. Id love to see something about supporting .onion addresses when looking up this file would allow self hosted anonymous identity while not requiring support for a whole instance as a hidden service.

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Man i dont think u quite understand or on lemmy a federated foss environment with no ads. Usually when advertising as u are u have something to offer people that they want. What are u offering us that the rest of the fediverse doesnt have.

The thing is technology is neutral. How we use it isnt.

Oof unlucky. Did it not have ur printer in the setup wizard. Whats missing from the generic driver?

Left is literally hitler.

If u make privacy illegal then only criminals will have privacy.

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You can't be late more than x times. Sounds fair till u realise the school bus was always late hence racking up like 200 official warnings. School couldn't change the rule cos government regulations bus couldn't get there sooner cos government refused to change the shedule.

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They knew exactly what people would do. All marketing is good marketing.

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Its about time we make a federated search engine and indexer

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We have so many dystopian futures and we decided to invent a new one.

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Are they going to allow me to reflash it with whatever i want tho?

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Encrypted volume and burn the encryption key

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Can u give me a offline copy of the current state of wikepedia.

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There a simple incantation u can mutter its the same shield the press uses its called "allegedly". Otherwise talk to the press themselves doesnt matter who even if they are fucking tiny af doesnt matter then post the link to said article everywhere.

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Smart enough to understand heat pumps dumb enough to think it's has that large of an effect.

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As long as the pedo shit is blocked i dont see why u would want to defederate instead of letting each user block what they want. We need a user level federated blocklist.

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We invented multi bit models so we could get more accuracy since neural networks are based off human brains which are 1 bit models themselves. A 2 bit neuron is 4 times as capable as a 1 bit neuron but only double the size and power requirements. This whole thing sounds like bs to me. But then again maybe complexity is more efficient than per unit capability since thats the tradeoff.

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As soon as we invent FTL I'm sure we will

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Not everything exists on the cloud (someone else's computer)

Thats evolution baby

Marketplace killed it. Thanks zucc

Well start with unlock origin and sponsor block for yt that will clean up most of the obvious ads. On mobile u can use an app patcher to kill most app ads and new pipe for yt. The product placements and payed listings u just have to make a judgement yourself. I try to make purchases based on features. Its as simple as 1 2 3.

  1. clearly define the problem I have
  2. define what features I need to solve that problem
  3. find the product that fills all the necessary and as many of the optional features as possible.

Don't let brands tell you how to feel or invent problems u need solved. Use brands simply as markers of reputation. And most importantly have zero brand loyalty which often means avoiding lockin ecosystems as much as possible (Foss is your friend in that regard).

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Wow we really are marching right to towards a centralised digital currency with no privacy and no actually ownership.

Remember back in the day when owning stock meant u owned the actually stocks. Well now u own the right to the stocks but if the platform ur trading on goes under welp out of luck guess u don't actually own them.

You will own nothing and be happy.

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