
16 Post – 1558 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm Hunter Perrin. I'm a software engineer.

I wrote an email service: https://port87.com

I write free software: https://github.com/sciactive

I agree with everything up until you said “dilutes”. I would argue that immigrant cultures don’t dilute the host country’s culture, they add to it. In other words, the culture that was there still exists in the same amount and in the same “concentration”, and immigrants bring their culture to newly developing areas of the country/state.

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I’m not gonna trust the headline of an article with an AI image from a place called epicenter.works.

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Yeah, I read their about page. I wouldn’t trust them as a lone voice on something, but if other groups come to the same conclusion, sure. But mostly, I don’t trust articles with AI image headers. It makes it seem like the article is written by a bot.

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A giant douche who’s a convicted felon and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history.

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This is great news. Shipping X11 on a system that doesn’t need it is a big waste.

Alternate headline: 3/10 Americans are living in fantasy land.

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Buying politicians is super duper legal now, thanks to conservatives both past and present. May the super wealthy among us rejoice as the huddle masses work feverishly for their masters. The conservatives have done their part and restored the autocrats to their former power.

Happy cake day, FlyingSquid.

It’s because the same people who wrote the code usually write the docs, and people who are really good at writing code usually aren’t good at writing docs. It’s two different skill sets that usually don’t coincide.

Case in point: my own documentation for https://nymph.io

I know it’s bad, but I don’t know how to make it good. The code, however, is pretty good. It runs my email service.

Open source projects also aren’t very good at attracting people who both want to volunteer their time writing technical documentation and can.

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The driver will work fine, but it won’t update to the latest one in the future without GE. (Windows update might update it, but they’re always several versions behind.)

The label is accurate. Quit using AI if you don’t want your images labeled as such.

Facebook never tried in the first place. They just put up a facade that they’ve let fall down.

I feel like a lot of the issue is that software engineers used to be subsidized by both investors propping up unsustainable business models and extremely invasive targeted advertising, and both of those things are either phasing out or being legislated away. A lot of the tracking and advertising practices that kept services like Facebook and Gmail free are illegal now (rightfully so), and investors are starting to realize that not everything is going to become profitable just by having an app.

I think the solution is probably two fold. First, I think the government should invest more into open source software. A lot of the work that keeps the internet running is done by unpaid volunteers. And second, I think we need to go back to paying for services. Giving away services for free because you use them to spy on your users is just an unethical business model. It’s profitable, but so is child labor.

I’m really sorry that whoever tried to educate you failed so miserably.

Maybe just write the academic works yourself, then they should pass.

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When I started reading this headline, I thought it was gonna be some crazy religious sect that had gotten the state to ban dental floss.

So your “friend’s” unethical business hired unethical workers and now you’ve come here to ask for advice on running your unethical business without paying anyone. Got it.

I’ve often wondered what new and innovative ways Microsoft could find to make my computer even less likely to do what I want.

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It’s funny because people are going to die and he’s making fun of them before they do.

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New life lesson: never volunteer for a for-profit company.

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Switch to Firefox.

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Ah yes, the historically marginalized vulnerable community, the cisgenders. How can a community even hope to live in peace with only 98.5% of the population?

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You don’t follow the license that it was distributed under.

Commonly, if you use open source code in your project and that code is under a license that requires your project to be open source if you do that, but then you keep yours closed source.

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I mean he’s not wrong, but you know, pot, kettle, etc.

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Down in flames it is then.

Cool. Another OS to avoid.

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Yeah, while he was president. That’s the problem.

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Because you signed (digitally) an agreement that lets them do that.

Pirate everything.

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That’s only because they don’t think they can reintroduce chattel slavery. Their actual endgame, if they accomplish this, will be much, much worse.

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You ever wonder why there are no videos of cops tackling and punching white supremacists during their protests?

(It’s cause the cops are on their side.)

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Good. Get the fuck outta here and let someone who can run a functioning company take your place. Functioning companies pay their workers enough to live on.

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Fearing enshittification is one reason I want to keep my company private. If I have to answer to stockholders, then I’m not answering to customers, and that’s shitty.

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Yet more proof that republicans don’t care about babies or children, it’s all about controlling and punishing women.

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As long as I’ve been alive, they’ve been saying how they want “free market” and “deregulation”. This isn’t really surprising to me. They want zero rules for corporations.

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Something that maybe a software engineer union could solve.

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You don’t own the property, so tell them you’re willing to sell, go through whatever process they give you, wasting as much of their time as you are willing to, then inform them that they’ll have to talk to the owner to finalize the deal.

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Nope, it’s definitely not telecommunications. I consider it more of a soft cheese, heavy in dairy.

What in the absolute fuck would it be other than telecommunications?

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“This time, we’ve definitely cut off all the heads of the hydra!”

I would gladly pay good money to just download an MP4, but they have never given me that option.

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As opposed to the conservative justices, who probably jerk off thinking about all the people they’ve hurt with every decision.

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