Is it possible to run a LLM on a mini-pc like the GMKtec K8 and K9? to – -4 points –

I have experience in running servers, but I would like to know if it's possible to do it, I just need a GPT 3.5 like private LLM running.


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Maybe just write the academic works yourself, then they should pass.

My friend used to employ several people for that, but they started using AI to work less so he decided to start doing by his own with AI instead of paying someone else to do the same.

So your “friend’s” unethical business hired unethical workers and now you’ve come here to ask for advice on running your unethical business without paying anyone. Got it.

Not exactly if you have relevant information reach me a PM and we can accord an agreement..

Edit: nevermind found the answer by myself anyway good luck!!