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Joined 10 months ago

None, if the people won't voluntarily defend a nation, then they have decided it isn't worth defending.

Not a website, but a facebook group I'm in specifically has a rule against "going live" from the bathroom.

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A trope, even.

My opinion will never change on this, I don't care if they're suing satan himself.

Fuck the RIAA.

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They don't want to remind people about all the chemicals they're putting in the water?

::: spoiler spoiler Really shouldn't be necessary, but /s :::

Or that he's an "influencer".

She's apparently making a small fortune selling merch.

The US newspaper billionaire William Randolph Hearst owned enough of congress that he started a war with Spain.

There are good arguments for ranked choice and proportional representation IMO. The latter tends to favour more "fringe" parties getting representation, which usually isn't a bad thing.

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Originally tin cans were large things meant for military campaigns, so they used a chisel or similar large stabby thing.

Electricity is the flow of electrons, who move from negative to positive, the opposite of what you would normally expect.

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I see your point, but the reality is most people do vote for parties rather than people.

I imagine you would see more smaller parties in a PR system anyway, rather than the current big neoliberal tent parties.

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Pretty sure I did this accidentally years ago on a macbook that was dual booting windows.

That's basically the main downside I see to PR, finding out your local MP is from the monster raving loony party would be rather annoying. Saying that, I doubt he could do a worse job than the useless tory bint I currently have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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The hitperson is the only competent employee left at Boeing.

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Only for the IOT version which is for devices like ATMs, but it kinda torpedoes their argument that a TPM is hard requirement for windows 11.

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It doesn't say what license they are going to use, so it may not be open source. The wording is very weaselly.

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Relevant XKCD:

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He's right honestly, cars, especially electric cars, produce a large portion of their CO2 emissions when they are manufactured.

We would all be better off if people kept their "gas guzzlers" but only used them rarely. A car in a garage has zero co2 emissions.

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This is only going to get easier. The djinn is out of the bottle.

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i'm gonna say it...


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They aren't "real" people either way, even the human ones are just drones reading a script that someone paid them to read.

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Asked last week if any of Kennedy’s health issues could compromise his fitness for the presidency, Stefanie Spear, a spokesperson for the Kennedy campaign, told the Times, “That is a hilarious suggestion, given the competition.”

That's hard to argue with tbh.

The only way to stop kids seeing bad videos on the internet is not let them on the internet.

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“Never attibute to malice what can be explained with stupidity,”

With corporations I feel like the opposite should apply.

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The surprising part is that someone believed a politician's voice.

The social-media Web as we knew it, a place where we consumed the posts of our fellow-humans and posted in return, appears to be over.

The social media web was literally the start of the decline. There used to be thousands of niche internet forums, now everything is in a AOL style walled garden.

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Doesn't instagram claim messages are e2e encrypted? How can this work without them having access to all messages?

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They want to "persuade" them to not use cheap open RISC-V cores.

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Sony didn't care about consent when they put rootkits on millions of CDs.

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“The wording is ‘We’re here to harm children.’ Give me a break," he said. "These are young adults.”

That seems like an open admission he wants to harm "young adults"

That seems like a stupid argument?

Even if a human employee did that aren't organisations normally vicariously liable?

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There for me

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Don't forget how everyone was a civil engineer last week.

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You can also make LSD.

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They're probably betting on the majority of zoomers being too tech illiterate to know how to pirate having raised them on streaming.

I guess we will see if they are right.

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America has the odd idea that software is considered patentable. Since the developers of VLC are French, and software isn't considered patentable in France, they're saying "Va te faire enculer" to people who want to sue them.

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Not surprised, I've seen a lot of people say they are willing to work for less if they can work from home. Those who support WFH will get the best talent cheaper.