Man impersonates cop only to pull over a real detective and get arrested to Not The – 212 points –
Man impersonates cop only to pull over a real detective and get arrested

Given that most police departments have really low hiring standards, it's amazing that there are people out there who do this. Just go get a job at some podunk police department. They'll hire anyone.

Wasn't this an episode of Friends?

I remember one where Phoebe is dating a cop and he takes the guys on a ride along where there's a car backfiring but they think it's a gun shot and Joey tries to save a sandwich.

That's the best summary of any Friends episode ever

But what of Rachel's nipples?

238.3% of polled Lemmy users do not remember the news cycle nightmare of Rachel's nipples and that most of us were too busy checking out her hairstyle.

This has happened so many times it's almost a cliche. People who do this are mentally ill. It's like cosplaying as a Nazi.