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I'm anticonsumption in general and temu just seems like the epitome of paying for disposable garbage.

In general i don't understand why people are buying any nonessential items at all. Everyone is apparently too poor but random crap still sells. I splurged and bought a cheap tablet to use as an ereader this year but only because i can't justify the expense of buying books and my local library is awful.

They want people to smoke, that's the only explanation. They make money from taxing it and save money when people die early.

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The athletes who get aircon will also be determined by who comes from a wealthy country. Makes a mockery of the games imo, should disqualify them all for having an unfair advantage.

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Economic imbalance is baked into the games.

Taking your own air conditioner and rubbing it in the face of those who can't afford it, in the olympic village where you're all supposed to be treated the same, is such a glaring display of economic privilege that i find it bothersome.

I'm always embarrassed by Australia spending a fortune on sport and then congratulating ourselves for winning more medals, especially at the commonwealth games where most of the countries are poor.

You can't remove individual differences but there ought to be a level playing field at least at the actual competition. Is it acceptable to provide better accommodation to rich countries? White countries? I think at the games everyone should be treated equally.

From the transcript of the speech:

REPRESENTATIVE GREENE: What about Laken Riley?




THE PRESIDENT: (The President holds up a pin reading “Say Her Name, Laken Riley.”) Lanken — Lanken (Laken) Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed.


THE PRESIDENT: By an illegal. That’s right. But how many of thousands of people are being killed by legals?

I don't see the problem. His response rightly points out that murders happen regardless of the perpetrators legal status.

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Among the bill’s cosponsors is House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who recently told Politico, “I think it’s common sense that you can’t have the president sitting in the Oval Office worried about whether some lawyer or some local DA somewhere is going to go after him.”

How is this common sense? Politicians are in urgent need of more fear of the law and voters.

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“We’ve lost everything. We lost our family life. We lost our livelihoods. And we have nowhere to go,” said the Israeli soldier

Huh? People are just turning everything upside down now.

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How is this not first degree murder? He admitted to trying to kill her before and depression is not a defence for murder.

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Bombing everyone in Gaza is a great way to turn many of them into hamas. How are those kids going to grow up sane and normal and make peace with Israel? Imagine a whole society with PTSD, it's horrifying. Israel knows this too, which is they want to protect themselves through genocide. They really do think those kids are hamas.

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Full article:

Humanity’s superpower is sweating—but rising heat could be our kryptonite, and an average temperature rise of 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels could bring regular, fatal heat waves to large parts of the planet, says Tom Matthews, a senior lecturer in environmental geography at King’s College London.

“We have evolved to cope with the most extreme heat and humidity the planet can throw at us,” he explains. But when our core temperature gets to about 42 degrees Celsius (around 107.5 degrees Fahrenheit), people face heat stroke and probable death as the body strains to keep cool and the heart works harder, inducing heart attacks.

Matthews cites an example from his home country, the UK. In the summer of 2022, the UK broke its high temperature record, surpassing 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit). Scientists estimate there were roughly 3,500 heat-associated deaths that summer in the UK. Across Europe, they estimate high heat caused more than 60,000 deaths.

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Meteorologist Debunks Weather Myths

“At 1.5 degrees Celsius of warming, the likes of Lagos, Karachi, [and] Shanghai start to experience heat waves exceeding our limit. At 2 degrees Celsius, the events increase at least 10 times more often, and if we get to 8 degrees Celsius, a large fraction of the Earth’s surface would be too hot for our physiology and would not be habitable,” he says.

Air conditioning and heat-escape rooms would help, but we might need to abandon intense outdoor work such as rice farming in hotter regions. And these solutions will need to be able to meet demand. “The infrastructure must be able to withstand the surges when everyone turns on the air conditioning, and must be able to withstand hurricanes or floods,” he says.

Our best hope in the face of inevitable rises in heat? Cooperation. “We’ve built forecasting systems that will warn us when disasters are incoming by working together at enormous scale. We must continue to do the same.”

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They ordered her to abstain from contacting her estranged husband with whom she is currently living, with their child. How, exactly?

some states have passed laws to protect crypto mining’s access to huge amounts of power.

Why would they do that?

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Probably because we don't make cars, or anything else. We dig stuff up, send it to China and buy it back in the form of goods.

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Daily surface air temperature in the tropics:

Its actually worse than the sea surface temperature and that's also been off the charts:

Im starting to think that what a lot of people learned from the holocaust wasn't 'never let this happen again', but 'never let this happen to the jews again'. The people of gaza are being wiped out because we, the west, can't hold a Jewish state accountable for their actions, because that might make us nazis in the eyes of morons and their propagandists.

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The mysterious objects are chinese satellites. No aliens unfortunately. Just a clickbait headline.

Equality isn’t treating people differently because they are different, it’s treating people the same even if they are different.

This idea really breaks down when you apply it to people with disabilities who have different needs than the norm, and that problem applies to systemically disadvantaged people too. Society isn't one size fits all, we need to cater to everyone.

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That's how we eat vegemite and the whole world thinks we're weird - Australia

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I'm a white Australian and I get asked this all the time. Mostly they're just trying to make conversation and since most people at work are migrants it's a natural conversation starter. Sometimes they are looking to remind me that the only real Australians are the indigenous peoples and I am, therefore, British. This what you get labelled if you say your background is English/Irish lol. My favourite was being called British by a mixed German/Brazilian who insisted he was Spanish.

In countries with a lot of immigration and diversity I think it's natural for people to talk about this. I like hearing about what life was like for people in Tibet, or Myanmar, Eritrea, Cook Islands etc. I don't think it carries the same level of racist connotations as it used to. How are we supposed to have cultural exchange if we can't talk about our backgrounds?___

How did they get two different versions? Did they take two sets of photos or edit out some of the children? I hope somebody gets fired.

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“Very well, he will be reinstated, provided he does not violate the law, and let him be crushed by the comments and Community Notes,” Musk said. “It is better to have anti whatever out in the open to be rebutted than grow simmering in the darkness.”

Looking at the state of public discourse and the rise of right wing extremists, I don't think bringing all the nazi's and other haters into the light of the internet has helped. That shit is definitely growing.

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I've never understood the point of a hunger strike. Do what i want or I'll kill myself just doesn't seem like a great negotiating tactic.

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Can i copyright my face and get an ai to trawl the internet for any pictures of me and demand people take them down or pay me?

Wasn't Data the one who was offended because she mispronounced his name?

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The analogy given is it’s like watching video the next day of yourself undergoing sex without consent as if you’d been drugged.

You want a world where people just desensitise themselves to things that make them want to die through repeated exposure. I think you'll get a whole lot of complex PTSD instead.

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This is all the same as saying a book is intelligent.

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I personally blocked it because I want to talk to everyone on lemmy

Ummmm.. lol

In Australia the Governor General would call a double dissolution of parliament where they all get fired and we have another election.

I thought it was meant to be the new twitter, by design.. wut?

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Except he admitted to having deliberated on it and tried it before, he had also planned it on a third occasion. This could not have been more premeditated.

Integrity is a beautiful thing.

He's germane

Angry boomers will love it, also the masculinists who think boys are too weak these days.

They're teenagers, not toddlers, they knew the significance of what they were doing, otherwise they wouldn't have done it. And how does calling them out push them to become racist?

Ask the rape victims if they live in a civilised society. If a corrupt society refuses to give people justice then they have no option but to take matters into their own hands.

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Carer for the elderly or disabled.

If this was meant to distract people from the fact that Israel is stopping aid getting into Gaza then it's not working. More the reverse I think.

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I was really hoping for some theory of how sociopathy could be contagious. Nothing. I'ts just name-calling.

We've reached the point in the medicalisation of everything where being an asshole must be a mental health problem because 'no sane person would think that'. Being irrational and believing lies is not mental illness, it is normal human behaviour. Cruelty is normal human behaviour.

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