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MLK was killed by the US Government/with Government warning and approval not because of his policies on race, but because his message was getting (though somewhat always had been) socialist/anti-capitalist, and between the historic fear of slave revolts, the new fear of communist revolutions, and the monied business interests not wanting to cede any power they ended MLK to prevent potential calls for a social revolution.

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Good thing Mormons have never been known to bait children into addictive and unhealthy habits.

Tangental but somewhat related, one of the most popular modern fantasy authors (Brandon Sanderson) recently did something similar where he released/is releasing 4 books this year funded via Kickstarter due to not wanting to work with Amazon.

It actually currently holds the record for highest funded Kickstarter project ever. Granted, it helps if you are an established and popular author already, but id be curious to see if this trend expands.

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Also paired with that for NMS is the fact the studio is like 35 people.

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Mozart. Dude would be social media famous in .2 seconds. He’d be annoying us all. He’d be covering all new songs same day after hearing it once. And I’m here for that chaos.

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Very uncommon in the US at least.

Homer definitely fucked with multiple timeline branches in one of the earlier Treehouse of Horror episodes when he has the time machine toaster. The ecological impact of wiping out the dinosaurs in one alone alone is pretty significant.

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That’s a weird way to spell “conceited cunt.”

You know it is bad when FIFA has to be the one to do the right thing.

Number of times people have masturbated to me.

(Spoiler: it’s zero)

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You dont remember the classic line

“Ooooooooklamohma where my jizz coms seeping down my pants!”

"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, KOTOR Remake… and yet you are nothing.“

Not included in this article is the numerous times the US Government would kill a bunch of indigenous people and drive them off their land. Or the times we’d forcibly relocate them to small pockets of uninhabitable land and settle where they used to live.

Is it Japanese i am think of that has an exclusionary “we” form? Almost as in “We(all of US but not YOU) were invited to the party.”

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Eh. Not so surprising that a Dominionist wants to defend Israel. But if he wants to leverage US strength for security then some measure of that has to also be used to restrain Israel from inciting Hamas/Palestine with things like illegal settlements

Well China i guess you better not shoot at or get close to them then 🤷‍♂️

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They made New World and were supposedly working on a LOTR MMO.

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Tbf there can be a carrot AND a stick. We know Russia gave money to the NRA, who in turn donates heavily to republicans. Those juicy campaign donations from the NRA/the threat of them drying up if you go against what Putin wants are also likely levers being used.

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Devastated it isnt called Toe-tal.

Fun new things keep coming out.

Alone? Probably not. But that doesnt mean it isnt worth fighting. And they dont stand alone either.

Weird how that kinda also applied to 13 colonies facing the British circa 1776 Tommy, eh? You smooth-brained cock-wipe of a half-wit.

‘Member when conservatives and business interests in Germany thought they control Hitler so they helped enable his rise to power. I ‘member.

Well to be fair to DeSantis’ team he is a Fake Vivek because he isnt the Warrior-Poet God of Vvardenfell.

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The good news is you wont need to draw the line. There are 4 easy to set up macros that will have excel draw any line you.

The age is an issue, but the main worries should be the similarities in income inbalance and the continual breaking of mos maiorum.

Considering the impact they had on supporting the revolution the writers of the constitution oversaw and took part in it is a good thing France and Spain didnt have as many compunctions about providing aid.

No. This is Patrick.

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Check out FF14. Great free trial option. Community is overwhelmingly good (though none is perfect). PvE is pretty damn good, especially once you get to late/end game. PvP is not the best (IMO) but it is very active if you do like it. Has a couple different modes including a 5v5 push the objective mode and a 24v24v24 objective capture mode. No RvR.

Kinda boring/typical MMO at first, but really picks up. With the free trial can play the base game and first two expansions for free, plus get the jobs (classes) from those (most of the ones in the game) up to level 70. Including crafting/gathering jobs. Can easily spend 1000+ hours just on the free trial if you choose to maximize it, but the expansions and sub are worth it IMO. And unlike WOW you van access all those classes on one character and switch with the press of a few buttons.

And the next expansion is summer of next year, so you do have time to catch up if you decide you want to get into it.

Do you mean ultimate badass Talenel’Elin , Herald of War?

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As usual, Carlin said it best. “It’s called the American Dream because you gotta be asleep to believe it.”


And i tell Mitch to go fuck himself.

Kinda related to this, but we know prior to the 2016 Russia hacked the DNC emails and only really released info about them talking shit on/working against Bernie (potentially the most damaging info/most helpful to get Trump elected).

We also know that they hacked the RNC, but didnt release any info from it. And we also know the NRA was receiving Russian funds and then donating to Trump and other Republicans.

So it isnt far fetched to believe that between the carrot of campaign donations and the stick of leaking sensitive RNC emails Russia was attempting to force the RNC to force a potential Russian asset in power to cripple/break up NATO to continue Russia’s expansion into Western Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Imagine the lack of support given the invasion of Ukraine if Trump were president. If anything Trump would jump on recognizing the gains as Russian territory.

The Saudis potentially as well. They dont like Israel, but due to all the Iranian funding they really dont like Hamas. Getting them to kill each other and drain their coffers gives them some breathing room. Plus turmoil in the middle east = increased oil prices = more money for the Saudi Regime.

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That’s the one!

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“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever.”

He’s playing Cwazy Cupcakes with God now.

Just like how we turned away Jews fleeing the holocaust, so as you can see it is perfectly fair. /s

While Issue 1 is getting a lot of the focus (deservedly so) in Ohio, also up for vote is Issue 2 for marijuana legalization.

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For those keeping score:

Foreign bots on social media: bad

Foreign money being used to finance political campaigns, lobbying, etc.: totally fine

(Note: I agree bot farms are bad, but that is a very low effort and bad faith argument for what she is arguing for)

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The good news is if we keep sending all our boomers to Florida eventually Ohio might be a place younger people can have a say in and want to live in.


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