
1 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wish it was a life sentence but as poor of health as the dude looks, maybe it is.

It says the beta was to test multiplayer so hopefully that means the PvP multiplayer mode and not the campaign co-op mode. If so, I’m fine with that; the pvp mode looked interesting but that’s not what I’m really buying it for.

Organized religion can get fucked along with all these deathmongers using “god” as an excuse to kill or harm others.

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I couldn’t possibly answer for my crimes during a school night. I mean who would make sure our nanny takes the children to school? My butler? Please; how gauche.

As someone who loved their older games, this sucks; but as someone who has played their newer games, this was expected.

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Alleged prospective sex buyers in this scheme first had to respond to a survey and provide information online, including their driver’s license photos, their employer information, credit card information, and they often paid a monthly fee to be part of this.”

Wait, what? (͡•_ ͡• )

That should make the prosecutors jobs much easier.

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Getting real “I am the main character” vibes from this wretch.

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Because she is one. John Oliver covered her in his latest episode; she’s a Nazi.

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He’s trying so hard to hide his neckgina

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My crazy prediction is the only lesson the GOP will take from this is that they have to try to steal elections even harder.

Keep voting at every legal opportunity you can people and great job yesterday!!

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If you can’t win, cheat. - GOP philosophy

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Fuck anyone who uses religion to excuse murder. The world would be a better place without your “gods”.

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“Unusual bug” is a polite way of describing Elon.

Nice to get some high level confirmation but this doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s been paying close attention to Ghouliani for the last 10-20 years. Dude has always been corrupt and doing the bidding of one mobster or another.

Hold on, nobody tell me; I’m going to use my psychic gifts to ascertain the political leanings of this election interfering clerk.

Mmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmm…it’s coming to me….I'm starting to see it more clearly….it starts with an…..”R”? Yes….its “Repopulate”? Wait, no it’s “Republican”. It says the clerk who manipulated votes is a Republican.

I’m sure you’re all as surprised as me at this crazy turn of events.

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I’m going to go ahead and assume the one person on X that you can’t call is old Muck himself. Wonder why?

Then again, X is such a shit show and Elon is so incapable of thinking two steps ahead of his feet that maybe you can call him lol

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Underpaid employees: Corporations are going to fix this problem they created by paying employees their share of record profits?

Corporations: No, not like that!

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I never knew that such a large portion of our population was so far below what I would have thought was the average intelligence until I heard they thought this man was smart. This guy is an idiot and that scares me to think what that means about his cult members’ intelligence levels.

No one dumb enough to think this guy is smart should be trusted with any adult responsibilities; not gun ownership, not voting and definitely not reproducing.

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Still trying to pin this on the Democrats, I see.

The GOP shot themselves in the foot and are complaining that the Democrats didn’t dive in front of the bullet.

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“…But investigating my frauding will affect my ability to continue profiting off my fraud.”

-Elon probably

Oh look at Trumph pretending to give a shit about his offspring when we all know he’s going to pretend he hardly knows them the second they flip on him.

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“Money or securities or whatever.”

Spoken like a true genius. /s

Keep burning your money, Elon; I can’t wait until you’re poor enough that no one gives a fuck what your latest horrible hot take or idea was. You won’t be missed.

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Gosh, I’m so torn about which side to believe. /s

It better involve real jail time; that slimeball is the worst kind of conman.

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Nazi talks to other Nazis on Nazi network.

Dictators never retire, they die.

Titles like this make it seem like Trump is the problem but he’s not, he’s a symptom. No fully functioning, rational party would have someone like Trump as a serious contender for POTUS.

The GOP has been on this path for decade's now going back at least as far as Nixon. We’re honestly lucky they picked someone as lazy and dimwitted as Trump; if they’d picked someone just as morally bankrupt and corrupt but with actual intelligence and cunning we’d already be living in a dictatorship.

We might still end up there but the sheer stupidity of the GOP and its leadership is giving us a second chance to reclaim our country before it’s too late. Vote in every election you’re eligible for from your state on down to you local county; they all count!

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Well “reprehensible” is the GOP brand so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Their involvement made me immediately question whether this was actually something I should support.

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It would still be concerning if these nut jobs actually followed all the Bible’s “teachings” like they espouse to but instead they believe that they get to decide what parts of the Bible should be taken literally, what parts need “modern” interpretation and what parts are ignored or hidden.

This makes them even more dangerous because it gives them the power to decide who is abiding by their god’s law and who is in violation of it.

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Yeah, that’s the misogynist’s version of the racist’s “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend.” defense.

I doubt his attorneys care all that much; the only attorneys still taking Trump on as a client are either those that have drunk the crazy Kool-Aid or those that want to be a talking head on one of MAGA networks…or both.

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Aw, makes me wish Dexter was real.

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These types of people who knowingly commit crimes that can and do affect others’ health, purely in the pursuit of greed, should face the death penalty. I’d rather see the C-Suite assholes rot in jail than low level drug offenders.

If they truly cared about heir families they wouldn’t push so much disinformation and enact such horrible policies. These people only love power so you’re basically asking them to willingly give up the only thing they care about.

Evil bastards.

Man-baby continues to act like baby; world shocked.

As despicable as this is, this isn’t even close to a new low. Dude is known to be a serial rapist who has mentioned thinking about sleeping with his own daughter and I’m not even confident that’s his all time low. He’s just a bottomless pit of vile.

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While this doesn’t excuse this treasonous idiot’s actions, I feel like nobody with half a brain would believe any specifics Trump recalls from memory about anything, let alone classified information.

“Our subs each contain 3 million nukes, that’s more than any other country. Some people say they hold the most nukes in history even going back hundreds of years. And they can get this close [Trump holds hand up with his finger and thumb an inch apart] to a Russian sub without being seen. It’s true, they’re so quiet you can hear the waves splashing without even seeing them. They could sneak up on you right now as you sit here and you’d never know. Truly incredible, the best at sneaking.”

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Get money out of politics. Nothing will fundamentally change until we accomplish this.

100%. I wouldn’t even give all that information to my online pharmacist and I need some of those medications to survive.