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Joined 9 months ago

When people say 'cancel culture', they are generally talking out of their ass, but this is what I say is the cancel culture, that someone saying 'war crimes are war crimes, even when allies did them' is somehow so abhorrent that they are sacked. Think about it, war crimes are acceptable but pointing them out is not.

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Israeli strikes flatten buildings, mosques in Gaza

Nothing new, Israel has been doing that for decades now.

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Before some disingenuous comment about chicken or the egg starts flooding this thread, these people were already refugees due to Israel's action of driving them out of their houses by bombing them in the first place, and then bombing them again in the refugee camp, if that's not a war crime and precedent of next generation of Palestinians hating Israel, I don't know what else is.

Well the world had decided that Israel has carte blanche to commit war crimes so he should be glad that he at least didn't have kids, cuz they be bombed into pieces too.

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Duh. This censoring is why antisemitic conspiracy theories take hold in the first place. I understand moderation, but if you flag any discussion that goes against mainstream narrative as extremist, all that is left is an echo chamber. It's right out of 1984 playbook. I am wondering how long before Lemmy will be called an antisemitic platform for even posting news like that?

Israel hates hospitals and wants to bomb them. US supports Israel because fuck healthcare.

Yeah, the law this vague is purposely designed to be abused by the government. German police are already trying Nazi tactics at this point. The pro Palestinian rally at Frankfurt, they literally isolated young people with Palestinian flags, took pictures of people and their ID cards, and suddenly these people now have started getting problems in their schools,universities and jobs, even when they never shared anything political themselves. Germany and Fascism is a story for the ages.

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Politics, Because Russia is still a global crude oil supplier, any strike damaging their infrastructure would increase global oil prices and Biden can't have that in an election year.

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I don't think the war is good by any means but damn, someone came into your home, killed your friends and family and you're not supposed to do a thing about it ? What am I missing here ?

I think you just defined Palestinian position.

Korea is extremely class conscious and people treat people differently based on perceived wealth. iPhone being considerably expensive than Samsung offerings in Korea is an instant wealth signifier and having an iPhone means you are perceived as upper rich class than those pesky poor Samsung, which is now associated with old people or who couldn't afford an iPhone.

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Removing reddit was better for my mental health, and luckily Lemmy hasn't turned toxic yet.

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China is hoarding the world's gold

the fifth largest behind the Federal Reserve's

Guess who they learned from?

It's ridiculous at this point. They actually tried to walk back their original claim that they successfully attacked a Hamas group at a hospital, but then pics/videos of children dying popped up, and people were like it is a war crime, so the narrative switched and it was Hamas who bombed the hospital, and these fake verifications started popping up. Propaganda is at full swing here.

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Disney+ quality has been decreasing lately. If it weren't for huge Disney animated movies collection there that the kids play on repeat, half of the people wouldn't bother with Disney+.

There is an actual bedbug epidemic in Paris right now. Let's not give credit to Russia for spreading facts.

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Very anti-Semitic of you /s

US: Israel, why did you b?

Israel: Shut up Bitch.

US: Sorry, here is more money.

Edit: shit, I just saw someone had already made a similar comment but better.

Well Saudi Arabia has been doing its own genocide in Yemen, so Saudi Arabia joining Israel is just birds of same feather flocking together.

No witnesses

You wrote a whole lot of words to just say that the government can do whatever. The protest on the 20th of October was specifically granted permission from the courts on the 19th, a day earlier. Half an hour before the protest, Polizei announced that it is now verboten (when? where?) and started arresting people and IDing them, the people who are unaware of changes and coming to attend a permissible demonstration. How isn't that sketchy? That seems like an operation to identify pro-Palestinian people and intimidate/harass them, and actually follow through by contacting their universities and work.

I have been in Germany for around 2 decades as a dark skinned person, don't tell me the scope of Nazi infiltration in the German military and police. I face them everyday. It's common news among everyone, only willfully ignorant ones try to overlook it, and later will cry after their fascism gets discovered, just like from the Holocaust documentary when, German citizens were first taken to see concentration camps, and started crying "we didn't know". Ja right, gimme a break.

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There was a simpler time when anti-trans meant you opposed both autobots and decepticons.

Too late, just saw it and I don't think I would ever be able to sleep. This is genocide, plain and simple.

NixOS .. loved the idea but doing configuration all the time for every little thing became too much of a headache.

Well dharmic religions aren't peachy either. Have you seen what Buddhists are doing to Rohingya in Myanmar? They just lack Israel's military might but they are on par in terms of brutality.

I had no idea about it before watching the mini series "Mr. Bates vs. The Post Office".

borderline criminal but money is money

Like any mafia's motto

Yup, After a year long campaign to support Ukraine against Russian occupation, I have witnessed this change of tune too, and now suddenly living under occupation and fighting your oppressor is wrong.

My last job was all on the Google ecosystem. They bought like 10 of these things and to be honest, they were a blast during Meetings, but that was pre-covid. Pandemic really effed the office and pushed everyone remote, and I think they were lying around gathering dust when I left.

There are way more israeli terrorists than Hamas at this point.

Damn. In the old days, I would have yanked the power cable out, but I probably wouldn't remember powering off the laptop either. Kudos for posting about it though.

I get spam calls from Europol from time to time where the person on the other end tries to convince me that I have done some criminal activity and should pay a fine. Funny enough, if I say indian curse words, they cut the call.

Well Windows 10 at least lets you create a local user account. you can't even install windows 11 without having a microsoft online account, because you need a Microsoft account to be able to create a local user.

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My last job was all on the Google ecosystem. They bought like 10 of these things and to be honest, they were a blast during Meetings, but that was pre-covid. Pandemic really effed the office and pushed everyone remote, and I think they were lying around gathering dust when I left.

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Now I have a fear of being filmed while scratching my nuts.

US courts are in Apple's pockets, of course apple can ask them for a favor.

You are probably right but at least I wasn't self aware enough to notice that. I guess that's part of growing up, that you start to notice the pattern of the same old news scripts rolled up with slight changes to keep feeding us bullshit.

Me thinks less of what you think, and the 21st was also not peaceful but due to what happened on previous days, lawyers had a court order of peaceful assembly again, and didn't back down, and let the demonstration happen. The irony of other people gaslighting me and telling me what happened when I witnessed it myself. Were you there at Frankfurtdemonstration? You are free to look, social Media is full of these things.

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You don't need to see the document to know their plan. You could just see their plan while they openly do the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people.

Not to be a dick, but I was expecting way more than two dead people after the word 'spree'.

Yeah, I have worked with a few ex-Googlers, great programmers and techies, poor product owners/managers. It's like they forget how humans think.