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Joined 1 years ago

The other three are bootlicking republicans

Well yeah

His hands really are fucking tiny, what a loser

Guess God doesn’t like those people in particular huh.

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What a fucking shithead

You can’t abuse something that has no limit. Stop calling things unlimited and then blaming users when they are not.

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That’s dumb as shit, why does Microsoft even allow mature games on their platform if their platform doesn’t allow mature content. Sure, record blood and guts, but dont show a nipple or a penis unless it’s exploding in a shower of gore!!!! What a fucking disgusting standard we have that gore and violence are celebrated but anything sexual, even simple nudity is some kind of felony offense.

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I don’t understand black republicans at all. It’s just as crazy as gay or trans republicans- I wanna be like “dude, your party fucking hates you”. How do they not see it?

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Last week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in California released a ruling that concluded state highway police were acting lawfully when they forcibly unlocked a suspect’s phone using their fingerprint.

You can turn that and Face ID off on iOS by mashing the power button 5 times- it locks everything down.

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This Christmas, I wish trump will get anal cancer, rotting his ass out from bottom to top. I wish he spends the rest of his life in prison, while his ass rots. I wish his legacy is clearly articulated in well funded classrooms to the end of time as an example of a giant PoS getting into office because defunding of education finally caught up with public policy, and also, I wish he rots in his own personal hell for eternity. Fuck you DJT, you’re a shit stain on history.

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This really sounds like a failure of the organizers more than anything- first off, lumping in non-binary is a catch all that anyone will take advantage of, and second and most importantly, everyone was complaining about long lines. Long lines means lots of people. Lots of people means the event over-sold their $600-$1000 tickets.

Sounds like the event organizers were more interested in making money than helping women in tech- women would have had the same problems had it been 100% women.

Edit: I’m not bashing non binary people, I’m just saying that people will take advantage of it, that’s all.

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First off, not working overtime isn’t quiet quitting.

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Gosh, if ONLY SOMEONE WOULD HAVE WARNED PEOPLE that brexit was a terrible idea tossed together by fear mongering, self interested dickheads!!! If only someone had mentioned it was a terrible idea ahead of time!

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People hate child rapist Matt Gaetz? Republitards loved him when he was fucking a little girl, but hate him after fucking an old man. It tracks.

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Can this guy just drown in the fucking tub already, Jesus Christ.

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Yeah but is there any actual evidence of anything? Listen, if Biden is actually a giant corrupt douchebag that broke the law, then nail him to the wall, but unlike the last guy, I haven’t read any ap news articles about all the scandalous shit he did. Just hearsay?

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It was shocking to me to find out that not only are most bankruptcy cases related to medical expenses, but that of those cases, most in fact did have insurance (in the USA).

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Then they should count as dependents, grant the parents tax breaks, be eligible for social benefits, receive child support payments, be counted as passengers when in mom driving in HOV lanes, etc.

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I think it’s important not to equate criticism of Israel with antisemitism.

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  • Closure of public mental health institutions
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That’s because minorities are just tools to them- to work in fields, to help with optics, and to serve as punching bags, prison labor, and bogeymen.

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Apple fan here, and I love what they’ve done with hardware the last few years. That said…. I have to agree. Base RAM config is silly low, and higher RAM and SSD configs are stupid expensive. It’s a money maker for sure, I wish it wasn’t so obviously a cash grab. I’d be ok with a bit more padding in the base hardware price if the ram wasn’t so expensive to upgrade.

In the old days this was a moot point because you buy base config and immediately swap for after market big sticks- I did that for decades, but these days with soldered RAM and storage…. Eh, it’s a bit of a kick in the balls.

I am stoked for my new M3 next week though, good thing work pays for it!

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Trump should sue himself for being a dipshit

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What a cunt

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By this logic, all the republicans that have caused the premature death of people by not providing healthcare, homeless services, meals for children, living wages, and cause people to be caught in vicious cycles of poverty and drug abuse should also be put to death. Line them up!

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They’re taking the “we’ll get him off by letting him die of natural causes” approach at trial scheduling.

So his regular account?

Maybe he should start the chant “lock me up”! At his events.

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The federal government needs to stop being so dickless with corporations

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Reading quotes from that loser is like letting someone shit in my eyes.

Iran should just deport all their engineers, philosophers, critical thinkers, social unacceptable members to other countries that would be glad to receive a brain boost. That way, Iran could just happily fucking rot in its own juices.

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That’s fucking dumb, people kill each other over religion every single day in staggering numbers. Maybe they can institute a program that has speakers from the IRA and the Taliban come in to talk about strong faith.

I cant believe grown adults believe in fairy tales, it’s absolute insanity.

Yeah why should they help cleanup the other sides fucking mess, not like they’d get credit and cooperation if they did.

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Republicans hate the IRS because it forces them to pay taxes sometimes, and taxes are bad because they pay for things like schools, roads, and libraries which are all tools democrats use to turn the frogs gay and make people trans.

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Oh man, instead of my daily workout, I could just donate daily! After a few months, I’d be a blood making machine!

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Oh yeah, the wife beater finally stabbed her saying “why’d you make me do that!?!”.

No, trump is just a fucking chode. This is theater for the brain dead Fox News masses to wave flags about.

It finally convinces you to stop using chrome, so an improvement.

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What, did he buy it again?