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I really don’t give a fuck what Youtube is happy about

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When the fuck are they going to stop treating these companies and executives with kid gloves?

Why do they do these things, shred evidence, lie on the stand, and break almost every white collar law there is? Because there are little to no consequences. And if there are it’s for people in the “out” group. New money.

Crack down on all of them. Shredding evidence should be an admission of guilt. Full stop.

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Netflix had it, lost it due to a more competitive landscape. Now they all have reached about peak saturation and are struggling to hit those massive numbers where people are doing it willingly, they they think they can strong arm people into it. Streaming is all about convenience. Can I sit on the couch and put on something relatively engaging for a few that seems relatively reasonable? Ya? Cool. The further you move away from that model the more people start to look elsewhere. Pirating has gotten a lot, and I mean a LOT easier, and that arm is only so strong.

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This is for the Netherlands, but it’s about the anti-piracy group not allowing defeats in court on the basis of GDPR and ISP refusal get in the way of a good harassment.

Good read if you want higher blood pressure.

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It’s basically just their Outlook web app. It offers no extra function, and breaks a LOT of old functionality.

There’s a registry key to turn off the button.

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The game's size on PC is 139.84 GB. It's 100.19 GB for the Standard Edition and 117.07 GB for the Premium Edition on consoles

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This issue is that nature is going to start with the people who contribute the least to the issue.

If only the people contributing the most could actually feel the pressure.

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Almost any CEO + empathy doesn’t seem right.

At least 20% of people in executive positions are psychopaths. Literally psychopaths. Not sociopaths, full on psychos.

I can almost guarantee that the Venn diagram of psychopaths and executives at Fortune 500 companies is a circle.

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I’m anything but a soothsayer, but we’re already seeing remote work become a pretty important factor in people choosing employers, and it seems like most of the larger players in their respective industries are the ones trying to force people back into the office.

I could see this become a huge boom for low-mid tier companies that are able to put in more affordable offer packages but with work from home options attached and pry away talent from the high tier companies.

This could go a long way towards hopefully rebalancing the scales for quite a few things and hopefully reeling in some of these companies who have been able to take so much for so long.

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His face creeps me out so much. I usually try to attack the policies and not the person but it is just too much for me.

It’s like if Jason Bateman was cast in an oddball version of Batman where the Penguin was actually Isaac Asimov.

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Meanwhile Sweeney is being litigious instead of inventive.

Not that the lawsuits don’t have merit, just very interesting to see the vast difference in focus between the two companies.

We were taught about demographic imbalance years ago and how it would be incoming and yet nothing was done.

This is good, in my opinion.

Pollution, overpopulation, health crises, housing crises, food crises, political instability, war, the list goes on for why people aren’t having kids.

The real reason for most of the above boils down to one thing: greed.

A single income family used to be able to support multitude of children without issue. Now a dual income family has to consider finances when considering a single child. All because of the world they’d be bringing it into that has been destroyed by greed.

Contraction of economies is going to hurt all of us, but it’ll hurt the ones at the top the most, because there is only so much they can take until there aren’t enough humans to take from anymore, and the power/wealth gap will have to close out a different system will have to be established.

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This feels like something a C-suite came up with to carve out extra profit and had some bean counters crunch the numbers on, fluffed them up a bit and then had the company roll with it on his idea.

I’m usually disappointed by consumer apathy, but from everyone I talk to who has a car with a screen, if they have CarPlay/Android Auto they couldn’t do without it, and if they don’t have it it’s the biggest thing they wish they had.

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Less China bashing requires less actions that require bashing.

That is 100% cokeheads in a board meeting looking for anything that might stick reasoning right there

With it being a free product, it must be very valuable for them to have you use it.

Just remember that when using edge or chrome.

This is a great point as well, but I think a large point they were trying to make is conservatives have made a point of hating her and making her a point of their ridicule with almost no solid basis to stand on.

They just react to her name and initials as a dog whistle, without any of the reasons you’ve listed.

I will have to disagree with him.

Certain aspects of humanity are making us extinct, but really one that it can all be boiled down to: greed.

Corporations, ultra-rich, industry and certain nations have a lot more to do with the planet dying than we as a society should have to bear blame.

This whole act of we’re all to blame needs to end. They’re to blame. They’re killing us. They’re killing our kin, loved ones, future generations.

This is where it needs to stop. If it doesn’t stop the planet will do it for us.

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Well for most of the war Ukraine was supplied with arms on the condition they only be used to defend.

UN/US/UK/UKnowwhoelse didn’t want to poke the nuclear armed bear. And I get it. I really do.

But that can only hold for so long.

I’m glad Ukraine is bringing the war to the Russian citizens feet, and not just the poor who are paying with their young males in the ground in the war, but to the city dwelling people who actually can start to grumble and make a difference if they don’t feel comfortable.

It’s not worth it for free.

The grift is on hard.

Xbox’s subscription service didn’t stop Bethesda’s RPG from dominating sales charts last month

The myth being that game pass nukes sales.

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Payola by any other name.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

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I’m not a huge conspiracy theorist, but considering the c-level execs pulled their investments before all these announcements, it’s not out of the question that they could tip people off to short the company as well.

Hell the realist in me sees the fines these guys get and they see it as a cost of doing business.

It’s a shame that Oculus was gobbled up by them, and a shame that they seem to be the only ones capable of making an untethered unit.

I’ve used the quest, and could take or leave the built in stuff, mostly leave, but the untethered desktop VR experience was something else.

I just won’t ever buy a Facebook product.

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Oh the guy who took advantage of people in his country to undercut people of other countries while pocketing the difference?

Oh yea. Bet that guy worked his fucking ass off and isn’t a complete scumbag.

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I think this could have been smelled in the water for a long while. Tim Cook was trusted to steer the rudder but his specialty is supply chain management, and I don’t think anyone can say he’s done a bad job.

But. On the R&D side I don’t think people could say he’s done a great job.

The ideas have dried up. When you go “safe” at CEO you make money, but you limit your ceiling, which, once again, with Apple is already breaking the mold.

Consumer electronics is saturated. There is little to no breakthrough there anymore.

Evolution is outside that, but outside that might not be in Tim Cook or Apple’s executive suite’s realm anymore.

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Slides from 20 years ago.

This is news, yes, especially considering that Apple made a deal with the devil considering its new self-reported bloom as privacy focused.

But news headlines are acting like Apple just said this today, and that is complete headline bait.

As Ricky Gervais said, (paraphrasing) do Abrahamic religions believe in any of the hundreds of gods before their one god? Well I don’t believe in just one more.

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Even better, the tickets are nowhere near $50 most of the time anymore

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Why in the pissity-fuck would I take life advice from Google, Google applications or an AI trained by Google.

That is so far out of the question for what I find reasonable

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It’s because infrastructure spending, especially repairs or preventative maintenance, isn’t a vote getter. It’s not flashy, so it doesn’t get the focus it should.

By the time our representatives have funded their pet projects, and their donors projects, they aren’t going to award a large chunk that’s needed for these repairs.

That is.. until there is a catastrophe close to home. Unfortunately that’s when we’ll likely see action. But it’ll be myopic, and focus only on one specific thing, leaving another unattended.

And those who were waiting for Steam may have just heard the announcement about it likely coming to Game Pass in 2024.

They’ve waited this long, why not a a little longer.

You don’t even have to do any of that, when it prompts for a Microsoft account put in nonsense, like Then whatever for password. Keep trying to sign in with it until should prompt you to put in a name instead and set up a local account.

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That’s not how this works at all.

There are plenty of ways to deal with this, and issue a death penalty to the corporation while not punishing the workers:

  • Forced turnover of executives and board members (with jail time and high % fines), corporate watchdog for x amount of years

  • Dissolve the mega-corp into smaller corporations, and/or force all subsidiaries into a planned disengagement from parent company

  • Bail-out in the form of state ownership by government buying majority stake

In any of the above, or even in a complete mega-corp dissolution the demand doesn’t disappear. If you want to have the argument that these “oh so wonderful stewards of business” are the reason people have jobs in the first place, you can’t ignore that demand is the reason those very same executives have jobs too.

If they tear it down, someone will build something else to replace it.

Good catch. It’s been some time and I was way off. Just checked their menu and it’s 60 days. wayyyy off

I was taken to a very expensive steak restaurant once, and while others got more expensive cuts I got a 10 oz California sirloin aged 8 years in house.

I love steak, I loved steak, I will always love steak, but every steak from that day has to measure up to that one and never will.

I’m so glad I had the experience, but I don’t have $280 to blow on steak each time I want it lol.

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It’s a bunch of bean counters seeing trends in the markets, seeing others cutting jobs and following suit.

Bull, bear markets, trends, the whole thing is fucked.

It’s spoken about like it’s some mythical, mysterious thing and the government can try to rein it in with their levers if they must as a last resort, because we mustn’t interfere with the markets unless the outlook is bleak.

Give me a fucking break. Is anyone buying this anymore?

The old rich fucks and their old rich fuck friends and their old rich fuck companies, investment firms, hedge funds, whatever else their wrinkly old hands can get on they will move in their directions as they choose.

They don’t lose at this game and they’re pulling away at an outrageous rate, they’re killing us and the planet while they’re at it. They don’t even have to. They don’t even fucking have to. The people who have the shortest time left here are trying to suck the most out of it before they leave and leave way less of it for the rest of us.

I don’t know when others will start getting mad, but it’ll probably be too late.

Trimps. I’m hopelessly addicted.

For a company with already terrible QC that’s a lot more things to go wrong for buyers unfortunately

It’s hard to describe the motivations, history and contemporary of Alberta’s decision making, but I’ll try in as few words as possible:

We have difficult to extract crude that makes our rednecks 6 figure a year rich when oil is high. When oil isn’t high those rednecks make us pay for it in every way possible.

For more info: If you understand that, and why everything outside of Edmonton/Calgary (the two cities) is boom/bust on oil, you understand the dichotomy of the voting blocs, and their respective parties.

Now understand that those right leaning parties has their sects of right and this nu-right, but lost an election (which didn’t go over well with those that don’t take well to losing elections). So the right parties formed a new party together.

This new party has been deeply unpopular outside of the people who vote for them, and have left the rest of Canada with their jaws hanging. Other conservative governments have been able to pass by nearly unnoticed during this time even while doing some deeply, deeply shady shit. Doug Ford’s (yes, brother of the famous crack smoking mayor of Toronto Rob Ford) Ontario conservatives recently sold of environmentally protected land with no environmental survey done to determine which would best be sold to friends of the Conservative Party who are at a particular gathering. But this is B news in Canada due to Alberta.

The Alberta government has already played with destroying public healthcare in several ways, lets gas companies skip out on their billions in gas well clean up, and is run by a literal, and I do mean literal, conspiracy theorist.

This area is one of the most gorgeous in the country along its west borders, has some amazing culture, better people, and is one of my favourite places to visit in Canada. They just have an issue with some unhappy people who want to kill us all for profit.

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