Colombian leader summons intense oratory for a bleak warning: that humanity is making itself extinct to World – 143 points –
Colombian leader summons intense oratory for a bleak warning: that humanity is making itself extinct

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I will have to disagree with him.

Certain aspects of humanity are making us extinct, but really one that it can all be boiled down to: greed.

Corporations, ultra-rich, industry and certain nations have a lot more to do with the planet dying than we as a society should have to bear blame.

This whole act of we’re all to blame needs to end. They’re to blame. They’re killing us. They’re killing our kin, loved ones, future generations.

This is where it needs to stop. If it doesn’t stop the planet will do it for us.

But if you recycle and don’t use plastic straws, you can save the world from pollution!

True for example straws could be repurposed into an fibre, woven into a rope, and tied around their necks.

I understand the point, but if we all would only buy enviromentally responsible stuff, they manufacturers would be force to only produce in a sustainble manner

Problem is that so many can even afford food, let alone sustainable food/things...

And between buying sustaibable stuff and daying of starvation and buying normal stuff you know what we will all do.

I’m off for everybody chipping in enjoying their part and recycling in buying better quality things whatever they can afford. The problem is 70% of the pollution comes from large corporations. It’s their product. And somehow the responsibility has shifted on the common person. It’s like asking me to pay for an oil spill in my backyard because the company is oil rigs are in my town, polluted my ground water. That’s definitely not my fault or something I had control over.