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Joined 1 years ago
  1. Decide on a random N and what tails (even) and heads (uneven) mean.

  2. Each party generates a random number

  3. Combine the numbers with a conmutative operation of some sort, the harder the operation the better.

  4. Take the hash N times. (Can be done independently by each participant)

(4.5) optional: for extra robustness, do some hard-to-calculate transformations to the result of 4. (Can be done independently by each party)

  1. The final result is either uneven or even === coin toss. (0 will be treathed as even*.*)

This is not infalibe, one party could get all the numbers a precalculate a answer to get a specific result but they will need to randomly try numbers. adding some timing constrains, using big numbers and hard operations would make that sort of attack not really practicable.

Nice question, had fun thinking about it!

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There are always older peeps in rave, festivals, concerts, discos... no one cares, and to be fair, I don't think most people in communitiy would take kindly to ageisim. Enjoy!

This whole threat is a HUGE circle jerk and a collection of all the "I USE ARCH BTW" variations imaginable.


Come, not everyone is a computer nerd, nor everyone ones to optimize 30s in the workflow if it means memorizing a bunch of commands, their syntax and options.

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I mean, tbf, you do not need live ammo to make a film... The other examples do need -want for the private case- so I do not think is comparable.

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Proxmox for the the hosts, Debian cloud imagen for the VMs and docker inside

Yo, best response ever

Hey OP, could you send some links about QAZWSX? I coulndt find anything

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Frirefly iii. You will have to self hosted tho. It has a web interface. But Im not sure about mobile

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Only in the south, acording to my experience

Spanish, but only from my region:

"You are worth dick": You are worth nothing

"You are not worth dick": You are worth nothing

So basically to be worth dick and not be worth dick is the same.

We also have some variation like

"You are [not] worth three trip strips of cock": same meaning.

A bonus, not related to genitalia:

"Go get your hair brushed by a donkey": Stop pestering / go fuck yourself.

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Early checkout?! I havent been to a hotel that restricts when you can check out, some have just boxes for the key cards.

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At the very least, you need to keep an eye on it. Just seeding can be insufficent because of speeds, competition and popularity of things you download.

Is it a lot of effort? Probably no but in my case any effort is too much effort. Is just not my thing. I admire the spirit but I don't have it in me.

You can also host your own, check out radicale! Is quite simple.

I'd to ask what should then we do in case of a dictatorship, for example? Just lay down and fear the F-35s?

Yes, even if everyone has a wallmat glock we'd outgunned by a mile by let's say the military, but also you can't just bomb and kill the shit out of your labor and infrastructure — I mean, you can, also you can bomb and kill enough to get them to submit, but that is just not something you can just keep doing indefinetly. It is also very hard to maintain a economy going with a big insurrection going and there is were guns bring a point, they give you at least a figthing chance, way better than nothing.

I'd also like to point out the ad hominem of calling the hypotetical gun owner a "McFucksHisSister" it brings nothing of value to the conversation.

I also do not belive carrying a gun around is something needed -by almost anyone- but ownership is important.

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I recently open a intagram account again... Is just easier to keep in touch with old friends there, also tbh easier to have contact with girls. I try no to scroll there tho.

Doesn't really apply in this situation, does it?

I just don't have the time for it or well, I do, but I don't wanna put effort into mantaining ratios and whatnot. I have stuff to do that I enjoy more than be part of a internet club.

But that's just me.

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There is no "indian" languaje, there is a myriad of languajes spoken in india, what you might be refering to is hindi, which is very wildly spoken.

I have two indian friends that speak english with each other cause their native languajes are so different that they do no understand each other and one of then do no speak hindi.

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Is running a docker container a lot of overhead?

Ernestly asking, since my opinion is skewed cause im use to running containers.

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Most tutorials only want clicks and for it to "work"...

Pretty frustrating.

For a developer is kinda easy to go to the EU. Search for "Blue card". If you get an offer that pays enough the requirements are less and you get faster roadmaps for permanent settelment.

The biggest problem would be to get the offer from abroad but it is doable if you're skills are inline with the market.

Aw man, I missunterstood everything :(

NL is tolarated but technically still ilegal, CZ also have some THC products, but only really little THC content is allowed.

In germany is kinda tolerated also, if the police catch you with some probably nothing will happen -except if you live in sights.. Bayern-

0 Pillows 1 Arm

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Chaos, not anarchy!

I'd like to agree with you, but given the experiences and horrors carried out by the military in my country (not the USA) I just can't. I guess I agree with your last sentence, and I really hope you guys (whoever is reading) do better than us.

Not very important, even if generated by a single actor N has not such a big importance. If I were implementing something like this I'd just probably make it -hardcoded-.

If you reaaaallyyyy want to decide on a N on the fly, I'd put a restricction (a

I understand the point, but if we all would only buy enviromentally responsible stuff, they manufacturers would be force to only produce in a sustainble manner

Problem is that so many can even afford food, let alone sustainable food/things...

And between buying sustaibable stuff and daying of starvation and buying normal stuff you know what we will all do.

Tbh I know that only cause I made the same mistake and one of those two friends explained to me!

It might work with people you know but is harder to convince people you just met, that's the reason I still use Whatsapp and recently opened an Instagram.

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Either you run the RP in the VPS and point to the ips on your server or you run it on the server and access it like you are accessing Jellyfin.

Easiest option is a container with Nginx proxy manager (imo) with NPM you can get free let's encrypt certs, but be aware, in case you want automated certificates, NPM will need to run on the machine pointed to by the DNS (in your case, your VPS I guess)

We have a development system for python on Windows at work, works very well also.

On linux is one pip install, buy maybe first do a venv^^

South america!

I didn't know that also works in Portugese!

The original is: "Vaya a que lo peine un burro". Bit of a hard translation and also is always formal (usted).

Man, I couldve written that, I understand you so much

Mostly the features. But if you only need/want a basic system, I agree the local file is better.

Yes, but doesn't that also apply for a machine running bare git?

Not containers also adds some challenges with posibly having dependecies problems. I'd say running bare git is not a lot easier than having a container with say forgejo.

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You can. Up to 7.

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I do have both.

I didnt say anything about the interoperability. I can imagine some wins... but nothing game changing tbh.

People stop buying things because they've detached from social media

What do you mean by that? Social media is quite popular.