
15 Post – 1040 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Heather Wells bit, kicked and spat at staff as she reportedly attempted to open the front cabin door mid-flight

Yeah, nah. Stick her down with super glue if you have to at that point.

So remove the leaders of both sides.

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Religion, not even once.

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Younger generations overwhelmingly want independence.

The issue is to renounce claims to the mainland is that China will invade, and as articles like this show that is going to remain a concern.

So status quo continues to prevail, but that’s got like 1 or 2 elections left before younger voters are too hard to ignore.

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Someone needs to stop these vile fucks. Israel is going to kill millions if left unopposed.

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Always a good sign!

You okay there Italy?

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During our interview, Altman repeatedly declined to answer the main question on everyone’s’ minds: exactly why he was fired to begin with.

He doesn’t explain shit.

Come on valiant Israel defenders? Where’s your comments now?

Fucking disgusting, I genuinely hate Israel 100% these days.

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Why would she ban her voters?

Nothings gonna change unless something changes.

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Is that any worse than any other animal being farmed?

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That’s some good parody.


If anyone bought avo on toast to the world it was that entitled fuck who said to stop buying if we wanted a house.

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Mario, Bowser, and Peach are playing pretend wars over nothing, whilst hanging out every other weekend.

Meanwhile thousands of Goomba, Koopas, Shyguys, et al. die in these senseless acts of violence to sate the twisted desires of the rulers.

I sense it’s time for revolution.

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The teenager, who is of Chinese ethnicity, identified as a white supremacist

I don’t get people some times.

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“Disposable” vapes are a blight, so good riddance.

As reported by Guangzhou Daily, Lin Zhiyong, the chairman of a company that makes paper for various devices, told his workers that their year-end bonuses had been canceled. Instead, the money will be distributed across each coming month, and how much employees receive will depend on how far they run.

He literally canceled their bonuses and said “lol go run for it dipshit”

Imagine getting your bonus cancelled and told to go do more work to get it back.

Fuck this guy and fuck Chinese labour standards.

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Technically impressive but also fuck this kid for all his counts of spreading ransomware and stealing user data to hack their accounts too.

A draft law introduced on Wednesday seeks to protect the country's "cultural roots" by promoting "traditional" Christmas and Easter celebrations.

Shouldn’t they go back to worshipping the Roman gods in that case?

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India assassinates a Canadian, got caught, and is complaining?

Fuck India and Modi.

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Go Belgium!

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Call for violence against ethnic minorities: silent

Call for violence against monarchs: action

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Oh so they just have a big list of every Hamas member and can vette them from name alone?

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Aren’t horses expensive as fuck to keep?

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Right it’s welfare making people poor, not corporations pocketing nearly all economic growth for the last few decades.

If the Taliban take over Australia I’ve got bigger issues to worry about than my domain name.

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Uh mate, you might be forgetting this doozy of an embarrassment from a few years back:


Tankies are authoritarians, the left/right angle doesn’t matter there.

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Germany you need to be better, losing by 4.6% is fucking disgusting by how close that is.

Obviously mass protesting is not working, up your game in stopping Nazis.

Sounds like they need to kill more cartel members. Best of luck to them.

Pie in the sky mega projects won’t save us.

Honestly even humouring the idea is frankly dangerous, the only thing it will do is let shitheels kick back and do nothing because it’ll totally be taken care of by X.

Reminds me of all the Liberals (right wingers) in my country pushing carbon capture technology as the solution and undoing all the work done by the Greens.

Do they expect them to grow wings?

Can’t go north, can’t go south, can’t go central, can’t go down, where are they meant to go?

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Oh and before and scum try and defend Israel, this was in the West Bank not Gaza.

Oh and if you want to do the “b-b-but they’re investigating it!”

Israel rarely prosecutes such cases, and human rights groups say soldiers rarely receive serious punishments even if wrongdoing is found. In a high-profile case, an Israeli soldier was convicted of manslaughter and served a reduced nine-month sentence in jail after shooting a badly wounded Palestinian who was lying on the ground in 2016.

Japanese stans are next level crazy. Like the stories of idols being murdered and shit by crazed stalkers, I don’t get what breeds this level of extreme response to media.

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That is such a clickbait title.

Nuclear is extremely expensive to build and takes a long time, is this truly wise for a country in the middle of an active war?

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Brandner – who has been learning-disabled since being hit by a car at the age of 17 – was sucker-punched to the ground. “Wankers!” screamed his tattooed assailant. “Come on – three on three.”

Do Germans normally call people wankers?

Mozilla makes hundreds of millions from Google. Every single person could stop donating and they would continue along just fine (Well the CEO might need to take a 10 million yearly pay cut).

What weird is seeing people champion the enshittificstion of FOSS software.

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Frankly that sounds like the sort of bullshit I’d hear from Greenpeace.

Even if that were true, have you seen say a chicken farm? Workers will cruelly abuse the ever living shit out of these animals for no reason.

I wouldn’t say it’s worse than…

The chickens at the farm were filmed being kicked, thrown to the ground and having their necks broken for fun.

“I hate it when their heads come off,” one female worker says in a clip.

“Yeah, it feels good, look,” a male worker replies.

“Oh, you’re cruel,” the woman say as a chicken writhes on the ground. The other workers can be heard laughing as they all watch the hen


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