
1 Post – 647 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lmao they had so many chances to codify everything and never did. They'll just throw it as yet another carrot on the stick and use it for election propaganda. "Vote for us if you want us to codify that" and then after elected they'll just act like it never happened.

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Yeah.. sure. Not a tankie, I'm European and don't care about influencing you to vote for one or another. But after seeing Biden "debate" Trump I know the dems are fucked. I mean sure, still go out and vote, but I honestly don't see many people doing so.

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I'm not buying this shit.

So the blog post just states that the phrase isn't illegal to use but the state still decides to "investigate" its use often by using force, arrests, and by searching peoples' homes, confiscating their electronic devices and so on. It's good to hear that the "Verfassungsblog" argues that its use isn't generally illegal, but also states that the current police proceedings are going to great extent to intimidate people

The US let its rabid dog off the leash again.

Or any other troops overall. War sucks. Many young people end up as cannon fodder.

Apparently not. Talk to our government officials. According to them "from the river to the sea" constitutes praising terrorism.

Here is the press conference, in German. The subject is discussed from the given timestamp (5:50) to around minute 20. https://youtu.be/lBmDdNZmToU?si=PqnNvXxDdyXkrbqN&t=351

Nothing new for the apartheid entity.

Using the slogan “from the river to the sea” or posting the red triangle 🔻 will also count as praising terrorism. I’m not even joking. I watched the press conference where the government spokesperson confirmed this. As such they’ll be able to deport you for using “from the river to the sea” or for even liking a post using it.

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As of today they’re also expanding deportations. If you are caught using banned slogans on social media such as from the river to the sea and you’re a foreigner you will get deported for “praising terrorism”. Some politicians argue that even as much as a like will be enough for the authorities to throw you out of the country.

And if you have double citizenship and you got your German one as of this year, they will be able to cancel your citizenship if you’re ever convicted of questioning Israel’s right to exist.

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And who represents Europe as a whole? Aryans?

Germany doesn't recognize Palestine's right to exist. It's only fair Germany gets deported

Look who's using human shields now. The most moral army in the world.

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the phrase “from the river to the sea” is not illegal praise of terrorism in Germany, even if you may have heard so from your equally misinformed bubble

Oh yeah, my misinformed bubble, the official government press conferences: https://youtu.be/lBmDdNZmToU?si=rsLM5CyTSjEFxBTI&t=353

Or DW https://www.dw.com/en/german-cabinet-backs-deportations-for-praise-of-terrorism/a-69480819

I've seen people (including jews) getting fined for hate speech for an instagram story containing just "from the river to the sea palestine will be free" From now on, that will also come with a deportation.

The highly esteemed german courts will have the freedom to decide what fits into which context. A social media like will land you in court. Saying that hamas committed terrorist acts but also that it is a resistance movement spawned out of the oppression will also land you in a court because any nuanced discussion is too much for the german intellect and instantly means "pRaIsInG tErRoRiSm".

I can't wait to see all the neolibs that clapped when the greens and the social democrats passed these laws, when the AfD gets in power here (which will definitely happen sooner or later, following the EU wide far right movements) and when they decide to reinterpret those "contexts" their highly esteemed german courts like to discuss so much. I'm sure this draconian stuff won't backfire. But hell, who cares, it's only Ausländer getting the short end of the stick anyway.

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I'm part jewish, european, anti hamas, pro palestine. Why wouldn't I be allowed to show my support for Palestine? Israel is trying to starve out two million people with a siege and I am not allowed to say anything about it?

Don't forget, people. It's always projection with conservatives. Next time you hear one scream about pedos, might as well start looking at their hard drives :)

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Ah, the "free speech absolutist" doing completely free speech stuff.

This is what transphobia has to offer. Transphobia and TERFS are inherently misogynistic because they start to attack every single woman that doesn't fit into the worldview of a few people.

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Remember when they shot a journalist in the head and provided a fake investigation into it that they then took back but still concluded in the end that the journalist was at fault for getting shot?

Remember when they crushed a 23 years old woman from the US to death with a bulldozer because she was protesting the demolition of palestinian homes, then they started an "investigation" where they found out they hadn't done anything wrong because they didn't see her even though the woman has been protesting there for hours and the soldiers that were there testified that she was being a nuisance for hours?

Remember the laws they passed that let the IDF destroy palestinian homes if they deem by internal investigation that they're somehow connected to "terrorism"?

Remember the laws that let IDF soldiers shoot kids if they throw rocks at soldiers in occupied territories?

Yeah... just a few bad apples.

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Are you even following the news? The EU is handing out fines like there's no tomorrow.

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So this is exactly what we've been saying from the beginning. They were never looking for peace. They just need more land to annex.

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Amazing. Losing democratic rights quite quickly up there in the UK, I see.

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It's crazy how this makes headlines around the world, yet we've had cops behave ten times worse with protesters here in Germany and it never leaves fringe news outlets. Not even one big German news outlet explicitly talks or goes into details on the cases of brutal police violence happening here. It feels like I'm living in a dystopian future. Beware, this is coming to you too.

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So Israel is just being a pariah of the world as usual. Nothing new.

As of now Slovenia, Spain, Norway, Ireland, Malta, Trinidad and Tobago have announced they will soon start recognizing the state of Palestine. That brings the number of countries that recognize the state of Palestine to around 150 countries out of 193 countries in the UN.

Not only that but around four fifths of the world population lives in these countries. So an overwhelming majority both in the UN and on a population scale recognize them.

With that being said, let's go Israel. Be more of a pariah than you already are. Close yourself off from all these countries. Shoot yourself in the foot.

I mean this isn't anything new. We've known this since at least 2015 when ex-IDF top brass officials that worked in Gaza during the occupation have come clean about it in interviews. And the motivation behind this is also logical. The palestinian authority was playing the white man's game. They were going through the UN, filing motions against Israel, passing resolutions, and so on. Hamas is much easier to deal with. They don't bother with all that civilised bureaucratic stuff, in part because no one recognizes them anyway. It's easier to drop bombs on Hamas than on PA officials and thus continue the illegal occupation. As the current Israeli president has put it in an interview before: "Hamas is an asset" for Israel. [1] They're easier to work with.

[1] https://theintercept.com/2023/10/14/hamas-israel-palestinian-authority/

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Separation of church and state and all of that...

Sadly the denazification was overall a joke and not a success as many claim it to be. The trials held were just for show. Barely any people ended up paying for what they did. Most people that collaborated with the nazi party just signed a piece of paper saying they weren’t Nazis and they were good to go. No such thing as real denazification ever happened.

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And rightfully so. The US isn't the world police and doesn't have the right to block entire countries just because they feel like it. Just imagine China or Russia doing the same to some random European country. The double standards speak volumes. This is not the way.

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This is how america is destroying its youth and their future just because they refuse to comply with their racist demands. This is how the entire world sees america.

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So the CEO is a raging alt-righter. Glad I never used his product then.

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Gen Z software engineer here. From what I can tell my generation doesn't care that much about company loyalty and all of that jazz. That's true for me as well. Companies have a soulless aspect to them. I can't put my soul into that. If another place is willing to throw more money at me, I will take it. Sure, if my workplace is extra nice I will think twice about it, but most of the time it isn't.

Then there's the lack of investment in the younger folks on the part of the company. No mentorship programs, a lack of workshops, etc. Our input isn't taken into account and is often overlooked. That's not the right way to show young people that you care about them or their future. In turn they won't care about you or your company's future.

Also the fact that people tend to bring their politics to work is a big problem for me. This is especially true with the boomers in the company. They love to stroke their right-wing, often bigoted political opinions in front of us at work. Mostly in the form of complaining about whatever they saw today on Instagram or Facebook. Now this isn't inherently a problem that can be brought up with HR, mostly because they do it in a subtle and veiled enough manner that there's not much you can do about it. But I'd say that personal politics is another big factor for me. It makes me not care that much about the workplace/company as a whole.

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Main Character Syndrome

"Controversial" to some people, maybe. It has been a thing for a very long time now. Direct quote from the article "The program had been around and available for all age groups for years". If you look at the sex ed class in itself, it contains nothing controversial at all. It's just christian and muslim fundamentalists that disagree with it. I guess that teaching kids how to recognize sexual abuse is not in their interest.

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“Majority of Americans think dungeons and dragons is a threat to the national security”

Already starting to lose democratic rights I see. Wasn't that guy supposed to be a so called libertarian? I thought they hailed themselves as these bastions of freedom in politics.

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Now imagine this image came out of Russia, it would be plastered on the covers of all magazines as the western world would stroke its ego dick around this image. But I guess it's not coming out of Russia now, so it's irrelevant. (Not that I support Russia lol, fuck their fascist regime too)

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University Network for Human Rights, the International Human Rights Clinic at Boston University School of Law, the International Human Rights Clinic at Cornell Law School, the Centre for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria, and the Lowenstein Human Rights Project at Yale Law School

Crazy. I never expected to see big Ivy League school names there but here we are. Even the most status quo and US aligned universities are now calling it a genocide.

Apple still advertises on Twitter. We need a website that tracks all of these companies that still advertise on that pro-nazi platform.

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our society is a Judeo-Christian society and we have a moral compass.

And here I thought the US was a secular country. Very worrisome that some government employees are using these words.

Americans' obsession with Jesus and the Bible is so weird.