11 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

As The Intercept pointed out this week, this is Israel's 9/11 in that it is a horrific event they didn't see coming, but when you stop to look at the powder keg they created, they absolutely should have.

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I'm a year into developing my first game though and this means I don't have to abandon all the progress I've made. After I publish this game, all bets are off as to where I go...or should I say where I godot.

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Unity: Everyone really seems to hate EA

Also Unity: Let's hire the CEO of EA


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Before we just dig in and point fingers, maybe we can get on the same page? Nobody is saying murdering babies is ok, as others pointed out, that has not been substantiated. Assuming we're all against murdering innocent people, the point of the chart/linked article, is to understand the circumstances that make a powder keg for violence.

Think of it this way: pointing out that having a table full of wood shavings and gasoline out in the sun is likely to cause a fire is NOT pro-fire or justifying fire; it's pointing out the conditions that foster the growth of fire because you want less fire to exist in the world.

I'm really hoping some of the bigger Unity devs, like the people that made Rust or Among Us sue, as most of us don't have enough money to even stand a chance in court against Unity's lawyers...especially once they have all that nice runtime money to spend. 😒

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The video was more than I could have even hoped for: ignoring a pregnant woman who asked her to stop, taking flash photo selfies, getting felt up in a crowded theater, and flipping the bird to the poor people who work there chef's kiss

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Certainly Godot is the safer bet (probably why they are surging so much more right now), but Unreal is nowhere near as bad as Threads. Unreal is open source, and the license specifically forbids Epic from making retroactive changes like Unity just did:

  1. The Agreement Between You and Epic

a. Amendments

If we make changes to this Agreement, you are not required to accept the amended Agreement, and this Agreement will continue to govern your use of any Licensed Technology you already have access to.

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Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Unless you have anything to do with Unity, because there are no winners in this shitshow.

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For that thing that killed hundreds of monkeys? Yeah, sounds like a great plan.

You're right, they're absolutely collecting data, but saying they can't differentiate between activations and then saying "oh yeah, actually, we can when it comes to (piracy/bundles/charity/etc.)" less than 24 hours later tells me that not only do they not care about game devs, but they think we're stupid too.

Seriously, tech enshittiffication is feeling all too familiar.

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Microsoft is like a super clingy ex.

€10 may not be much, but as a broke gamedev student, I'm really hoping this Unity exodus is just the boost Godot needs to become more competitive with Unity.

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Until the US passes laws designed to make the main purpose of homes to be housing, and not just profit for the already rich, millennials, Gen Z, and anyone else not already house-rich, will forever be locked out and forced to pay their hard earned wages to the rich just for the luxury of not being homeless.

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As if we needed more proof he's just running for a position in Trump's white house

It was only ever able to provide ≤17% of the needed power, without this and with Israel shutting off power, the humanitarian crisis there is going to skyrocket.


Simon Caine makes the best videos revealing the crazy shit big tech does. I'm looking forward to the companion videos on Zuckbook and Twitter

Privatization is such a scam.

~Great White Buffalo~

"We're sorry..." /South Park

Mostly. The runtime fee now only kicks in after $1 mil, and you are limited to a 4% cap, and they are honoring the old EULAs, so if you want to avoid the fee, you just stay on the current version of Unity. They can still eat my farts, but this is much better and won't kill a bunch of games the way it would have before.

Reminder that nothing will change without public pressure.

If you're in the US, you can easily find and write your elected reps here:

You can also find local groups like the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (in the UK) or the DSA (US) organizing protests you can participate in as our voices are louder in numbers.

I really don't want you to be right, but I'm super convinced that you are.

Good point, they can't both be true...but they CAN both be false. I'm hiring you as my lawyer.

Very cool and normal 😐

Looks like he blue himself

Another good reason not to use Google products

This is the perfect answer.

Even easier, set your phone dns to an ad blocking dns. I like to play the generic charades games with my partner.

Yeah, Mailspring is what I use currently, but the sidebar pretty much just shows the list of e-mails, no other data, but it is the best of what I've found on my own.

Seriously, if you see war break out in a different country, and your immediate reaction is to blame a guy who works at your local Jewish restaurant -- or even worse, his kids -- there's something wrong with your brain.