Stretching the definition of an antique "meme", but here's an image from 2016 about a message board gag in 2006.

The Picard to Antique Memes – 827 points –

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The thought of clicking on some random.exe hurt me a little inside...

So much trust, or ignorance, or both lol

How do you think we got to this level of distrust?

Even then was a bad move. Speaking from experience.

When we were kids we'd download Trojans with fancy UIs for pranks from random websites and install them on each others computers.

How that didn't massively backfire I have no idea, I mean it was before internet banking or even really buying stuff online but still. Yikes.

Abuse of trust by hackers, scammers, thieves and other scum on the internet that try to min-max criminality.