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Joined 11 months ago

Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

I'm not sure but, I always recommended Mitm for it's ease of use, I tried fedora, didn't like it, will likely never use it again. First impressions are a pain cause if you fail the first impression you lose before you begin. It could be an amazing system but, it was a bigger pain to setup and get going plus had less resources for me to get started while using more lesser known tools that wern't easily transferrable from the previous systems I has tried.

The fact that I can't tell if you are joking or if there's actually a car wash mode scares me lmao

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I'm not sure of the complaint, is the tag not accurate? If you use AI to make something are you not making it with ai? Like if I use strawberry to make a cake would the tag made with strawberries be inaccurate?

Like I failed to see the argument, if you don't want to be labeled as something accurate don't use it otherwise deal with it.

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I exclusively use it because content creators I follow are stubborn and won't leave the platform. I regret every time I'm forced to open it because it's mostly spam now, but they won't go elsewhere

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I mean it gets the point across, regardless of the service dog or a pet(which shouldn't be in the TSA security line in the first place cuz generally airports will have a designated drop off or require Kennels) , in this case it doesn't matter how dense you are, it's clear: do not pet the dogs, if the reader wants to say that it means no petting dogs on the entire trip, the airport doesn't care as long as you're not petting the dogs at the airport, and therefor not getting in the way of procedure or causing a potential safety issue for the port

especially with mobile phones now, look at iPhone for example, it's so user friendly that if you try to do anything remotely advance you need to jump through hoops to do it. I had a sales person try to tell me that the iPhone was expandable because it had cloud storage capability, they didn't know what a Micro SD card was and that it used to be able to go in all the flagship phones. Pretty disappointing

Most features that smart phones had. Most prodomimantly the micro SD card slot, headphone jack and IR blaster.

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what's even worse is the facr that if they ruled transport was clock in time everywhere would magically be embracing work from home.

Dude what ad ridden hellscape is that site, ublock pinged 45 ads on that page just on load lol

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as hostile as people are to block chain due to NFT's and bad implementations, the technology itself has its use cases. It's a great solution for information exchange that requires verification and Immutation. This makes them perfect for ledgers or transaction networks.

It's just there is so much bad PR regarding it everyone just discredits it. Not all of the block chain technologies are massively energy intensive per transaction, it's just many of the cryptocurrencies use the most intensive one because it's also arguably the most secure

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yes it's a real thing, it's part of the HP ink program, they disable printers when your payment method rejects or you cancel the sub

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I urge everyone to accept this, then flag every email as spam and just have it move to junk, that's what I do on sites that enable predatory things with email

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how did we end up in a reality where people are actively defending a 70$ release priced game that is single player AND has micro-transactions. A game like this should be thrown into the garbage and everyone should be unified on that. Like it being single player ALONE should make it so it doesn't have MT's but it has both SP and a 70$ price point?

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people talk about how big AI is but, It'll crash like everything else as enshittification hits. I tried to use Bing AI the other day for the first time in a few months, it didn't even let me do more then a handful of entries before locking me out saying I used too many queries in 24h. How is that supposed to be helpful to a consumer as a valid feature of you lock it down.

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I don't think banning them but, going the direction the EU did would bd nice, large vehicles require a different class license I've been told

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man, they've change so much since 2017, where they were giving VIP membership out for free as a Christmas gift. Now they're making it so can't access the API for free anymore as a Christmas gift to themselves lmao

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Wait Amazon isn't classified as a distributor? wtf that's litterally it's entire buisness model

I mean, I think the only proper response to this is just a boycott or a straight ban on companies that do that in the states. It would let smaller companies slide in, or other competitors take over. Currently it's a contest between the two companies and their customers, just don't buy if they don't have the features, companies will either revert the decision or pull out of the regions.

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Obviously Xbox will counter with taping a duck to one and have it cost 5.5k as well claiming that its slimmer but is more powerful, don't worry there is a turkey version as well for 7k that's faster!

so freaking true, then by the time it's over you have formulated a plan and already forgot core details of the beginning of the convo

My security is fairly simplistic but I'm happy with it

  • software protection

    • fail2ban with low warning hold
    • cert based login for ssh (no password Auth)
    • Honeypot on all common port numbers, which if pinged leads to a permanent IP ban
    • drop all firewall
    • PSAD for intrusion/scanning protection (so many Russian scanners... lol)
    • wireguard for VPN to access local virtual machines and resources
    • external VPN with nordVPN for secure containers (yes I know nord is questionable I plan to swap when my sub runs out)
  • physical protection

    • luksCrypt on the sensitive Data/program Drive ( I know there's some security concerns with luksCrypt bite me)
    • grub and bios locked with password
    • UPS set to auto notify on power outage
    • router with keep alive warning system that pings my phone if the lab goes offline and provides fallback dns
  • things I've thought about:

    • a mock recovery partition entry that will nuke the Luks headers on entry (to prevent potential exploit getting through grub)
    • removing super user access completely outside of local user access
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good, I'm sick of companies being like "hey here's the new version of insert product that worked in every category here, as such as are not supporting the old device anymore, but don't worry the new version has sparkles on the menus!"

I wouldn't count on that, if the rumor mill of windows 12 being a subscription model ends up true, it will be recieved far worse than 11 did.

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Many changes start with people posting about it, like it is very likely if this blew up Google would modify the search term to include the help line for both, so I disagree that it is bullshit in that regard regardless of OP's intent

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is there a TLDW for the people who can't watch videos?

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"I miss my Activate windows to continue watermark, my desktop isn't complete without it!" - End User

I report it/flag it as it can blacklist the domain server side due to reports

Honestly if a telemarketer called while someone was actually an emergency and they explained that the telemarketer would probably hang up if that's their usual response to anything that deviates script lmao

I'm only on windows because it's easier for my setup and game support. The second that becomes costly or annoying is when I nuke my C drive and reinstall Mint. I used to use it as my daily before I started gaming heavily, I can easily go back.

I supported it but, I stopped playing, not enough to do. Graphics are insane but, little to no actual content aside from ships that you need to pay real money for. The constant dB resets prevent me from ever really grinding the game, what's the point of it will just reset next major update. I personally think the game is going to flop due to this.

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unless that comes with either a 600-700$ decrease in price or the readdition of a microSD card slot I'm not interested.

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What is sad is this already can be done, but parents are either not educated in the process of how or don't care enough to.

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Do keep in mind, it seems like protonmail is considered a whitelisted domain in the eyes of lead that's running that project. I say this because if you go under the issues page of it and then select the whitelist issue which is the issue that he uses to keep track of every domain that will not be blacklisted, protonmail appears there. That being said the others don't appear.

I would much rather have to deal with digital tags then stupid paper based ones. If they were done properly it should just be a simple "update price" and it sets to both. With paper tags you have employees that don't update all locations so you get discrepancies.

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I didn't know that the game still was running, it's basically non-existent up here. Must be super popular in the populated areas still.

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it had a sensor for it, it malfunctioned, now why it wasn't turned off while the tech was in there is another story. If they were testing it, they should have been a safe distance away or had it mostly powered off. This is just unsafe work environment.

this is how it should be anyway, you do not want any ledger or database to be mutable because it allows for integrity violations and will cause you to lose the ability to trust it. Even non-blockchain styles follow that principle.

I think better checks is must have. I live in a dark blue state and, my uncle (who is a diagnosed schizophrenic to the point where he's not allowed to have a job because he can't tell what is real versus what the voices in his head is telling him) is able to walk a few miles down the road to the gun shop walk in and be out with any gun of his choosing in roughly 30-40 minutes, and he has done so on more than one occasion.

What's even more obnoxious is the gun shop owner who we know as a family friend, finds it funny. I find it fucking scary.

reminds me of discord

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oh look it's that yearly thing that they do. if only there was punishment for it happening, but alas nothing will ever change.

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